
Unbearable heat and loss of appetite? 5 tricks to save your summer appetite!

author:Ancient Medicine White Xiao Bai

During the hot summer months, many people experience a loss of appetite. Although this may seem like a small thing, it can affect health if left unaddressed for a long time. So, what should you do if you don't want to eat in the summer heat? From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, summer corresponds to the heart, and the heart is the yang of yang, so the key to summer health is to nourish the heart and prevent heatstroke.

Unbearable heat and loss of appetite? 5 tricks to save your summer appetite!

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine points out that the bitter taste returns to the heart and can clear the heart. In summer, it is easy to have too much heart, which is manifested as dry throat, constipation and other "hot" symptoms. Therefore, proper consumption of bitter cold foods such as bitter gourd and bitter herbs will help clear away heat and reduce heat. For example, bitter gourd is cold, which can not only clear away heat and detoxify, relieve heat and annoyance, but also help lower blood sugar and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition to dietary modification, TCM also emphasizes holistic lifestyle modification. For example, maintaining proper exercise, such as light physical activities such as Tai Chi and Baduanjin, can strengthen physical fitness and improve the condition of loss of appetite. In addition, it is important to regulate emotions. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that poor mood can affect the operation of the qi and thus the appetite. Therefore, maintaining a good mindset and avoiding excessive mood swings is also the key to summer regimen.

Unbearable heat and loss of appetite? 5 tricks to save your summer appetite!

For people with qi deficiency, special attention is needed in summer. People with qi deficiency are often prone to symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, and loss of appetite. In view of this situation, you can eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and qi, such as yam, lotus seeds, etc., and appropriately take some medicinal teas that replenish qi, such as astragalus membranaceus, codonopsis tea, etc.

In TCM theory, summer anorexia is also related to spleen and stomach function. The spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, the main movement is the subtlety of the water valley, the stomach is the sea of the water valley, and the main acceptance is rotten. If the spleen and stomach are weak, it is easy to have problems such as indigestion and loss of appetite. Therefore, summer health care also needs to pay attention to strengthening the spleen and stomach. You can eat barley, lentils, jujubes and other foods to achieve the purpose of strengthening the spleen and stomach. In addition, moderate exercise such as walking, jogging, etc., can also promote the recovery of spleen and stomach function.

Unbearable heat and loss of appetite? 5 tricks to save your summer appetite!

Dampness and heat are also common physical problems in summer. People with a damp and hot constitution are prone to symptoms such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, and fatigue in summer. In response to this situation, you can eat foods that have the effect of clearing heat and dampness, such as mung beans, cassia seeds, winter melon, etc. At the same time, it can also be used to help clear away dampness and heat from the body through traditional Chinese medicine methods such as massage and cupping.

Sleep is just as important for summer regimens. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "summer and March, this is called the beauty of Fanxiu, the heaven and the earth are intertwined, and all things are gorgeous", which means that summer is a season of vigorous growth. Therefore, getting enough sleep helps the body to recover and the metabolism to proceed normally. Between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. the next day is the time for liver detoxification, and you should try to fall into deep sleep during this time.

To sum up, the management of summer appetite loss is a multi-faceted process, involving many aspects such as diet, exercise, mood and lifestyle habits. Through the theories and methods of TCM, we can more effectively cope with summer discomfort and improve the quality of life. In addition to the above methods, you can also choose a suitable TCM conditioning plan, such as acupuncture, massage, etc., according to the specific constitution of the individual, in order to achieve the best health effect.
