
A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

author:Yongchuan release
A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

June 29th

The first China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week

Young Filmmaker Support Program

Grand launch in Yongcheon

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

This event united the Chongqing Avant-garde Art Film Festival

and Chongqing Youth Film Festival

President of China Xia Yan Film Society,

Jiang Ping, a national first-class director, attended relevant activities

Let's discuss the future development of film art

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

The event was jointly sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Chongqing University, Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, and Yongchuan District Party Committee and Government. In addition to Jiang Ping, Feng Yedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing University, Yan Gongjun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, Huang Xiang, Vice President of Chongqing Radio and Television Group and Chairman of Film Group, and Chen Song, Chairman of Major (Chongqing) Meishi Film Academy, attended the launching ceremony. Zhang Xiaomei, member of the Standing Committee of the Yongchuan District Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, delivered a welcome speech.

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

Zhang Xiaomei pointed out in her speech that Yongchuan has always paid attention to young rookies and lifted new forces in the construction of Western Science and Technology Film and Television City, and has successively set up a digital cultural and creative fund of 200 million yuan, issued the "Incentive Measures for Literary and Artistic Creation and Literary and Artistic Talents", and built a "one-stop service for film shooting" platform, providing all-round support, all-factor guarantee and full-chain services for young filmmakers from the stages of pre-script project establishment, mid-term film shooting, and post-production and publicity. During the first China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week, Yongchuan, Chongqing University and Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese jointly launched the "Young Filmmaker Support Program", aiming to create a platform for the growth of filmmakers with youthful vitality and national influence through school-local cooperation, policy presentations, project roadshows, creative training, etc., in order to tap and encourage more youth forces with creative potential, and discover and incubate more masterpieces with wonderful creativity.

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

On the same day, the launching ceremony of the Young Filmmaker Support Program, the press release, opening and film collection channel launch of the 6th Chongqing Pioneer Art Film Festival, the introduction and launching ceremony of the 11th Chongqing Youth Film Festival, keynote speeches by industry experts, the exchange meeting of young filmmakers' creative support, and the roadshow of the "Pioneer Action" support project for young filmmakers. Among them, the "Pioneer Action" support project for young filmmakers gathered 10 groups of young film creators from domestic colleges and universities in China, and completed the 5-15 minute short film project planning and script within 10 days. After layers of selection, the shortlisted works and teams were invited to the event site, and carried out project roadshows and displayed creative achievements during the event. Not only that, the outstanding team will also use the high-end technical resources of Yongchuan Technology's film and television industry to complete the filming of the work, and obtain further exposure and career development support in the industry.

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan
A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

The Chongqing Avant-garde Art Film Festival and the Chongqing Youth Film Festival both originated from two universities in Chongqing. Chongqing Avant-garde Art Film Festival, originated from the Meishi Film School of Chongqing University, the film festival aims to tap and support young art film talents, promote the development of art films, encourage the creation of excellent art films at home and abroad, and incubate high-quality art film projects, promote the integrated development of art films and industries, and promote international cultural exchanges and cooperation. Through five sessions of the film festival, it has become one of the largest film selection, screening and exchange activities in Chongqing and the most influential in southwest China, and has been listed as a key project of the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Film Industry in Chongqing", and a key support project of Chongqing's film "Fuyao Plan". At the same time, with the support of the film and television digital technology of the Meishi Film School of Chongqing University and the Chongqing Key Laboratory, the Pioneer Art Film Festival will become a high-quality film festival combining academia and technology.

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan
A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

Chongqing Youth Film Festival, led by the School of Journalism and Communication of Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, aims to encourage filmmakers to better express themselves, participate in artistic creation, and help the development and promotion of high-quality films. Since 2014, the film festival has been successfully held for 10 sessions, carried out international film and television project exchanges with 26 countries and regions, linked more than 100 universities around the world, organized more than 850 series of film and television cultural activities, screened more than 1,000 domestic and foreign films, and the number of offline participants exceeded 500,000 and online participants exceeded 280 million. In 2022, Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese will join hands with Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism, iFLYTEK, Jiazuo Media and other government, school and enterprise resources to jointly build the International Film and Television Industry College and Western Film and Television Translation Center, creating a precedent for intelligent translation, promoting the landing of nearly 20 high-quality film and television works in Latin America, and practicing the historical mission of international communication of Chinese film and television with the light of science and technology.

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

The first China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week

Cooperation with two major film festivals in Chongqing

It not only provides an excellent development platform for young filmmakers

It will also become an important strategic cooperation milestone

A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan
A new force in the film industry! The Young Filmmaker Support Program was launched in Yongchuan

Chongqing University Meishi Film School and

School of Journalism and Communication, Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese

are all important carriers for cultivating film and television talents

At the same time, he has rich industry resources and curatorial experience

Through continuous and in-depth cooperation

Jointly promoted with Science and Technology Film Week

The high-quality development of Chongqing's cultural and technological industries

Committed nationally and internationally

Set a new benchmark for Chongqing's film and television industry

Reporter: Pan Yuexi, Chen Shichuan, Chen Anxin (intern)

Editor: Xie Lintong

Duty review: Wang Qishen Wang Dongmei Producer: He Li Kang Junjun Director: Yu Miao Director: Propaganda Department of Yongchuan District Party Committee Information Office of Yongchuan District Government