
Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

author:How to say history

The EU said that it would increase tariffs on China, but it was in chaos first!

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

There are only 5 days left in the deadline! Von der Leyen, who had just been re-elected, was opposed by countries within the EU, and even directly bombarded him, and also expressed dissatisfaction that von der Leyen's re-election was completely "internal", so what countermeasures did China make? Why are there contradictions within the EU?

Publicly "shelled" von der Leyen

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

It is reported that the uproar over the election of the new leader of the European Union has finally come to an end, but the different voices within the EU around the selection of the new leadership have not disappeared. Among them, Hungary and Italy expressed firm opposition.

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

Among them, the Hungarian president directly called for the removal of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, saying that the EU had spent "the worst five years in its history" under von der Leyen's tenure. Italian Prime Minister Meloni said that the main reason why EU member states are attacking von der Leyen is that they cannot tolerate this "US proxy" harming the interests of the EU again and again, including leading tax hikes on China.

The EU became a tool of the United States

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once denounced in an interview that "the EU's decision is based on the interests of the United States!" ”

It can be seen from this that the EU is not monolithic, and there are different voices, such as the Italian Prime Minister, who is very dissatisfied with the EU's increase in tariffs on China, he believes that the EU was originally independent and should not become a vassal of the United States, let alone a tool controlled by the United States!

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

But the European Union, under the leadership of von der Leyen, has gradually become the little brother who waives the flag behind the United States. Von der Leyen has said little when it comes to the EU's interests. But she blindly speaks for the United States, almost becoming the spokesperson for the United States, von der Leyen listens to Biden very much, she only blindly speaks for the interests of the United States on many issues such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This kind of behavior has exposed her.

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

Therefore, this is the reason why there is always opposition within the EU, which may also be understood as a gradual emergence and deepening rift between the United States and Europe. It can be seen from this that the United States is the enemy of the European Union!

There are only 5 days left in the deadline! China's countermeasures have stepped up again

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

According to the European Union, it has been more than 10 days since it announced that it would increase tariffs on electric vehicles in China for no reason, and the incident has caused a lot of uproar, but it has not been well resolved! On the 12th of this month, the European Commission issued a statement announcing that it would impose additional tariffs of up to 38.1% on electric vehicles imported from China. At the time, the European Commission said that if the EU could not negotiate a solution with China, the temporary tariffs would take effect from July 4. China is firmly opposed to this, and now that there are 5 days left in the deadline, the second wave of China's countermeasures is coming!

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

On June 27, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it decided to conduct an end-of-term review investigation on the anti-dumping measures applicable to imported toluidine originating in the European Union from June 28, 2024. This move reflects China's firm position and resolute countermeasures, and China will not allow the EU to be so presumptuous all the time, and there are no many countermeasures in China's hands.

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

China is the world's largest market, and data shows that the EU has been China's largest trading partner for 16 consecutive years, with bilateral investment stocks exceeding 250 billion euros and total trade of $783 billion in 2023. If the EU is still obsessed, we'll see! China is fully capable of countering EU products in many areas, so as to fight until the EU feels the pain.

Scholz is in chaos and will send high-ranking officials to visit China

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

As we all know, Habeck's visit to China a few days ago did not achieve much remarkable results, nor did he meet the Chinese high-level as he had hoped. As soon as Habeck left, Scholz sent another general.

Compared with Habeck, Wiesing has always been more moderate in his attitude towards China. According to a report by Germany's "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on the 24th, the FDP politician criticized the European Commission in Shanghai and called for a solution to the trade dispute.

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

"I call on the European Commission not to seek tariffs, but to fight for good and fair competition rules," Wisin said. He hopes that the EU will seek solutions and enhance competitiveness through dialogue, rather than creating new obstacles, and that competition is good for consumers.

EU will "slightly cut" tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles?

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

According to Bloomberg on the 26th, citing sources familiar with the matter, the European Union slightly lowered the proposed tariffs on China's imports of electric vehicles. It is reported that the EU's tariffs on Geely Automobile have been lowered from 20% to 19.9%, and SAIC's tariffs have been reduced from 38.1% to 37.6%.

The EU's proposed tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles continue to raise questions

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

Hungarian experts commented on the EU's proposed tax hike on Chinese electric vehicles, saying: "Just to squeeze out competitors, not to catch up", he said that the European Commission's approach is "very dangerous", which will restrict free trade, restrict cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, and have a negative impact on the world.

Last minute! Von der Leyen was asked to resign, and China's countermeasures were stepped up! The EU is the biggest loser

Köningmann, the president of the German Economic Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, has directly criticized the EU's approach, saying that "there is a risk of escalation [of the trade dispute] here," she said, adding that "whoever sows the wind will reap the storm".

It is hoped that the EU side will listen carefully to the objective and rational voices of all walks of life, clarify all kinds of myths, stop politicizing economic and trade issues, and help both sides move in the same direction to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

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"Von der Leyen must step down"

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: The worst in the last five years, von der Leyen must step down

As soon as Habeck left, the German Minister of Transport visited China again