
The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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One morning, all of a sudden, dark clouds and torrential rain poured down. Aunt Zhang, over 60 years old, is a retired teacher.

Today, she rode an electric scooter to buy groceries, but she fell down at the bend because of the slippery road, and her arms and legs were bruised on the ground and covered in blood. Aunt Zhang endured the pain and went to the hospital.

In the hospital, while treating her wounds, Dr. Liu found that her skin was unusually pale and her blood pressure was a little high, so he asked her about her daily habits.

"Aunt Zhang, do you usually exercise? What about eating habits? Dr. Liu asked with concern.

Aunt Zhang sighed, "Sports? I'm old, and I don't have much energy. Usually I take my grandchildren, do housework, and make do with meals. ”

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Dr. Liu nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "Actually, have you noticed some elderly women who are still very healthy and don't get sick often?" ”

When Aunt Zhang heard this, she became interested, "Yes, my neighbor Sister Wang is, she is almost 70 years old, and her health is very good, and she has not been sick all year round." ”

Dr. Liu smiled, "That's right, their health status actually has a lot to do with several habits. ”

Aunt Zhang's eyes lit up, "What habit?" Tell me, Doctor Liu! ”

Dr. Liu smiled and began to narrate: "According to research, most women who are still healthy after the age of 60 have these three habits. First, they all have regular schedules. Second, they focus on a nutritionally balanced diet. Third, they maintain a positive attitude. ”

Aunt Zhang listened carefully and nodded.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Dr. Liu continued: "Let's talk about regular work and rest first. As people get older, the quality of sleep decreases, but the duration and quality of sleep are very important for the repair of the body and the maintenance of the immune system. ”

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Aunt Zhang thought thoughtfully, "However, sometimes it is very late to take grandchildren, and it is difficult to fix the schedule." ”

Dr. Liu nodded, "It is true that there are many factors in life that affect work and rest, but it is the key to try to maintain a routine. For example, after waking up every morning, you can do some light activities, such as walking and doing exercises, to keep your body active. ”

Then, Dr. Liu talked about eating habits:

"Let's talk about food. The body's nutritional needs are different from those of the younger people, especially the intake of calcium, protein and vitamins. Many healthy elderly women are very particular about their eating habits, not only focusing on balanced nutrition, but also trying to avoid foods high in oil, sugar and salt. ”

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Aunt Zhang nodded yes, "That's right, my neighbor Sister Wang, drinks milk, eats eggs, eats fish at noon, and eats fruit at night, which is really particular." ”

Dr. Liu smiled, "That's right, this kind of eating habit is very helpful for maintaining health. Studies have shown that a balanced diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. ”

Finally, Dr. Liu talked about the importance of mentality, "Another very important point is a positive attitude. ”

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Aunt Zhang thoughtfully, "That's right, Sister Wang is usually very optimistic, she is not impatient when she encounters anything, and her attitude is very good." ”

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Dr. Liu nodded and said, "Yes, a positive mindset can enhance the function of the immune system and reduce the risk of disease. Studies have shown that people who are in a good mood have a lower chance of developing chronic diseases. ”

In order to make Aunt Zhang more aware of the importance of these habits, Dr. Liu also talked about a specific case.

A 66-year-old Aunt Chen has maintained a regular schedule since retirement, waking up on time and going to bed on time every day, paying attention to a balanced diet, and maintaining a happy mood every day.

As a result, during a physical examination, all her indicators were very normal, and the doctors were surprised by her physical condition.

After listening to these cases and explanations, Aunt Zhang was deeply inspired and decided to change her lifestyle habits from today. She understands that health and longevity are not only based on luck, but also on a scientific lifestyle and a positive attitude.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

How to maintain healthy lifestyle habits in a busy life?

Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits requires a certain amount of self-discipline and time management, especially in a busy life.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Maintaining a positive mindset is key. In the face of stress and challenges, try to maintain an optimistic attitude and learn to self-regulate your emotions.

After listening to Dr. Liu's advice, Aunt Zhang was determined to maintain a healthy lifestyle in her busy daily life.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

She knows it's not easy, but she also understands that only persistence can see results. So, she started from the following aspects:

1. Set a reasonable timetable

First of all, Aunt Zhang decided to make a reasonable schedule. She keeps her daily routine in order, trying to go to bed before 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. Although she sometimes needs to take care of her grandchildren, she tries to get the rest of the family to cooperate and help her maintain a regular routine.

In order to ensure that she has enough time to rest, Aunt Zhang has also learned to allocate her time wisely, reduce unnecessary social activities and leave more time for herself and her family.

2. Maintain an appropriate amount of exercise

Next, Aunt Zhang began to do a moderate amount of exercise every day. She chose walking and tai chi as her main forms of exercise because they are of moderate intensity and have a good effect on all parts of the body.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

Aunt Zhang walked in the community for half an hour every morning to breathe in the fresh air, and at the same time met some like-minded friends, and everyone exchanged health experiences together. In the afternoon, she would do tai chi in the park near her home, which not only made her body more flexible, but also made her mood more happy.

3. Pay attention to a healthy diet

In terms of diet, Aunt Zhang began to pay attention to nutritional balance. She eats protein-rich foods such as eggs, tofu and fish every day, increases her intake of calcium, such as milk and dairy products, and eats more fresh fruits and vegetables, and reduces her intake of foods high in oil and salt.

Aunt Zhang learned to make some simple and nutritious meals on her own, steaming, boiling, and stewing food, and trying to avoid frying. At the same time, she also pays attention to controlling the amount of food, does not overeat, and eats seven points full at each meal.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them

4. Maintain a positive attitude

She began to participate in some interest classes, such as calligraphy, painting and dance, to cultivate her hobbies.

Whenever she encounters troubles, Aunt Zhang will choose to communicate with her family and friends, and talk about the troubles in her heart instead of holding them in her heart. In this way, her emotions are well released and her mood becomes more pleasant.

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Ancient Oasis

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them


[1] Zhou Fukai. Wuhan University of Science and Technology,2023.DOI:10.27380/d.cnki.gwkju.2023.000620.

The study found that women over the age of 60 who have never been sick have these three habits, see if you have them