
What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

author:Xi Yan said
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"It's a pity to stop the morality, and it's pitiful. The jade belt hangs in the forest, and the golden hairpin is buried in the snow. "The debate about Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, the two classic female characters in "Dream of Red Mansions", has been going on for a long time. Some people think that Lin Daiyu is not as decent as Xue Baochai, and some people think that Xue Baochai is too sleek and sophisticated, and cannot have deep friendships, and is not as kind and true as Lin Daiyu.

But no matter who you choose, the male protagonist in the book has already chosen his sweetheart. This also brings a problem: Jia Baoyu's love in her heart is Lin Daiyu, and she finally married Xue Baochai. Whether Xue Baochai wants it or not, she has become a stumbling block in Bao Dai's love. This is unforgivable in the moral outlook of modern man.

And the mountain master, the gentleman has also become the author's penmanship of praise and disparagement. There seem to be many in the book that are understood as Xue Baochai's treacherous performances. For example, the heat poison on Xue Baochai's body, the author set up such a disease, which must have a deep meaning.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

Minor ailments that cannot be cured

What exactly is the disease of heat poisoning, it is not mentioned in the book. Xue Baochai never said what kind of disease it was, but only "that disease". In the original text, it was mentioned that the case of overheating and poisoning was not serious, and it was not fatal, but the cough did not stop.

Later, by chance, he got a sea party, which was obtained from the leper monk, the soul of "Dream of Red Mansions".

This home remedy is called "cold incense pills", and the method of making it is very laborious. This effort is not just in terms of money, but in terms of ingenuity.

The stamens of white peony, white lotus, white hibiscus and white plum blossom that need to bloom in spring, summer, autumn and winter are twelve taels each; At the end of the spring equinox, the rain on a rainy day, the dew in the white open air, the frost on a frosty day, and the snow on a light snow day are twelve dollars each.
What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

However, it is even more difficult to obtain these medicinal materials, and although they are easy to obtain, it is extremely difficult to grasp the time. Zhou Rui's family heard it and said, "This will take three years." If it does not rain on that day, what shall it do? ”

If we study the formula of cold incense pills from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, we can find that this is a medicine that specializes in treating fire. The lungs belong to the main white fur, and the white peony, white lotus, and other white flowers of the four seasons and rain, dew, frost and snow in the formula are all into the lung meridian. It belongs to the herbs that remove the fire, and the cough belongs to the lung fever. When taking medicine, you also need to use 12 minutes of cork decoction to take it.
Phellodendron is a kind of medicinal material, according to medical records: Phellodendron is sweet and bitter in medicinal properties, enters the kidneys and bladder through the fire and detoxification, and clears the scorching dampness. The kidneys, large intestine, small intestine and bladder belong to the lower coke and belong to the six internal organs. It can be inferred that Xue Baochai is a damp and hot physique, and it can also be seen from some descriptions in the original book that Baochai's physique is conditioned.
What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

As mentioned in the original article, Xue Baochai's body is plump and timid, and his damp and hot physique is easy to sweat and fat. This part of the body refers to the kidneys, bladder, and large and small intestines of the human body. The excretion of the person in charge, the person who does not excrete smoothly is naturally prone to obesity. Although the cold incense pill has a bit of romance, the recipe still makes some sense.

Why do you want to arrange such a disease for Xue Baochai. People like this who have a hot heart and lungs, and who are scorched, damp and hot, usually think too much, damage kidney qi, and lack of exercise. Xue Baochai is a deep boudoir eldest lady, and the biggest exercise on weekdays is to flutter butterflies in the garden.

Xue Baochai is also an extremely smart person, and the thing he has to think about every day is not how to be the second grandmother of Rongguo Mansion, but to worry about his dumb brother - Xue Pan. Think about how you can continue your family. This kind of thinking hurts the body, in fact, not only men and women will damage the kidney qi, if a person thinks too much, the heart is too heavy will also greatly hurt the kidneys.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

In modern times, many young people look tired and walking dead, while the elderly are full of energy, and that's the case. Young people are stressed out and have a lot to think about.

The deep meaning behind the hot poison

For the author's arrangement of this "hot poison" for Baochai, there is actually a hidden meaning behind it, and it even determines the emotional direction of the characters in the book. It can be seen from a fat criticism in the fat inkstone: Where the heart is even blazing, it is to attack with evil fire.

After Xue Baochai is a native of Ziweishe, his family is an imperial businessman, and he can be regarded as a big family. But in Xue Baochai's generation, he was lonely. What is the reason for loneliness? As mentioned in the original book, the four major families are in the same spirit, one is prosperous, and the other is lost.

Among them, the Jia family has been defeated, although there is the imperial concubine Yuan Concubine in the palace, but no male in the family can stand, and can only rely on nepotism to maintain his status in the court. The Xue family is a projection of the Jia family, with a similar background to the Jia family.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

Aunt Xue's husband died early, and there was only one demon king in the family who was not very competitive, and the only way out he could think of was to send Xue Baochai to the palace to participate in the draft. Therefore, Xue Baochai's mortal heart is actually a kind of desire, which has nothing to do with the carnal desire of the human body, but a desire to achieve oneself.

Many people say that Xue Baochai's desire is related to Jia Baoyu, but this is not the case. Xue Baochai's illness has been there since he was a child, not after he met Jia Baoyu.

Therefore, Xue Baochai's illness is that his own desires are too strong and cannot be realized. Depression in the heart of the disease. Xue Baochai once wrote in it, "The good wind sends me to the blue sky with its strength". Xue Baochai's poem "Linjiang Immortal Willow Catkins" is ostensibly writing catkins, but in fact, Xue Baochai is borrowing things to sing and express his heart.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!
She was originally conservative and introverted, and the original text said that she was "rarely spoken, known as hiding foolishness, keeping to herself, and being clumsy". Even Aunt Zhao, who has a bit of hatred for everyone, said that she was "generous and decent". But this decency is not Xue Baochai's nature, but the result of cold pressing of cold incense pills.

Xue Baochai's knowledge is reflected in the original text, she and Lin Daiyu are the key characters portrayed in the book, and her high knowledge has attracted the attention of the sisters in the Grand View Garden. Even she is a little more comfortable than Sister Lin, how can such a woman be a pedantic and old-fashioned person who only knows how to follow the rules.

In the chapter on Jinlan's mutual analysis of Jinlan's language, Xue Baochai also mentioned that he was also a naughty person when he was a child, and he read all miscellaneous books, and banned books like "West Chamber" are not a problem.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

I also read a lot of books such as Buddhist and medical classics, and she once criticized Jia Baoyu for being a miscellaneous study. But while criticizing, she can also explain these miscellaneous studies one by one like a few treasures, and she can also make annotations to give Jia Baoyu some guidance.

Does Xue Baochai hate these books? Some people think it's annoying, because she has more than once persuaded Baoyu to stay away from these miscellaneous books that can move humanity. also made Daiyu more knitting women, and also published a theory that reading is useless. But if Xue Baochai really thinks that these books are useless, then why should she keep talking about them.

The reason is very simple, Xue Baochai is a practical person. When she said that reading books is useless, she means that reading these books is useless for the career economy. She, Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and others are all young masters and young ladies of big families, and they have the burden of continuing the family.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

Personal hobbies should give way to family interests, and for this, she gave up her hobbies and ambitions to turn herself into a qualified woman, a good wife in the eyes of others.

In ancient times, women could not have their own careers, and their only career was to marry. Xue Baochai knew that his greatest use for the Xue family was to glorify the lintel, and there were only two feasible ways: one was to enter the palace, and the other was to marry a good family.

This is unacceptable to any girl who has experienced modern education, but Xue Baochai accepted everything calmly, whether it was entering the palace or marrying someone she didn't like very much.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

A golden hairpin buried in snow

What is Xue Baochai's undertone? Is it a fire or a piece of ice? The golden hairpin was supposed to be a shining thing, but it was buried in the snow. A man with fire poison looks as cold as ice. Perhaps, Jia Baoyu later became Xue Baochai's husband, and he never knew this sister Bao, who didn't like to talk much and often spoke sharply.

She is indifferent, unlike Sister Lin's truth and enthusiasm for life, Xue Baochai has a negative laissez-faire attitude towards her life. She gave up struggling, gave up hope, and calmly accepted her fate of becoming a feudal woman.

Compared with Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu and the other sisters in the Grand View Garden, Xue Baochai is a character with no "spirit". Because she compromised prematurely.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

When did this compromise begin? Maybe it was after her father left, maybe it was after she started taking cold incense pills. Xue Baochai's hot poison will not be fatal, it is as useless as her sobriety, it will only make herself miserable. Eat cold incense pills and suppress the innate heat poison with extremely cool things; , add a word before Baochai, and cover your true self with snow.

Now look at the ingredients of the cold incense pills, the flowers that originally bloomed in the heavens and the earth are plucked when they are not ripe, mixed with the wind, frost and rain that represent the solar terms, and placed in a jar that does not see the light of day and buried deep in the soil.

It's like imprisoning the women of the world in a square inch of land, so that they are born here, grow up here, and die here. I don't have the opportunity to see the outside world, and I have to turn my body into a new wall, and continue to imprison the girls between these square inches.

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!

Xue Baochai's cold incense pill is not only the sea fairy prescription of the leper monk, but also the entire Xue family. And the other sisters of Daguanyuan and even Jia Baoyu have their own hot poison, and they and his hot poison are a passion for life and a desire for freedom. The cold incense pill that can suppress this hot poison is the world around them.

Of the three Bao Dai Chai, one accepted the cold incense pill early, one once picked it up and put it down, and the other never accepted it. The endings of these three people have their own tragedies, and it is difficult to say who did it right and who did it wrong, only a hundred years later, we are still lamenting for the insiders.


Dream of Red Mansions

CNKI - Yue Wei - Xue Baochai's "hot poison" and "antidote" - the hidden worries behind "sensible".

What is Xue Baochai's "hot poison"? The author is too obscure!