
Compensation of 900W, a godsend opportunity for Fat Donglai!

author:Yan Comb Building
Compensation of 900W, a godsend opportunity for Fat Donglai!

Author | Yan Da

On weekends, gossip.

It's been a few days, and Fat Donglai's compensation of 900W is still on the hot search.

Eating a bowl of rolling dough for 8 yuan, I didn't eat a few bowls of noodles by PUA, and I was directly compensated 1,000 yuan, this kind of pie in the sky is a good thing, I have never encountered it in my life.

Looking at this hot search, it is the melon-eating audience who is envious and drooling, and it is the public relations and bosses of other companies who are secretly hot in their mouths, especially other supermarket owners.

This operation, you can't simply say that he is public relations, it has completely exceeded the level of public relations, professional public relations people are in tears, and professional supermarket people are ashamed of themselves.

Those who didn't eat dough rolling in Fat Dong and those who didn't eat dough rolling were silent.

The ins and outs of the matter are extremely simple, a small group of people reported to Fat Donglai that the joint operation of the dough rolling shop processing plant was actually a dirty and messy small workshop, and posted the video to the Internet, after Fat Donglai verified, directly opened the catering department supervisor and quality controller, all the management above the squad leader was dismissed, and the year-end benefits of the four store managers were cancelled;

At the same time, the whistleblower was rewarded with 100,000 yuan in cash, 80,000 yuan after tax deduction, and all customers (8,833 copies) who had consumed during the period were refunded and compensated 1,000 yuan, totaling more than 9 million.

To be honest, it is almost an open secret that many small workshops and food processing places are dirty and messy, and it is extremely common.

Who doesn't understand? I understand everything, but I can make it with my eyes closed, and I can't think too much, and I may starve to death if I think too much.

Thousands of words are combined into one sentence, and good is out of sight.

But when it came to Fat Donglai, who did not play cards according to common sense, the whistleblower was also very confused.

Fat Donglai regarded him as a "whistleblower", and was rewarded with 100,000 yuan, and the following is a tax payment certificate.

Compensation of 900W, a godsend opportunity for Fat Donglai!

More than 8,800 people who ate the rolling dough are even more happy to welcome the pie in the sky (of course, it is not excluded that some individuals have eaten two bowls of noodles), and the dough of 8 yuan will make a net profit of 1,000, who would have imagined? This real cowhide is estimated to be able to blow for a lifetime.

To be honest, this kind of "unconventional" operation can't be described with the word tween, and it's more dreamy than dreamy.

A small workshop that makes dough rolling is reflected to be dirty and messy, and Fat Donglai directly compensates customers who feel embarrassed.

Shouldn't the routine be a direct solution to the person who asks the question?

And then deny that the source of the dough is not a small workshop? Or simply spend money to delete posts on the platform and ask the water army to irrigate?

In the era of information fragmentation and explosion, most people follow the rhythm anyway, and if this matter is not known to everyone if Fat Donglai himself announced the processing results, it is estimated that there will not even be a bubble on the Internet.

Therefore, the pattern is often something that is there and there is not, and most people can't teach it, and it's in vain to teach it.

Fat Donglai didn't choose the easiest - to solve the person who raised the problem;

Instead, choose the hardest one – be honest, be open, and solve the problem that is discovered.

The person who asked the question as the "whistleblower" of his own company, and spent a huge amount of money to refund the customer, this kind of sincere way beyond the norm, directly put everyone away, and even the customers who got the compensation were very embarrassed, some netizens jokingly said that after getting this "ill-gotten gain", they spent it on the spot in Fat Donglai, and also "upside down" more than 300.

Intellectually, it was an extremely successful PR exercise, but it went far beyond the PR itself.

To borrow someone else's words, this is the ultimate strategy of attacking and defending, and the artistic component is higher than ten floors.

Fat Donglai's hot search has hardly been interrupted since this year, and it is an extremely positive and successful model, and many companies have visited and studied on site.

At the same time, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, the tree is big, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring, after all, there are few people who can make money by opening a big supermarket now, and Fat Donglai not only makes money himself, but also the income of employees far exceeds that of his peers.

But the more famous the company, the more likely it is to be knocked off the altar by some seemingly trivial but bullshit things.

Therefore, this time, Fat Donglai used ultra-high standards to deal with a rolling dough workshop incident, and the target is the corporate image, and there must be no risk.

After the ultra-high standard disposal, there is an explanation to the outside world, and the gold body of the brand is successfully protected, and the internal and high-demand quality control is consistent.

Strict rewards and punishments, but also to the treatment of the management and employees of Fat Donglai, who far exceed their peers, poured a basin of cold water, sober and sober, the team will be better led, and the company will be easier to go far.

In the end, the excess sincerity was exchanged for the recognition of consumers, and it is estimated that many people want to go to the Fat Donglai supermarket overnight to queue up.

There is another layer of deep meaning in such a high-standard handling of the dough rolling incident.

Some time ago, Fat Donglai blew up the Yonghui supermarket in Zhengzhou, and the salary of employees was directly raised from 2500 to 4500 a month, no more than 8 hours a day, and 10 days of annual leave were added, and nearly half of the hardware facilities of the original supermarket were updated, adding tobacco and alcohol cabinets, rest areas, cooked food areas, and so on.

In fact, other supermarkets can do the above, which is not unusual, but why does the performance of other supermarkets not necessarily improve after doing it?

The key point is that in terms of the details of Yonghui, the number of single products off the shelves in terms of product structure is 10,841, and the off-shelf ratio is 81.3%!

The number of single products re-planned was 12,581, and the new single products accounted for 80%, and the product structure reached more than 90% of the product structure of Fat Donglai.

These are the core parts, although Fat Donglai did not go out, but Fat Donglai's self-operated products with a name went out.

After being reformed by Fat Donglai, Zhengzhou Yonghui sold 1.88 million on the first day, almost 14 times that before the adjustment!

After the explosion and reform, Yonghui is actually the bottle is still Yonghui, and eighty percent of the things in it are fat Donglai, and these fat Dong's self-operated products will explode wherever they go.

Therefore, looking back, why did Fat Donglai make a super-high-level disposal for a joint venture dough rolling workshop, and draw inferences from one another to find out the quality control of all merchants in the catering department?

There must be no problems in the core link, and the slightest problem will be related to the survival of the enterprise.

This is what consumers care about the most, after all, which supermarket can't buy the same thing, why do you have to buy it at your house?

The main focus is the reputation and image that Fat Donglai has established for a long time, and has been subconsciously trusted and recognized by consumers!

Once this recognition is subverted, as a supermarket industry, the company will not be far from bankruptcy.

The dough rolling incident is not only not a bad thing for Fat Donglai, but a godsend.

just poured cold water on Fat Donglai, and clearly saw the problems in the underlying links.

The strict disposal process is far more effective than the usual daily meetings to emphasize quality control.

At the same time, with the ultra-high compensation of 900W, the advertising effect is also maximized.

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