
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

author:Little Brother 2i2N

Indian female Internet celebrity travels in China, doesn't give money in the car, yells at Chinese people, foreign netizens are anxious [look] [look] [look]


But no, Pu Yi still has to buy a ticket when he goes back to his home

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

Looking at her appearance, she is not a high caste at all, the high caste is an Aryan, and her appearance is the appearance of the indigenous dwarf black people of South Asia!

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

Taizhou's consumption is not low, but there is still a certain gap with Shanghai.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

Black and red are also red, she can't see it even if she blushes [covering her face]

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

was scolded out of Stockholm by a Chinese girl, and she was completely convinced. [covers face]

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious


Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

It's glad it didn't meet someone as grumpy as me

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

Blocking and refusing a visa will not allow you to enter in the future

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

What if they don't speak English, they can't forcibly unify the language in hundreds of languages [cover their faces] To put it bluntly, they still lack bloody independence and are congenitally insufficient

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

That aunt is also good-natured, and it would have been 110 since she met me [angry]

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

She should be answered "Oh, because only countries that were colonized by the British speak English"

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

You can do enthusiastic people to call the police, and if the police are called, they will be accepted.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

Well done [like] what kind of people are treated

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

This expression is very in place [covering face]

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

There is no visa-free, the relationship is very general, and there are currently no direct flights

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took a car without giving money, and yelled at Chinese people, foreign netizens were anxious

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