
Writing Healing Day 3, if you have no value, then you may be replaced at any time if you

author:Xiaozhou reads

Good morning, everyone, I'm Xiaozhou.

Today is June 30th, and a new day has begun, so I wish you all a great weekend!

1. Deliberate practice is the best way to surpass yourself

I stayed up late last night to finish the second writing healing diary, and I sent it out at 11:59, and the next second was 12 o'clock, and I didn't deliberately step on it.

This point posted, no one reads it, I thought about giving up, but other people's words came to my mind, if you want to turn your words into valuable things through self-media, before that, you must first write a bunch of text garbage, full of 100,000 words, or even 1 million words, 100,000 words are the foundation.

Counting what I have seen and heard and felt that I have carefully recorded in the past few days, it is only more than 6,000 words, which is too little, and if I give up halfway, I will have to make a qualitative leap in writing in the year of the monkey.

I can't afford to wait, and I can't afford to spend it, and it is precisely because I have witnessed the growth and success of others with my own youth that I will be more deeply aware of the gorgeous transformation after the growth of writing.

Time is fair to everyone, and the reason why there is such a big gap is not how good they are, but that they can control time well and do their own meaningful things.

If you stay up late for a long time and do this, and exchange your physical health for improvement, I think it's putting the cart before the horse, and it's not cost-effective.

A colleague in the office, after she gave birth to the second child, her parents-in-law helped bring it for a while, and then she didn't care about it, just sat at home and ate idle meals, and said every day that she couldn't bring it for various reasons, so she brought it herself.

No way, she had to bring it herself, it was more difficult to bring children before the age of three, her children were often sick, and they basically couldn't sleep at night, staying up late became the norm, and after a long time, she was skinny, and even those who knew her were surprised.

Look at it, staying up late hurts too much, if you don't cherish it, no one will cherish you, it can only be a few words of comfort, what's the use.

For this reason, I can't stay up late, especially for women, and I have to go to bed early on time every night.

In fact, if I finish it so late, I am also physically and mentally exhausted.

It's not that I'm procrastinating, it's that there are too many things during the day, busy with children, you can't always hold a mobile phone on your body, and you have to accompany your children to exercise and read at night, if you wait until the child falls asleep, I will do it again, it's already the next day, so it can't be done at all, it will only fuel my inertia, and finally give up.

So, waking up early in the morning, this is the golden time period for a person to remember, quiet, suitable for writing a morning diary, healing yourself.

The ancients said: "The plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning." ”

The ancients knew the importance of waking up early, so why did I wake up?

It's so decided, move the writing of the healing diary to the morning, and complete the 3,000-word diary in the morning, without interrupting and giving up.

Now make a plan for yourself, after waking up at 4 a.m., first read for 10 minutes, then exercise for 30 minutes, and then write for 1 hour, these three things are necessary to do every day, and you can't miss one step.

The purpose of this is to form a habit first, and if there are muscle traces, it will be carried out very consciously in the future.

Although the writing therapy is only on the third day, I still feel the power of it: my thinking ability is slowly expanding, my search ability is slowly strengthening, my typing speed is becoming faster, I have a logical need, and my sense of words has become stronger......

The best-selling Ma Boyong insists on writing 4,000 words of fiction stories every day, day after day, year after year, there will be his high-output high-quality novels, it turns out that anything can be practiced, not determined by talent, as long as you have determination, everything can be done well.

When you really want to do something, the whole world will make way for you, as long as you really want to...

Writing Healing Day 3, if you have no value, then you may be replaced at any time if you

A very healing word: the time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

Take advantage of the present, always learn from Ma Boyong, repeatedly carry out deliberate practice, and insist on writing 3,000 words of text garbage every day.

2. Build your own values,

Let life have more choices

Yesterday I was shocked by a passage: "If you have no value, then you can be replaced at any time; If you are not as valuable as others, then society will not get used to you, and you will be ruthlessly eliminated. At all times, you must learn to construct your own values. ”

Writing Healing Day 3, if you have no value, then you may be replaced at any time if you

A few days ago, I flipped through some high-quality bloggers sharing knowledge explanations about high school Chinese at station B, and I turned to Yang Jiaqi, a Chinese teacher who had studied oil, and found his homepage, which is full of explanations of various series of Chinese knowledge, texts, and skills, and there are many paid courses.

I listened to a few free ones, the quality is really good, I went to see his paid course again, a combing about explaining ancient poetry, the price is 59.99, and the number of subscriptions is tens of thousands of times, which is a safe lying to earn, pipeline-style passive income.

This is still one of the points, if all the knowledge points are sorted out and explained by him, he will not be able to make a lot of money.

The reason why he can gain so much is that what he shares is valuable, and others will be willing to pay for his things.

A friend a while ago, his mother was sick, very serious, sent to the hospital for rescue, need surgery, the cost of this operation is not ordinary, more than 150,000 yuan, after the operation has to be observed in the hospital for a week, it costs more than 7,000 a day.

As an ordinary person, this is an astronomical amount of money, it is impossible to take it out, and even if it is borrowed, it is very difficult.

He also faced such a problem, but he successfully borrowed money, and he collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in one morning, and he had many classmates and friends, so he called his classmates one by one, and his classmates were all big bosses and were willing to help him.

It's a rare thing.

But the reason why his friends would help him and be willing to lend him money was mainly because he was valuable, otherwise, it would be more difficult to borrow money than to ascend to heaven.

In today's society, if you borrow 1,000 yuan from others, it is difficult to borrow, and if you borrow 5,000, you should not have it, and you don't even think about it......

The value of the friend in front is not in terms of knowledge, let alone money, but in terms of identity and status, I don't know how much it is higher than others.

This is the reality, you have no value, anyone can step on you, trample on you, you are valuable, everyone will hold you high, and everyone is willing to help you.

So, don't be anxious all day, do something meaningful and add value to yourself all the time.

Rousseau said, "The value of man is determined by himself." ”

Indeed, the value depends on how much you can contribute to this society.

Come on, let's work together to be a valuable person.

Once again, I deeply realized that once a person is sick and goes to the hospital, money is not money, but running water.

Usually, you must save money, otherwise, if there is something big in the family, you can't take out the money, which is very painful, especially when you see that your relatives have a chance and hope, but you miss the best opportunity because you have no money.

In addition to saving money hard, you also have to practice a skill on your own, and you can make money at any time with this skill, and you will have more choices and chips to love your family and yourself.

Writing Healing Day 3, if you have no value, then you may be replaced at any time if you

To put it bluntly, a person still has to be valuable, and he must have enough value before you can basically walk the path you have chosen.

3. How to give children the courage and ability to overcome difficulties

Yesterday with the children to climb the mountain, the sun is relatively big, many children go to climb the mountain, summer vacation to everywhere are people, because the weather is very hot, many children and adults climb to the halfway up the mountain to stop, sit and rest, after the rest will not want to move, and finally had to go home.

It was my first time taking the kids to climb the mountain, and they were very happy, not as disappointed as I thought, but rather relieved.

At the beginning of the arrival at the entrance of the attraction, and then from the door to the mountain, there is a long way to go, these two children actually walked by themselves, and fell a few times on the way, their knees were broken, they all bled out, it hurt, I thought they would be in pain, give up and continue, unexpectedly they did not give up, but have been persevering to the end.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "The meaning of the existence of parents is not to give their children a comfortable and prosperous life, but when you think of your parents, your heart will be full of strength and warmth, so that you have the courage and ability to overcome difficulties, so as to obtain the real joy and freedom of life." ”

Mr. Lu Xun's words deeply touched my heart, and his words expressed the meaning of my parents' existence, which gave me a deeper understanding of my parents' love.

Parents who know how to raise are a beam of light, always illuminating the way forward for their children.

If parents don't know how to raise their children, they can manage everything to death, blame and fight everything, and your life will always be gloomy.

Adler said, "The fortunate man is healed by childhood all his life, and the unfortunate man is healed by childhood all his life." ”

The so-called luck means that there is a good and loving growth background and environment from an early age, and the family is harmonious and the parental relationship is harmonious, so that a sound personality can be shaped.

In the process of growing up with such a sound personality, it is a kind of cultivation for the child's ability to deal with anything, strong psychological quality and ability to resist pressure.

The so-called misfortune is that childhood is a long-term lack of love or a repressive and indulgent environment, and it is difficult to cultivate a sound personality.

Such a child will work hard to repair, heal and make up for the misfortunes of childhood throughout his life. Everyone's upbringing in childhood has an unavoidable impact on our adult life to a greater or lesser extent. That is, we often call "childhood shadows" and "psychological imprints".

Yesterday I saw a video of a girl who put on her graduation dress and bought clothes for her parents to attend the graduation ceremony, and waited at the school gate.

After waiting for a while, her parents came, dressed more casually, and hurriedly asked her parents to change into them, but her parents didn't wear them, and scolded their daughter that they used their parents' money to buy clothes for their parents to wear, wasting money, and they knew how to spend money indiscriminately every day......

In this way, the daughter was counted, and the girl recalled that many parents did not care about her, blows, and accusations, which made her happy turn into sadness again and again, and became the negative point of her life.

It was these that she walked away in an atmosphere.

Through this incident, I deeply realized the meaning of the existence of parents, not to demand, attack, possess, and blame, but to provide children with a steady stream of energy and nutrition at all times.

Writing Healing Day 3, if you have no value, then you may be replaced at any time if you

At last

Everyone has a meaning to exist, but you have to have a value to exist.

Parents are the same, they must know the meaning of their existence, and continue to work hard to learn and grow, become a valuable parent with temperature, don't just stare at the child, the child has the direction and motivation to learn. #头条创作挑战赛##妙笔生花创作挑战##挑战30天在头条写日记##人生感悟#

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