
Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Ouch, who would have thought that that little salted duck egg could actually send people to the hospital?" 59-year-old Accountant Cui, an honest man who works diligently to settle accounts in a small town, was rushed to the hospital because he suddenly fainted in the office. After a series of tests, doctors informed him that he had suffered a myocardial infarction. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Accountant Cui, who has always thought he is healthy.

After in-depth conversations with his family, the doctor learned that Accountant Cui had a "harmless" hobby of eating salted duck eggs almost every day. Not only did he feel it would add flavor to the meal, but he thought it was a relatively healthy option. However, the reality is not so simple.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Salted duck eggs, this seemingly ordinary home-cooked food, are actually a typical representative of high-sodium foods. High sodium intake is an important factor in elevated blood pressure, and persistent high blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction.

In addition to the high salt, the fat content in salted duck eggs should not be ignored, especially the yolk part, which is rich in cholesterol and saturated fat, which are the culprits of raising the level of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, which in turn increases the potential threat of heart disease.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

From a nutritional perspective, while salted duck eggs provide certain proteins and minerals such as selenium and iron, the benefits of these nutrients are far from counteracting the negative effects of their high sodium and fat levels on heart health.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people like Cui, whose bodies have begun to experience a phase of metabolic slowdown and an increased risk of chronic diseases, it is especially important to choose healthier, low-sodium foods. Adjusting your diet is a key step in maintaining heart health, especially in preventing serious diseases such as myocardial infarction.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Reducing the intake of high-sodium, high-fat foods, choosing foods that are low in salt and cholesterol, and increasing the intake of dietary fiber are all important dietary strategies to promote heart health. In addition, moderate physical activity and avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are equally important.

Cui's example is a cautionary tale that even traditional and widespread foods need to be re-evaluated for their health impact guided by modern health concepts.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Through the advice of doctors and his own efforts, Accountant Cui began to slowly adjust his eating habits, hoping that through these changes, he could add points to his heart health, and also hoped that everyone could learn from his story the profound impact of daily diet on health.

When it comes to how to maintain heart health, in addition to avoiding high-sodium foods such as salted duck eggs, there are several other foods that should also be consumed with caution. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, such as Accountant Cui, who is already at risk of heart disease, they should pay more attention to the subtle choices in their daily diet.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

High-sugar foods are another potential enemy of heart health. Too much sugar can not only lead to weight gain and increase the burden on the heart, but also cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, and long-term excessive sugar intake has the potential to lead to type 2 diabetes, which is an important risk factor for heart disease.

Sugar intake doesn't just come from obvious sweets, like some processed foods, ready-to-eat meals, and low-fat but high-sugar yogurt can also be hidden sources of sugar. Therefore, reading food labels and avoiding those "invisible" sugars is essential for heart health.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

It is important to note that foods that are high in trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids, commonly found in fried foods in certain margarines, pastries, and fast food, are a real hidden killer of health.

Trans fatty acids are really not kind to the heart, they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL), which is one of the main causes of coronary artery disease. For people with heart disease or high-risk groups, it is necessary to stay away from these foods and protect blood vessels.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Eating more salt may not only lead to high blood pressure, but it may also affect heart function and increase the risk of heart disease. Pickled foods, canned foods, and some sauces, like bean paste and soy sauce, are typical examples of high-sodium foods. Try replacing these with natural flavors and herbs that will not only reduce sodium intake, but also increase the flavor and nutritional value of your food.

As for staying active, regular physical activity is also important. Whether it's brisk walking, swimming or cycling, these activities strengthen heart function, increase blood circulation, and help control weight and blood pressure.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Maintaining a good mood is also a non-negligible part of heart health. Stress and depression have been shown to be linked to heart disease. Regular relaxation activities, such as yoga and meditation, can be effective in reducing stress and thus reducing the risk of heart disease. In addition, maintaining an active social life and keeping in touch with family and friends can also have a positive impact on mental health.

Through these comprehensive diet and lifestyle adjustments, the heart can be effectively protected and life can be prolonged. Accounting's example reminds us that both healthy food choices and changes to daily habits should be carefully considered to ensure that every choice is heart-healthy.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, which are abundant in deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel, and salmon, have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of heart attack, protect heart health by lowering blood triglyceride levels, reducing inflammation, and stabilizing heart rhythms.

For those of us who have reached the end of our lives, it is so important to grasp the art of eating. Listen to me, we have to eat at least two meals a week of marine fish, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help keep our hearts young and fight off those pesky cardiovascular diseases.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

The right amount is king. If we drink too much water, the sodium in our body will be diluted, and it may cause an electrolyte imbalance, which is not good for the heart. So, let's be smart and keep it at the right level, so that the blood flows just right and the heart doesn't have to work hard.

And ah, don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep is like adding a problem to the heart, and high blood pressure and inflammation are all knocking on the door, which is really a headache.

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

For middle-aged and older adults like Accountant Cui, the gradual implementation of these healthy habits will help them improve their quality of life and enjoy a healthier and more active life in their later years. With smart dietary choices, regular physical activity, good mental conditioning, and adequate rest, everyone can add a protective barrier to their heart health. (All names have been changed)

What do you think about a heart attack? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Chai Xiuying. Sleep quality analysis of elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction, Qinghai Medical Journal, 2018-10-20

Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things
Salted duck eggs are the "hidden culprit" of heart attack? Advice: If you don't want to have heart problems, eat less of these 2 things

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