
Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Your situation must be taken seriously." The doctor said to Wang Qiang solemnly.

The story takes place on a rainy weekend, and Wang Qiang, a sales manager at an advertising agency, hurries home on an electric car.

Who knows, the rain was like a pour, the ground was slippery, the wheels were slippery, and he accidentally fell. His knees and elbows were so badly bruised that he had to go to the hospital to treat his wounds.

In the hospital's emergency room, the doctor looked at his bandaged wound and frowned slightly.

When he went upstairs to treat the wound, the doctor suddenly noticed that Wang Qiang's face and complexion were not quite right, so he asked him to do a physical examination by the way. After the results of the physical examination came out, the doctor had the sentence just now.

"What's the situation?" Wang Qiang was confused, didn't he feel like he had just fallen?

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

The doctor stared at the report and said slowly, "Your blood pressure is ridiculously high, and it has reached the range of high blood pressure. This is not a fall, but a long-term unhealthy lifestyle. ”

Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment. He is only 35 years old this year, and he usually feels that he is in good health, but he didn't expect to have high blood pressure.

"Do you drink a lot?" The doctor continued.

"Drink occasionally," Wang replied humbly, in fact, his "occasionally" is at least three or four times a week, and drinking is indispensable for work and friends.

"It's common knowledge that drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure," the doctor shook his head, "but you have to quit not only drinking, but you also have to quit another kind of thing." ”

Wang Qiang looked at the doctor suspiciously, not knowing why.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

"It's salt," the doctor said, "and you're taking too much salt." A high-salt diet is closely related to high blood pressure. ”

Wang Qiang was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "Doctor, salt? Why haven't I heard that eating salt can still cause high blood pressure? ”

The doctor nodded solemnly and popularized the relationship between a high-salt diet and high blood pressure to Wang Qiang.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

Wang Qiang recalled his eating habits, he really likes heavy food, often puts a few more spoonfuls of salt when stir-frying, plus various pickled products, snacks, and takeaways, the salt intake is indeed not low.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

The doctor went on to explain to him some things about high blood pressure and diet.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

"You need to do more than just quit alcohol and eat a low-salt diet," the doctor concluded, "but also develop good lifestyle habits, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, eating less high-fat and high-sugar foods, getting the right amount of exercise every day, maintaining mental balance and a regular schedule." ”

Wang Qiang nodded, feeling that he had been taught a vivid health lesson by the doctor.

He was determined to change his lifestyle, starting with abstinence from alcohol and a low-salt diet, and gradually developing healthy habits.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

At this time, someone asked the doctor curiously:

"In addition to abstaining from alcohol and eating a low-salt diet, are there any other common bad habits that increase the risk of high blood pressure?"

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

The doctor smiled and replied, "Of course, what many people don't know is that excessive caffeine intake can also cause blood pressure to rise." ”

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

"There was a patient who had to drink three cups of coffee every morning, and as a result, his blood pressure was persistently high, and then he quit coffee and his blood pressure returned to normal." The doctor gave an example.

Wang Qiang decided to change his lifestyle with his wife and children after returning home, and everyone would move towards health together.

A few days later, Wang Qiang participated in a physical examination organized by the company. At the physical examination site, he met several colleagues, and everyone chatted about health while queuing.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

"Lao Wang, you have a good complexion, you look very good." A colleague said.

Wang Qiang smiled and replied: "I found out that my blood pressure was high after I fell last time, but now I have stopped drinking and less salt, and my life is much healthier." ”

Director Li next to him also came over, his expression a little serious: "I have a deep understanding of the high blood pressure you are talking about." "Director Li is a veteran of the company, and he is constantly socializing all year round, and he is seen at the wine table almost every day.

Wang Qiang and other colleagues asked curiously, "Director Li, you also have high blood pressure?" ”

Director Li nodded and sighed: "Don't mention it, two months ago, I suddenly became dizzy and went to the hospital for a check, and my blood pressure was frighteningly high." The doctor said I had to quit drinking, and I knew I was drinking too much. What surprised me the most was that the doctor also told me to eat less sweets. ”

"Sweets?" Wang Qiang asked in surprise, "Sweets can also cause high blood pressure?" ”

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

Director Li nodded and said, "Yes, the doctor said that excessive sugar can lead to obesity, which in turn leads to high blood pressure. Moreover, sweets can cause fluctuations in insulin levels, affecting the health of blood vessels, and in the long run, blood pressure will naturally rise. ”

At this time, Sister Zhang on the side also joined the discussion. Sister Zhang is the company's personnel director, and she usually has a lot of work pressure, and her diet and living habits are also a little disordered.

She lamented: "I am also the one who suffers from high blood pressure. The doctor told me to pay attention not only to salt and sugar, but also to eat more potassium. ”

"Potassium?" Wang Qiang asked suspiciously, "Why do you want to eat more potassium?" ”

Sister Zhang explained:

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

Wang Qiang suddenly realized that he had really learned a lot this time.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

Several people were chatting energetically, when a young man with an anxious face walked in at the door of the physical examination center, and he was holding a middle-aged man, looking very nervous.

"Quick, help my dad take a look, he just fainted suddenly." The young man said anxiously.

Paramedics quickly took over and sent the middle-aged man to the emergency room. It turned out that this middle-aged man was Master Li, an old employee of the company, who usually worked diligently, but his health has not been very good.

After a while, the doctor came out and told everyone that Master Li's condition was stable, but he needed to be hospitalized for observation. Master Li's son breathed a sigh of relief and asked the doctor about his condition.

The doctor explained: "Master Li's high blood pressure is already very serious, and his fainting just now was caused by a sudden increase in blood pressure. This time the situation was dangerous, but fortunately the hospital was sent in time. ”

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

Everyone gathered around, and Master Li's son asked puzzledly: "My dad doesn't usually drink much and pays attention to his diet, how can he have such serious high blood pressure?" ”

The doctor nodded and said solemnly: "In addition to drinking alcohol and diet, there are many other causes of high blood pressure. Have you noticed that Master Li drinks a lot of coffee every day? ”

Master Li's son suddenly realized and quickly nodded: "Yes, doctor, my dad drinks at least two cups of coffee every morning." ”

"That's the problem." "Excess caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing the heart to beat faster and blood pressure higher. Master Li consumes too much caffeine every day, which is also one of the important reasons for his high blood pressure. ”

Everyone was terrified and said that they wanted to get rid of their bad habits. Wang Qiang deeply feels that health really needs to start from every detail. Seeing Master Li lying on the hospital bed, he strengthened his determination in his heart.

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"

A few months later, the company organized another health lecture, this time with a special invitation from the hospital's cardiovascular experts.

The expert mentioned a typical case at the beginning: "There is a patient surnamed Chen, his high blood pressure is very serious, and the cause has not been found. Later, after a detailed investigation, we found that he drank four or five cans of sugary drinks a day. ”

Wang Qiang suddenly remembered that his children at home also like to drink sugary drinks, and decided to pay attention to the children's eating habits after returning home, so as not to let the problem of high blood pressure repeat itself in the next generation.

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Ancient Oasis

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"


[1] Liu Fang, Zumrat Abdukeim, Mao Ying, et al. Analysis of influencing factors of prehypertension in the community and establishment of risk prediction model[J].Practical Preventive Medicine,2024,31(07):787-792.)

Drinking alcohol induces high blood pressure? Is it true or not? Doctor's Message: Not only to quit drinking, but also to quit "this kind"