
is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

author:I'm a little fisherman
is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

The popular "Spending the Year of China" is based on Mo Shubai's novel "The Eldest Princess", and the eldest princess Li Rong is a proper heroine. And there is also an eldest princess in the just-finished "Ink Rain and Clouds" drama, although she is not the heroine, she also left a deep impression on the audience under Li Meng's wonderful portrayal.

Comparing the eldest princess in two different dramas, although they are both royal chess pieces, the endings are completely different.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

As the eldest princess of Dayan, Wanning's fate did not escape becoming a victim of political imperial power, she did not carry out political marriages like other princesses in ancient times, but became a proton in the enemy country for the peace of Dayan.

You must know that in ancient times, protons were usually made by princes or children of families, but Wan Ning became a proton of the enemy country as the eldest princess instead of her brother, which also made her suffer inhuman treatment in the enemy country.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

When she returned, her temperament changed greatly, and when she witnessed the prosperity of Dayan and the happiness of the people, she was the only one who was forgotten.

Her heart was full of resentment, she hated the royal family she was born in, and she hated everyone in the world, because of her sacrifice, in exchange for the peace of Dayan and the prosperity of the people.

Wanning felt that everyone in the world owed her, so after she returned to Yan Kingdom, her personality was distorted, and her behavior was perverse and domineering.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

With this kind of resentment, Wan Ning tortured and tamed others, and also provoked the imperial power, but she didn't know that she was playing with fire and self-immolation, and her experience as a proton could have been exchanged for the favoritism of the emperor's life, but she chose a path that was difficult to turn back, and died tragically in Shen Yurong's arms.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

The eldest princess Li Rong in "Du Hua Nian" seems to have a smooth life, but she is also a pawn in the power game, in terms of identity and status, she is the eldest princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, her mother was born in a family, and the younger brother of her mother's compatriots is the crown prince, and she is also favored in front of the emperor, but in fact, her life is still not up to her own decisions.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

When she took the prepared pastry to the emperor's father, the emperor glanced at her vigilantly, and Li Rong immediately tried it herself, until this time the emperor still did not eat another pastry, but ate the one that Li Rong had tasted.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

In order not to strengthen the power of Li Rong's mother's side, the emperor also "carefully" selected four pre-selected horses for Li Rong, and the emperor's father picked the horses are all elites who have both ability and political integrity, both civil and military, and Li Rong's father and emperor chose the horses for his daughter are either stupid and cowardly, or they are about to be beheaded by the whole family, and the only one who looks and has a good character is also from a poor family, and the emperor's father is also "painstaking" to his daughter.

The purpose is, of course, to make the Shangguan family's power as small as possible, so as not to threaten their Li family's imperial power.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

Even Li Rong's mother asked her to be ready to sacrifice her pawn for the crown prince's imperial power, so it seems that Li Rong is not much luckier than Wanning.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

In order to let his son succeed to the throne smoothly, he poisoned Li Rong to death, and blamed the matter on the head of the concubine Pei Wenxuan, so that Li Rong did not know that he was abandoned by his relatives until he died.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

Fortunately, Li Rong had the opportunity to be reborn, which was luckier than Wanning, and after being reborn, Li Rong found the truth accompanied by Pei Wenxuan, but she did not continue the seeds of hatred, but decided to use her own strength to prevent future tragedies.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

is also reborn, Wan Ning's rebirth is from the quagmire of the enemy country back to the former palace life, but she did not bury her resentment deeply, but inflicted it on others, and finally ended up being abandoned and dying a tragic death.

is also the eldest princess, compared to Wanning and Li Rong, although they are both royal chess pieces, the ending is very different

And Li Rong, who was really reborn, used love to "change her life against the sky", and when she returned to the age of eighteen, she rewrote everyone's ending with love and fulfillment.

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