
The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

author:Director Xu Health said

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In a small town called Sunshine City, there lives an optimistic postman, Li Daqiang. Li Daqiang's job is to deliver letters and couriers to the town's residents, rain or shine, wind and snow.

One day, while delivering a letter, Li Daqiang suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and fatigue, and almost fell off his bicycle. This incident made him realize that it might be that the consequences of his long-term neglect of blood sugar management were beginning to show. He decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive health check-up.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

The results of the examination showed that Li Daqiang's blood sugar level was indeed high, which had reached a level that required close attention. Doctors specifically emphasized the risk of hyperglycemia, mentioning two issues that need to be strictly avoided: persistent hyperglycemia and large fluctuations in blood sugar.

Persistent high blood sugar is harmful to the body in many ways. It can make blood vessels weak and hardened, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. High blood sugar can also damage the retina, which is the main cause of diabetic retinopathy and can even lead to blindness in the long run. High blood sugar can also impair the kidneys' filtering function, which can eventually lead to kidney failure.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

The doctor again mentioned the problem of blood sugar fluctuations. Li Daqiang usually eats irregularly, sometimes hungry, sometimes overeating, this eating habit causes his blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Doctors explain that frequent blood sugar fluctuations are extremely dangerous, and that they can hit the brain and heart especially hard, and can easily trigger sudden events such as heart attacks or strokes.

Upon learning this information, Li Daqiang was deeply shocked and realized that his lifestyle had to change. The doctor advised him to start recording his daily diet and blood sugar levels, and gradually adjust his diet to try to keep his blood sugar at a relatively stable level. Increase physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling every day, to promote sugar utilization and weight control.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

Li Daqiang was determined to follow the doctor's advice and replan his lifestyle. He knew it wasn't just about avoiding serious health problems that could arise in the future, but also about being able to continue his job as a postman he loved and bring laughter and warmth to the townspeople.

After Li Daqiang accepted the doctor's initial advice, he began to take his eating habits and lifestyle more seriously. However, diet control and increased exercise alone are not enough to fully protect against the serious consequences of hyperglycemia, especially for those who already have a history of blood sugar fluctuations and hyperglycemia.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

For people with hyperglycemia, it is more critical to focus on blood sugar stability than to simply control blood sugar levels. Sharp fluctuations in blood sugar are often more likely to trigger acute complications, such as intracerebral hemorrhage, than persistent hyperglycemia.

Li Daqiang adopted a strategy of regular blood sugar monitoring, using a continuous glucose monitoring system that provides real-time feedback on blood sugar levels to help him adjust his diet and exercise in a timely manner.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

Next, under the advice of his doctor, Li Daqiang began to adopt a low-sugar diet strategy, which is not only to reduce the direct intake of sugar, but more importantly, to avoid those foods with a high glycemic index, such as white rice and bread.

Instead, more whole grains and high-fiber foods help slow blood sugar rises and keep blood sugar stable. Li Daqiang began adding oats, buckwheat and brown rice to each meal, which enriched his diet.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

In addition to eating right and checking his blood sugar regularly, Li Daqiang has also learned to manage his stress. You know, stress is something you can't see or touch, but it can really mess up your blood sugar?

Long-term stress can cause hormones in the body to become a mess, especially the two – adrenaline and cortisol, which are on a roller coaster ride of blood sugar stability once they jump up and down.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

In order to relax physically and mentally, Li Daqiang began to try various new ways to reduce stress. He ran to learn yoga, which not only stretched his muscles and bones, but also calmed his mind. Meditation is also his new hobby, sit down, breathe deeply, and let those cluttered thoughts drift away little by little.

Of course, he also runs outside more, gets some fresh air, and looks at the green trees and flowers, which not only makes him feel better, but also helps those hormones in his body to stay where they belong. These activities are not only for fun, but also for him to stay healthy!

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

Through these all-encompassing, multi-layered measures, Li Daqiang not only succeeded in controlling his blood sugar within a safe range, but more importantly, he learned how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle instead of being plagued by illness and worry.

Increasing daily activity is essential for blood sugar control. For Lee, he opted for activities that were integrated with his work, such as walking and cycling at work. Instead of using his motorcycle to deliver mail, he has switched to cycling, which not only reduces his use of fossil fuels, but also greatly increases his daily activity.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

Li Daqiang also participates in dance activities regularly, which not only enhances his social interactions, but also effectively increases his heart rate, promotes blood circulation, and helps improve insulin sensitivity, which is very beneficial for blood sugar control.

High-fat, high-sugar cooking methods are replaced by simple steaming or roasting, and a large number of low-sugar seasonings and natural flavors are used to enhance the flavor of the food, which not only ensures the deliciousness of the food, but also avoids the intake of extra sugar and unhealthy fats. He also learned to make a variety of healthy snacks, such as nuts and fresh fruits, to avoid cravings for high-sugar foods on an empty stomach.

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

Li Daqiang also discovered the benefits of keeping a diary, he wrote down his diet, exercise, blood sugar records and daily mood, which not only helped him better understand his lifestyle habits and mood swings, but also became an important basis for him to communicate with doctors.

Through these methods, Li Daqiang not only controlled his blood sugar levels, but also improved his overall health and quality of life. It is proven that through proactive lifestyle changes, everyone can live a healthier, more fulfilling life, even in the face of chronic disease challenges. This holistic approach to health management is not only about fighting disease, but also about actively enjoying life. (All names have been changed)

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless

What do you think about high blood sugar? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Hu Ruiping. To explore the mechanism of rosiglitazone on pancreatic cancer model of diabetic mice based on the effect of PPARγ on glucose transport and metabolism, Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2024-06-21

The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless
The two "red lines" that cannot be crossed by high blood sugar will lead to irreversible consequences once careless