
Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

author:How to say history

There is a rebellion in the Philippines! The situation in the Philippines is becoming more and more serious, and the Philippine military and rebels exchanged fire, resulting in 10 deaths! There are all kinds of counter-armies ready to move, and the 79-year-old Duterte has decided to come out again, and the situation of little Max will become precarious! So where exactly do the rebels in the Philippines come from?

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

The Philippine military exchanged fire with the rebels

According to the global network news, there was a fierce exchange of fire in the Philippines' new Ecija Province, and some rebels rebels rebelled, so the Philippine military exchanged fire with the rebels, killing 7 rebel personnel, and then with further searching, the Philippine military found the remains of another 3 rebels, causing a total of 10 deaths! It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that the Philippine army and the rebels have exchanged fire, which also shows that the "extremist groups" in the Philippines are waiting for an opportunity.

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

In fact, the problem of rebels in the Philippines has been around for a long time, as early as when Duterte was in power, China also provided him with rifles, more than 9 million rounds of ammunition, armored vehicles, etc., to help Duterte solve these local rebels!

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

At that time, the relationship between China and the Philippines was relatively good, but since Marcos Jr. came to power, all this has changed, Marcos Jr. chose to turn to the United States, began to continue to provoke and intensify the contradictions in the South China Sea, and now the Philippines is still facing the dilemma of food shortage. After losing the help of China, these local rebels began to emerge again and began to make a comeback!

Philippine Ambassador Plays Up "Risk of Nuclear War" in the South China Sea

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

Philippine Ambassador to the United States Romualdez recently said that the conflict between China and the Philippines in the waters of Ren'ai Jiao may spread to the entire "Indo-Pacific region" and may even lead to a nuclear war. In addition, he also emphasized that the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" is not a useless thing, and the US Secretary of Defense has called the Philippines and will support the Philippines!

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

In response to his remarks, the deputy director of the Institute of Marine Law and Policy of the South China Sea Research Institute on the mainland said that the United States is unlikely to go to war with China over a broken ship or an island or reef in the South China Sea. America is just for hype!

Lost Chinese help

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

In addition to the rebels, the Philippines is now facing an unprecedented food crisis, mainly due to the combination of rampant inflation, weather, and price gouging by international grain traders to destroy this former rice warehouse.

In Nova Ecija Province, where the rebels rebel rebel are in this rebellion, China and the Philippines have previously set up the China-Philippines Agricultural Technology Center in Nova Ecija Province, a long-term cooperation platform for the promotion of hybrid rice, which has brought tangible food production to hundreds of thousands of Filipino farmers and contributed to the country's food stability.

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

In addition, during the Duterte administration, China and the Philippines had good relations, and at that time, whenever the Philippines faced a food crisis, China was always the first to provide assistance, and the agreement on food and fertilizer assistance won wide praise. And now that the Philippines is provoking and creating contradictions in the South China Sea, there is no need for us to help a white-eyed wolf anymore!

The rise of separatist forces in the Philippines is not unrelated to Marcos' policies

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

This is not the first rebel insurgency in the Philippines this year, as Philippine government forces engaged in two shootouts with separatist forces in Mindanao and elsewhere in February. Not long afterward, in the Philippine province of Maguindanao Sur, military personnel were ambushed by separatist forces, resulting in the deaths of four soldiers. In December, four people were killed and 55 injured in an explosion attack at a university in Lanao do Sul. It can be seen from this that the domestic situation in the Philippines is becoming more and more severe, and the contradictions are also escalating! In addition, there is another force within Philippine politics that is beginning to exert force, and that is the Duterte family.

The rift between the two major political families in the Philippines continues to widen

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

First, Duterte's daughter, Vice President Sarah of the Philippines, announced her resignation as secretary of education and vice chair of the counterinsurgency task force. The move is seen as the latest sign of a breakdown in the political alliance of the Philippines' two largest political families, the Duterte and Marcos families.

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

Later, the Duterte family announced that Duterte would go out of the mountain again, with his two sons, and the three of them would run for the Senate together, which can be described as a "father and son soldier". Public opinion believes that the success of any of the three Duterte elections will pose a threat to the incumbent President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. It can be seen from this that there are really many contradictions between the two major families in the Philippines.

Losing China's food aid, the rebels made a big fuss in the Philippines, and many people were killed and injured in fierce exchanges of fire with government forces

Recently, the Philippine-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and 32 Filipino associations issued a joint statement, calling on the government to cherish the friendly relations between China and the Philippines for generations and peacefully resolve differences through constructive dialogue.

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