
I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

author:Dr. Qi's words are still there

Now that it's the annual graduation season, there will be a large number of college students entering the social work and life.

But the current employment situation itself is very grim, so some iron jobs are becoming more and more popular, such as teachers, doctors, and civil servants.

Every year, more and more people are applying for medical school, and the number of people taking public examinations is also growing. But I don't know how long the iron rice bowl of these three professions will last, after all, the official financial pressure is relatively large.

It was also suggested that, if necessary, the fiscal crisis could be resolved by reducing spending on education, health care and the public service.

However, these three occupations are very important, and if it really comes to the point of laying off employees to ensure financial stability, then which profession is better to cut?

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

1. All three professions are important

Let's first briefly understand what the meaning of these three professions is. The first thing to talk about is definitely teachers, because teachers are really related to the fortune of the country, and the large number of teachers, the more excellent teachers can emerge.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Under the influence of these excellent teachers, more top talents can be cultivated, which is a major event related to the future development of the country. Therefore, the mainland has always attached great importance to the development of the education system, and the country has opened professional normal colleges in almost every province.

The total number of normal colleges and universities across the country has reached an astonishing level. These institutions are able to produce a large number of young teachers to enter the education system every year.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

At the same time, the government has provided a variety of support for young people who want to become teachers. In particular, there will be a lot of targeted subsidy measures for teachers who are willing to go to remote areas to support the development of the education industry, so the number of teachers in the mainland is very large.

In the perception of many people, as long as you can become a teacher, you will be able to protect your income from drought and flood. Although being a teacher may be hard, being a teacher can also enjoy the winter and summer vacations every year just like the students.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

And the teacher's salary is not low, and there is perfect insurance. This is also the fundamental reason why the profession of teacher can be welcomed by so many young people.

With that out of the way, let's talk about doctors. The profession of doctor is also a profession that is just needed, because as long as people are likely to get sick, people are not divided into classes and wealth in front of illness, even if they are emperors in ancient times, they will still get sick when they should be sick, so the medical industry is indeed a fairly stable industry.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

As long as their children can go to medical school, and successfully get a doctorate and get a doctor's license, they can ensure that they can ensure income during drought and flood.

Moreover, the mainland is rapidly entering an aging society, and the physical functions of the elderly themselves will decline severely, and the possibility of illness will be greater, so the demand for medical resources in the society will only further increase in the future.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

The mainland has a very systematic medical system and education system, so the profession of doctors is also very popular and respected in society.

The average income of doctors is also much higher than that of other professions, and sometimes they can earn all kinds of extra money.

And the last civil service is even more critical. Strictly speaking, civil servants are probably the most important of the three professions we are talking about today, because the number of civil servants will be directly related to the administrative efficiency of a country.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

If there are enough civil servants and good enough official staff, then administrative efficiency can be improved.

The improvement of administrative efficiency has a positive effect on economic development and social development, which is why the country has been expanding the recruitment scale of civil servants for so many years, and has also released more and more positions for young people to apply for.

Some graduate and doctoral students who graduated from top universities will also choose to take the public entrance examination, because the profession of civil service is stable, has a lot of income, and is popular. Moreover, the state also encourages a large number of talented people to enter the civil service.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

However, it is true that the annual expenditure on medical care, education, and administration accounts for the majority of official expenditure. Then, if one day it is necessary to streamline the establishment and save the budget, I am afraid that the only thing that can be laid off is teachers.

Second, teachers can only be laid off

Education is indeed the focus of official development, but we must see that the mainland's education industry as a whole is shrinking.

Because the number of newborns in China is decreasing, which means that the number of children going to school will be smaller and smaller in the future, and it is difficult to say whether we can reverse the decline of negative population growth.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

In other words, today's education industry is almost saturated, and even some kindergartens across the country have closed down. So at the necessary time, some unnecessary teachers and educational institutions can be laid off.

But this does not mean that the entire education system is being stabbed. It is some teachers who have proven to be incompetent, and those who are the best teachers, they should be retained.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Many people may say, then why not lay off civil servants and doctors? This is mainly due to the fact that doctors certainly cannot be laid off, and the current situation on the mainland is that the number of doctors is insufficient, and the distribution of medical resources is very uneven.

A large number of medical resources are concentrated in the city's tertiary hospitals, while the number of doctors in lower-level medical institutions is even smaller. After all, it takes too many resources to train a qualified doctor.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

If a doctor only graduates from a bachelor's degree, he is not qualified to practice medicine at all, and at least he has to go to graduate school and get a license to practice medicine, so it is very difficult to train doctors. It is unrealistic to lay off the group of doctors.

The impact of the civil service cuts is too great, and now so many young people apply for the civil service examination every year, and even some fresh graduates do not even find a job after graduation, and take the civil service examination full-time.

If we want to reduce the number of civil servants recruited now, or even lay off some civil servants, what should those young university students think?

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

And what if the administrative system is really cut down, resulting in a decrease in administrative efficiency? That's the big deal. Therefore, in such a comparison, a small number of teachers are laid off, which is in line with the status quo.

But layoffs alone won't solve all the problems. If possible, it would be better to use other ways to solve the fiscal crisis, such as expanding revenues, by cutting no system at all.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Third, increasing revenue is the top priority

Now the government is also trying to find various ways to solve the problem of land finance. For example, we should strengthen budget management in the financial area and improve the system of budget management.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Under the link of implementation and supervision, more efforts should be made to ensure that all kinds of official funds can be used in a standardized manner. In this way, we can effectively improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of financial funds.

At the same time, there are other ways that the authorities can take to solve the problem.

For example, to stimulate the consumer market, such as lowering the interest rate of banks, to catch up with more funds into the consumer market; For example, creating more jobs and raising the basic income of residents can play a role in stimulating the consumer market.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

If consumption increases and business activities increase, then the tax revenue collected by the government will also increase, and the government's financial problems will be solved. So stimulating consumption is also a good move.

And the last one is to cut some unnecessary spending. This expenditure does not mean the reduction of the staff of the various institutions, but the cutting of the entertainment of some units and the purchase of various equipment.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Of course, for the government, it is also possible to solve the financial problem by changing the way the city's industry is located. Nowadays, many cities on the mainland will have a land finance crisis, and the main reason is that they have been overly dependent on land finance.

Officials at all levels make money by selling land. However, once the real estate economy is unstable, then these crises will break out one after another.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

However, there are not as many officials as imagined in the land finance crisis. For example, many cities in the south have already solved their financial problems by developing cultural tourism, engaging in scientific and technological innovation, and establishing new industrial systems.

Therefore, some cities that rely too much on land finance can also find ways to increase their income by carrying out industrial transformation and building technology industries. This is a truly usable path to a positive cycle.

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

When there are financial problems in the government or the company, it is true that it should be engaged in open source and reduce expenditure, but we must pay attention to the key points, and the focus must be on the first two words of open source, and increase income through a series of reforms; Throttling is a last resort after the failure of open source.

Moreover, there are many ways to reduce expenses, and it is not necessary to lay off employees. For example, if we really want to attack education, health care, and the civil service, what will happen to the teachers, doctors, and civil servants who are forced to be laid off?

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first

Many of these people have been working in their systems for decades and don't do anything else. Suddenly let them lose their jobs, and it will cause a serious unemployment crisis, so what kind of way should we eat these unemployed?

Therefore, if we do not do a good job of attacking these three major systems, we will have to cause a new social crisis. If the government had to pay for more unemployed people to subsidize the unemployed, wouldn't it be worth the gains?

I can't afford it! There is too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined first


It is too early to discuss whether to lay off teachers, doctors or civil servants. In some places, there is indeed a problem of land finance, but this problem is not fatal.

And if something really happens, and there is the central government, the state will not allow a large-scale debt crisis to occur.

Some cities, which previously relied heavily on land finance, have also launched transformation plans to establish new economic development models.

It is believed that with the gradual implementation of these industries, the land financial situation will definitely improve in the future. When the time comes, when the income goes up, there is no need to think about layoffs.

Dr. Qi said that he can't afford it anymore on 2024-04-23! Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be streamlined?

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