
The biggest damage your enemies can do to you is to make you just like them, so don't let the damage pass on

author:Soul bezoar mom

Learned meanness

The reason why many mothers-in-law are extremely vicious to their daughters-in-law is because they have never been treated gently by their mothers-in-law;

Many parents are so disgusted with their children because they have never been loved by their parents;

Many parents are unfairly partial to their children because they have never been treated justly by their parents;

Many mothers are so mean to their daughters because they have never been valued by their families.

The greatest damage that the enemy can do to you is to turn you into the same appearance as them, the same viciousness and meanness.

This malice is not an inherited nature, but an acquired one.

The biggest damage your enemies can do to you is to make you just like them, so don't let the damage pass on

Victim guilt is like a fig leaf

It's strange that they themselves have been treated unfairly, hurt hard, and tortured painfully as weak people in life.

Why continue to perpetuate that malice, can pain blind people's eyes, or can torture distort people's character?

I think that the reason why those who were once weak have become loyal advocates of victim guilt is that they never came out of hell, neither because of pain nor resentment.

In the past, when they were tortured, they were weak people who were in pain in hell, and in order to survive, they had to bow their heads to their abusers.

It is not a simple admission of defeat to the abuser, but a deep recognition from the heart, and only when they admit their guilt can all atrocities be justified.

It is not only to rationalize the atrocities of the abusers, but also to rationalize the cowardice that they cannot get rid of as weak people and dare not face.

The victim guilt doctrine is more like a reasonable fig leaf to cover up the perpetrators, and to cover the weaknesses, evasions, and incompetence of those who were once weak.

The biggest damage your enemies can do to you is to make you just like them, so don't let the damage pass on

The greatest evil of human nature

These former weaklings think that the fig leaf can cover everything, and only in this way can they take over the baton of the abuser openly and continue to bully and bully the new weak.

This is the greatest evil of human nature, and the hardships you have suffered must let others know the bitterness in them; The pit you have fallen into must also let others try the desperation in it.

Those who have been bullied are not acting as protectors, but as perpetrators in front of the new generation of weakling.

The purpose of their mother-in-law is not to love their daughter-in-law and love their family, but to create contradictions and proudly accuse them from the moral high ground.

They think that this is the superiority of becoming strong, but they are still in the dark hell without knowing it.

The biggest damage your enemies can do to you is to make you just like them, so don't let the damage pass on

Awakening allows you to fight against human nature

Only awakening can allow you to pull yourself back from hell to the world, and returning to the world is not for the sake of showing humanity without a bottom line.

It's to be able to know the enemy better, and also know yourself, so as to better fight against the worst part of your own human nature.

Because you score clearly, disrespecting others, that's the quality of the other person, but it's not the character you should be.

You have to allow other people's limitations and narrow-mindedness, and then give them back those vile human natures, so that they can laugh at them, to belittle them, to suppress them, to show off, to show off, to be indifferent.

And you should never be affected by the evil of others, let alone become an enemy and pass on the malice.

I hope that you will go through thousands of sails, return as a teenager, stick to your original intention, and be calm and happy with kindness and edge without interference.