
Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

author:Micro Talk Inn
Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

The above photo is a group photo of Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng! Here's a little hint, this photo has been cited in many works, but there is a typo in this photo, what is the story behind the photo of Su Hansheng's "Su" written as "chestnut" of chestnuts? Many netizens may think that Zhang Daoyu is the eldest son, in fact, Zhang Daoyu is the second son of Zhang Lingfu, Zhang Lingfu and his wife Xing Fengying once had a son Zhang Juli, who graduated from Xi'an Normal University (now Shaanxi Normal University) and became a middle school teacher after graduation. After Zhang Daoyu settled in Shanghai, he also went to Xi'an many times to reunite with this brother who was more than ten years older!

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

In August 2018, after Zhang Daoyu learned that Su Hansheng was hospitalized, he went to the hospital to visit Su Hansheng, and the two shook hands and took a group photo! From the photo, we can see that Su Hansheng was wearing a hospital gown while lying on the hospital bed at that time, his body looked very thin, and he was still infused with fluids on one hand. Zhang Daoyu bent down to shake hands with Su Hansheng, and both of them smiled in the camera. Many people may not understand why Zhang Daoyu wants to see Su Hansheng? Or if someone else has a different opinion, then the understanding is wrong.

In fact, Zhang Daoyu and Su Hansheng have known each other for many years when they took this photo, and the relationship between the two has been good since they met, and this is not the first time the two have taken a group photo, the two have had many group photo parties before, and the relationship between the two is still very good. One is Zhang Lingfu's second son, and the other is Su Yu's second son, logically speaking, the two will not intersect, let alone become friends, so how did the two meet and become friends later, what kind of story is behind this?

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

Su Hansheng was born in 1947, is the second son of Su Yu, Su Han grew up by his father and inherited his father's business, but Su Hansheng has been working at sea, and later transferred to the marine transportation industry to work, retired as the deputy general manager of the Southern Ocean Company. Zhang Daoyu was also born in 1947, the same age as Su Hansheng, when his father left, Zhang Daoyu was still in infancy, and it was just over a month old, so Zhang Daoyu didn't have much impression of his father, and most of his understanding of his father was learned from his mother and others when he grew up. At that time, Zhang Daoyu's mother Wang Yuling had just passed her 19th birthday, and she has been living with her mother Wang Yuling and her grandmother since then. Later, her mother Wang Yuling went to the United States to study with the help of her uncle Sun Liren, Wang Yuling studied while working part-time during her studies, and after graduating from university, Wang Yuling first worked in a hotel for two or three years, and then entered the airline for more than 20 years.

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

After Wang Yuling's work stabilized, she took Zhang Daoyu to her side to raise her, so Zhang Daoyu lived with her mother, and later continued to go to school and work. In 1973, Gong Z accidentally learned about Wang Yuling and her young son, and invited Wang Yuling to take the child home to see, and Zhang Daoyu embarked on the road home with his mother again after adulthood! In 1995, Zhang Daoyu took his mother Wang Yuling to officially settle in Shanghai, and since then Zhang Daoyu has been doing business in Shanghai, and Wang Yuling has also been living in Shanghai with her son Zhang Daoyu, and in October 2021, Wang Yuling died of illness in Shanghai.

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

After Zhang Daoyu settled in Shanghai, he was also invited to participate in some anti-Japanese commemorative activities many times, and met Su Hansheng at the event. Objectively speaking, that situation back then was a personal fate in the general environment, not a grudge between individuals, so Zhang Daoyu can also look at it objectively, which is why the descendants of Zhang and Su can still become friends after meeting. In fact, not only Zhang Su's two families, but most of the similar descendants can laugh after meeting. The following photo was taken in 2009, this is a group photo of Su Hansheng, Zhang Daoyu and another friend at a party, the three of them toasted together, the two were 62 years old at this time, and both of them were in good shape!

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

The following photo of Su Hansheng and Zhang Daoyu outdoors, both of them live in Shanghai after retirement, and often have the opportunity to meet!

Zhang Lingfu's second son Zhang Daoyu and Su Yu's second son Su Hansheng took a group photo, what is the story behind the handshake?

It can be seen from these photos that Su Hansheng and Zhang Daoyu have a very good relationship!

That's why the photo at the beginning of the article appeared, the two had known each other for more than ten years at the time, and they often moved around in their old age, their fathers were rivals back then, and their sons became friends decades later. Not long after that 2018 photo was taken, Su Hansheng's condition continued to deteriorate, and a month later (September 6, 2018), Su Hansheng died of illness at Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, and this photo should be the last photo of the two!