
31 sentences full of profound life philosophy and positive energy, each sentence is very classic and worth cherishing

author:Xiaozhou reads

1. A noble man does not even dwell on his enemies, his misfortunes, his misdeeds for a long time, this is a sign of a strong nature!

– Nietzsche

2. When I was younger, I didn't like people to speak ill of me, but then I completely changed. At the end of the day, it was one sentence that changed me. One day, I suddenly figured out that anyone who will make you ugly in front of you and make you unable to step down in person is your Guanyin Bodhisattva.

- Zeng Shiqiang

3. There is no truth in this world, only perspective.

- Nietzsche

4. Don't think about the people on the shore when you get on the boat, don't mention the things on the boat when you get off the boat, the old people don't need to know the current situation, the new people don't have to ask about the past, each has its own ferry, each has its own homecoming. One thought is persistent, and everything is suffering; When you let go of your thoughts, you are reborn.

- Li Shutong

5. After getting along for a long time, you will find that the biggest attraction between people is not your appearance or your aura, but the steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you pass on to each other.

—Kazuo Inamori

31 sentences full of profound life philosophy and positive energy, each sentence is very classic and worth cherishing

6. The more thoughtful a person is, the more people will find that they have personality. Ordinary people can't see the difference between people.

—Blaise Pascal

7. Everyone says another person, the truth is always a basket of baskets, the lamp of Zhangba, shining on others, but not on oneself.

—— Yishu

8. "The better the concentration, the deeper the blessing, be a person who can withstand temptation." ”

- Zeng Shiqiang

9. "Those who know themselves do not complain about others, and those who know their fate do not complain about heaven."

Those who complain have no ambition, and those who complain are poor."


10. The same is to speak, the same is to expound one's thoughts, some people get into trouble, and some people win bursts of applause, this is the philosophy of expression.

– Mark Twain

11. Never abandon the arrogant hero in your soul, everything starts with respecting yourself who has achieved nothing.

– Nietzsche

12. If you can't change the desert and don't have the ability to leave it, then you can only turn yourself into a cactus.

- Khaled Hosseini

13. If people can be firm in what they think in their hearts, do not compare, do not blindly follow, do not be influenced by others, and live their own lives with one mind, they will be much happier. - Maupassant

14. A lot of things

You just have to think in a good direction

It will slowly get better

——Professor Zeng Shiqiang

15. It turns out that what people can't stand the most is not hardship.

It's that you don't know why you suffer from this suffering.

- Seven pansies

16. When your feet are blistered by your shoes, but you are still reluctant to throw them away, it means that you like it, and suddenly one day this bubble makes you feel pain day and night, and you find out. How unworthy is such persistence. Because of these shoes, I have never felt sorry for your feet. Therefore, the kindness of people must meet the right people!

- Yang Jiang

17. When people are hungry, they will choose foods that they don't love, and when people are lonely, they will choose people they don't love, because twisted melons are not sweet, but they can quench their thirst. The person you like is your naked taste, and the greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you.

—— Zhang Ailing

31 sentences full of profound life philosophy and positive energy, each sentence is very classic and worth cherishing

18. Su Qin said: "If you want to kill a person, you don't have to use a knife, you just need to find fault with him every day, and people always need a sense of identity." If there is no sense of recognition, there is no upward motivation, and what people care about most is those who can bring him psychological satisfaction. ”

19. People should always settle down, live a quiet and introspective day, tidy up themselves, settle and precipitate, and then become a gentle and strong person.

—— Yang Jiang

20. "When you grow up, you have to learn,

calmly faced all kinds of chaos,

Ruthlessly solve all kinds of difficulties.

Light kindness is useless,

It's useless to be soft-hearted,

It's useless to cry,

You have to be strong yourself. ”

- Yang Jiang

21. A person who puts the focus of his life on the growth of his own mind will surely grow into a happy person.

——《Hanzan Bunshu》

22. If you are a little stronger in your heart, you will not listen to the wind or rain. The more you know, the more you know, and the more you know, the more people will follow.

—— Liu Tong

23. The most sorry thing for these years is myself, I will just do this, take care of that, only wronged myself, and finally become a moody neurotic who explodes at any time.

—— Yang Jiang

24. Again, luck is more important or hard work is more important, of course luck is important, as soon as this luck comes, he can't stop it at all, otherwise it is useless no matter how hard you try. A person's hard work can not guarantee your success, hard work is only your duty, if the effort must be successful, then who in the world is not successful.

- Zeng Shiqiang

25. If a woman has no financial ability, she will never recover,

Remember: work diligently and work hard to save money.

- Yishu

26. The disappearance of a bad temper can accurately reflect the growth of wisdom.

- Nietzsche

31 sentences full of profound life philosophy and positive energy, each sentence is very classic and worth cherishing

27. What a man wants to express is never what he says, but the desire to be understood.

— Su Gengsheng

28. Unless you change the people you associate with and the books you read, your five years from now will be exactly the same.

– Charlie Jones

29. Don't live like a victim and rush to tell everyone about your misfortune.

—Kazuo Inamori

30. The so-called me is the sum total of all past experiences,

I am the people I have come into contact with, the things I have created,

The love that has been felt, the pain that has been lost, etc.,

It's all about who I am now,

Anything less is not.


31. The best way to fear something is to face it, be prepared to break your bones, including failure, and live openly.

——Shu Yuan, "There Is Time" #挑战30天在头条写日记##妙笔生花创作挑战##头条创作挑战赛##人生感悟##我在岛屿读书##以书之名#