
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

"What are these two little bottles?", "My mother's life-saving medicine, she is very sick and has to wait for my medicine to be treated". The airport customs staff looked serious and let her go.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

In 1957, a woman returned to China smoothly at such an American airport, and her two "small bottles" were indeed the medicines that "treated" China at that time. Who is this woman who delivered medicine to her mother?

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Lin Lanying's background

Speaking of Lin Lanying, she is really a legend. She was born in Putian, Fujian Province in 1918, and her family did not worry about food and drink, but she caught up with a traditional concept of "not allowing women to study". Everyone in the family thinks, girls, why do you learn so much? Husbands and children are the right way.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Lin Lanying has been unwilling to be trapped at home as a "good wife and mother" since she was a child. She was full of spirit, and felt that the outside world could not help but see. She locked herself in the house without eating or drinking, and made it clear that she would not let me study, and everyone would not be happy. The family saw that she was so determined, so they gave in and let her go to school.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

got this precious opportunity to study, Lin Lanying is like a fish in water, and her academic performance is a bargain. I passed all the way, was successfully admitted to university, and was also qualified to study in the United States. In 1948, she became the first Chinese to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Ouch, at that time, she really made the whole family have more face.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

After receiving her doctorate, Lin Lanying joined Sofinia as a senior engineer. She led the team to successfully manufacture the first monocrystalline silicon, and soon applied for two patents for the company. Lin Lanying's name is well-known in the physics world, and the company also favors her, raising her salary from time to time, and her position is constantly rising.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Decided to return home

Lin Lanying is so popular in the United States, with an annual salary of 10,000 US dollars, and her position is rising, the company is simply spoiling her, for fear that she will run away. Just then, she received a secret letter from her homeland.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

The letter was written with real emotion, and the last sentence "The motherland needs you" directly hit Lin Lanying's heart. After reading the letter, tears fell from her eyes. This sentence directly hit her soft underbelly and instantly activated all her patriotism. Our motherland was so poor at that time that it was in urgent need of top talents like Lin Lanying to support the scene.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Although life in the United States is comfortable, Lin Lanying knows that her roots are in China and should be in China in the future. So, she decided to return to China and get rid of her high-paying job, only getting a salary of 207 yuan per month, and she did not hesitate to plunge into the motherland's science and technology career.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Difficult journey home

After Lin Lanying decided to return to China, this road was really not an ordinary bumpy road. At the beginning, she used the banner of "her mother is seriously ill" and wanted to return to China smoothly. As a result, the company not only did not release her, but also generously said that it would take her mother to the United States for treatment and provide the best medical conditions. The company was really reluctant to let her go, and even thought of this trick!

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Lin Lanying's determination is iron-clad. Seeing that she had made up her mind, the company invited a group of Chinese compatriots to persuade her. Everyone persuaded her to think twice: "Dr. Lin, if you return to China, all the honor and benefits here will be gone!" Lin Lanying smiled and said, "What are honor and interests, the motherland needs me, more important than anything else!" ”

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

The soft ones don't work, and the company starts to come to the hard ones. They threatened: "If you dare to go back, all your achievements and reputation here will be erased, are you really willing to pay such a big price?" Lin Lanying thought to herself: "Erase it, erase it, anyway, I'm not rare of these." "Her determination is simply admirable.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Finally, she packed her luggage and left after finishing the affairs of the United States. On the day she arrived at the airport, she was already very cautious, but she didn't expect to be targeted. When she passed through customs, the staff let the other passengers go and left her alone, knowing in her heart that this was coming for her.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

The staff opened her suitcase and stared intently when they saw the two small pill bottles in the suitcase. At this time, Lin Lanying was so nervous in her heart, her palms were sweating, her face had to remain calm, and she said to the staff with a smile: "You have to be careful, this is my mother's life-saving medicine." ”

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

The staff checked it several times in disbelief, but finally found no problems and let her pass. Lin Lanying breathed a long sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced in her heart: the two small medicine bottles can be regarded as saved!

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

After returning to China, she donated the two small medicine bottles to the Chinese Academy of Sciences as soon as possible, which contained 100 grams of silicon single crystal and 500 grams of germanium single crystal developed by her. These scientific research materials later became the key to semiconductor science in mainland China, and also made her name forever in the scientific community.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Selfless dedication to return to China

After returning to China, Lin Lanying immediately began scientific research work. She is like a high-speed machine, working hard in the laboratory every day. Her goal is very clear: to carry out China's semiconductor materials research, so that China will no longer lag behind other countries in this field, so that China can stand tall.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Together with her team, she worked day and night, and finally came up with a series of top-notch semiconductor materials. These materials have become the hardcore cornerstone of the mainland's electronics industry and aerospace technology. Lin Lanying's name is therefore known as the "mother of semiconductor materials" and "the mother of space materials", which is not a nonsense.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Her research results have filled the gap in China, and many foreign scientific research institutions have been impressed by her and expressed their willingness to cooperate. Lin Lanying is very modest, she always says: "How can I do it myself, everyone's credit!" I just did what I had to do. "Everyone is clear in their hearts, without her leadership, these achievements are not even thought about.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Lin Lanying not only made great contributions to scientific research, but also treated students like a child, and did not hide anything from theory to practice. She often said: "You are the future of this country, you have to learn your skills well, and contribute to the motherland in the future!" As a result, she has cultivated a large number of top students, all of whom have become bigwigs and academic leaders from all walks of life.

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection

Lin Lanying has never been married or given birth to a baby in her life, and she has devoted herself to scientific research. She was asked, "Don't you feel lonely?" She replied with a smile: "My children are my scientific research results, my students, they are all my family." ”

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection
In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection


Giving up high salaries abroad, bringing "a dose of fierce medicine" to the country, having no children all his life, dedicating all his energy to science and the motherland, without them, how can we be now.

Here are the sources of information:

The pioneer of semiconductor materials in mainland China - Lin Lanying - Banyue talk

In 1957, a woman was returning to China to go through customs when she was suddenly stopped and rummaged through her bag for inspection