
Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

author:Daily Novel Push

Hello everyone, today I bring you a list of fifteen high-quality books that can be treasured, including Yuantong's "Embers of the Deep Sea", Wen Copy's "Easy Dream Road", Chao's "Pet Charm", Shanren's Own Clever Plan "The Rise of Humanity", Phoenix Mocking Phoenix "The End of the Heavens", Not Fuyun "My Body Has a Bug" and other novels, book famine can be collected and concerned!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 1, "Embers of the Deep Sea", Author: Far Pupil, Category: Science Fiction Future World, Word Count: 2.59 million (completed)

Tags: Cthulhu, Adventure, Steampunk, Three Views

Synopsis: The book is set in the context of an ancient annihilation that shattered the world, with endless seas pouring out of the void and submerging the land, leaving only a few islands. And it brought all kinds of anomalies and gods, and beneath the deep sea, there were all kinds of unspeakable things. The survivors established civilization on the remaining islands, presumably at the beginning of the Industrial Age. The main character, Zhou Ming, travels through this world and becomes the captain of a ghost ship named Duncan. At the beginning, he was not familiar with the body, and he had to face strange ghost ships and dangerous seas, but the object of his possession was a notorious ruthless character. Later, as many mysteries were revealed, in the process of finding answers, he always defeated the enemy with his strength, to a series of stories later.

Book Review: The writing of the far pupil is at the top of the entire starting point, and the scenes written are very realistic, and the details are quite in place. At the beginning, he wrote well about the scene where the protagonist is in an anomalous space, and the subsequent scene transition to the ship is not abrupt. The description of the characters' demeanor and language is not lagging behind, and the things written can fit the atmosphere of the novel, and will not make people feel dramatic or confused. The language is still as contagious as ever, and the simple sentences bring a strong sense of substitution. I can't stop the mystery! The plot is compact and humorous. This book integrates weird, SCP-like, navigation and other elements, and at the same time, in the weird atmosphere, it is also mixed with the usual unorthodox humorous style of Yuantong. Overall a very high quality novel, highly recommended to read!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 2, "Easy Dream Road", Author: Wen Copy, Category: Game Game Otherworld, Word Count: 3.6 million (completed)

Tags: System Flow, Strategy Flow, Leading the Mainstream, Management, No Female Lead

Synopsis: The protagonist accidentally travels to a different world where dreams preach the Tao, and there is a golden finger half of the Tianyan Dao Fruit (attribute bar), and he can upgrade his skills or become longer by gaining experience points. When he crossed over, he was an orphan and was accepted as an apprentice by a monk of conscience, and lived in seclusion in Qingling Mountain in the Yuanwu Continent, and obtained his practice inheritance and became a dream master. Then go to the low-dimensional worlds such as the Hui Realm, the Water Realm, the Guchen World, the Earth Star World, and the Purple Eye World, as well as the high-dimensional worlds such as the Heart Demon Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Divine Weapon World, the Science and Technology Immortal World, and the Savage World, and then rekindle the fire of Chinese civilization for the fourth time. Finally, in the final place, Enlightenment mastered the power of Taixu.

Book Review: The classic novel of the Great God Wen Gong travels through the world to farm and flow. Needless to say, the writing is set in detail, the rhythm is very smooth, the plot is not old-fashioned, and the plot is exciting and exciting, which can attract readers to read. There is a cheesy and old-fashioned divorce plot at the beginning, but the author handles it well. The setting of the Dream Master is very novel, and it can be seen that the author also put some thought into it. The protagonist is decisive in killing, the old yin is more than yin, and the supporting villain is also in place. In addition, there are many worlds involved in the book, including fantasy, science fiction, fantasy and other different worlds, and each world is also very exciting, enough to suit all types of readers, readers who are short of books should not miss it!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

The third part, "Pet Charm", Author: Chaos, Category: Fantasy Otherworldly Continent, Word Count: 5.5513 million (completed)

Tags: Cultivation, Royal Beast Flow

Synopsis: The protagonist Chu Duan is captured to an island, conducts devil experiments, and signs a soul pact with the White Tare Demon. Mo Ye, the moonlight fox who signed a contract with continuous mutations, survived with its help, entered the Blue Nightmare Demon Palace, became the lowest-level servant, and survived to the end of the island to enter the prison island. Returned to the Nightmare Demon Palace and was given the identity of Henghai - Nightmare Shao, and became the personal servant of the little princess Jinrou of the Nightmare Palace. Return to the family and lead the family to become stronger, and go to Tianxia City. Participate in the war that broke out in the wilderness, destroy the puppet flower demon army, and reach Vientiane City. Make the Crescent Land independent and establish the Crescent Navy. With the help of the power of the Red Fire Sun, he destroyed the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon and imprisoned himself in the sun. With the help of the totem goddess's ability to control time, go to find the Mo evil who is reincarnated again.

Book Review: As a novel of the Royal Beast Stream, the charm is extremely successful, and it can no longer be simply regarded as a cool text, the story it tells can invade the depths of the reader's heart, so that the reader can not forget it for a long time. The novel is well written about the rhythm control, suspense setting, and pet emotions, and the description of the battle and environment is also smooth. The rendering of the atmosphere is also a highlight, which makes people feel a kind of resonance mentally, and the storyline and characters in it are very infectious, making people feel like they are in tears in the book, and their emotions will fluctuate accordingly. In addition, a lot of foreshadowing is also one of the highlights, but it also leads to the prolongation of the plot in the early stage, coupled with the problem of setting the concept of the world, which cannot make readers quickly have a clearer understanding of the world of the novel, and many people give up reading. In general, if you read it patiently, pet charm can be regarded as a masterpiece.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 4, "The Rise of Humanity", Author: Shanren Has His Own Tricks, Category: Fantasy Oriental Fantasy, Word Count: 4.11 million (Completed)

Tags: Rebirth, Upgrade Stream, Waste Wood Stream, Grassroots Rise

Synopsis: The background of the novel is in a wild world, where all races are competing and the human race has a low status, and it has been dormant for countless years, looking forward to its rise. The protagonist Qingyang Huan is the young master of the Qingyang clan, and the golden finger is a mysterious stone spear, after absorbing the qi and blood of the fierce beast for three years, the existence of the stone spear awakens, and he is ready to leave after giving the protagonist some opportunities, but he is desperately stopped by the stubborn protagonist, and finally gets the approval and commitment of the stone spear. Then, with the help of the stone spear, his strength quickly became stronger, helping his tribe to become stronger. Later, he went out to break through, and after many tribulations, he opened the Thirteen Divine Treasures, walked the way of the heavens, led the human race to become stronger in this world, and once again embarked on the story of the peak.

Book Review: A classic bloody essay that fights for the Terrans, not an ordinary rebirth essay. The writing is relatively mature, the style is capable and funny, the overall context is clear, the plot is twists and turns, the pattern is magnificent, the momentum is magnificent, wonderful, and interesting. In the text, the Terran warriors ignited blood and bones, paved the road of white bones, stepped on blood thorns, and continued to strive for self-improvement, killing a piece of pure land of the Terran race, which made people's blood boiling. The protagonist is ruthless and persistent, decisive in killing, IQ online, not a virgin, but also has great love for the clan and the human race. On the whole, the book is funny and funny, sometimes hot-blooded, sad and angry, and hot-blooded tenderness, highly recommended to read!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 5, "The End of the Heavens", Author: Phoenix Mocking Phoenix, Category: Infinite Heavens Infinite, Word Count: 385.69 (Completed)

Tags: spatiotemporal text, system flow, infinite stream, spit, easy

Synopsis: The novel tells the story of the protagonist Russell, who has a pair of killer parents, but died in a car accident, leaving the protagonist with a rent-collecting house. After awakening Goldfinger, a system that can travel through the heavens and worlds, he has since begun an infinite stream of life. The main traversal is the movie world, with "League of Assassins", "Eight-legged Monster", "Jennifer's Flesh", "Ghost Street", "I, Robot", "Captain America" and other Marvel series movies. These worlds are filled with killers, monsters, witches, aliens, devils, gods...... All sorts of magical elements. From the ordinary to the immortal, find the end on the road of the heavens and leave your own legend.

Book Review: This is a very good book, the author writes better and better, and the start is relatively unsatisfactory. But from the beginning of the Marvel world, it has gradually become on the right track, and the development of the story, various memes, routines, anti-routines and the use of words have gradually improved. It can be seen from the text that he is not only an old author, but also an old driver! The style of writing is witty and humorous, full of refreshment, it is really a daily snack and a lot of stalks, all kinds of slap operations, and all kinds of driving-the kind of car door welding! The most important thing is that the author, an old driver, has a good grasp of the rhythm, and complaining about playing with poisonous tongues and sassy operations will not affect the advancement of the plot and the style of playing, which can make people smile, but will not cause disgust or drag down the plot by putting the cart before the horse. The setting of the world through is also very interesting, it is not a lonely story world, with geographical and time restrictions, but a world that is connected by several movie worlds, which is more interconnected and diverse, and the plot is more substantial. Overall, as long as you don't dislike the protagonist scumbag, it's definitely worth watching!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 6, "My Body Has a Bug", Author: Not Fuyun, Category: Game Virtual Online Game, Word Count: 3,115,300 (Completed)

Tags: System Flow, Open Hang, Practice, Easy, Mage

Synopsis: The novel is set in a futuristic world, where humans have created a game called Home, which includes a number of different games from which players can obtain rare items and skills and bring them home to their homeland. But he has a bug in his body, and every time he enters a new game, it causes the game to crash unexpectedly. After going through this situation a few times, he mastered a new skill, "Time Rewind". With the help of this skill, you can get various benefits, and your strength will continue to grow stronger, crisscrossing the game world, and eventually becoming a legendary story.

Book Review: This is a high-quality infinite streaming game novel that blends all the elements well. The writing is not bad, the setting is interesting, the IQ is online, the world view is very large, the plot is not routine, the dialogue is interesting, the content is very rich, and there are a lot of cool points to read. The dungeon world and pets are well portrayed, and the supporting characters and passers-by have no sense of presence. On the basis of traditional online games, reasonable deductions and changes have been made, bringing a different reading experience. Overall, the early and middle stages of the novel are good, but by the middle of the novel, the main line is not clear, and the reading experience has dropped a bit.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 7, "Rebirth and Casting Dreams", Author: Silver Commemorative Coin, Category: Urban Urban Life, Word Count: 2.456 million (completed)

Tags: Rebirth, Daily Text, Business Wars

Synopsis: The protagonist encountered a strong wind while playing in Wudang Mountain, and was reborn from 2016 to his senior year of high school in 2003, after being reborn, his memory became better and he met the most beautiful female classmate in his class. After analyzing the current situation, start accumulating raw capital and prepare to embark on the path of entrepreneurship. earned the first pot of gold through the Internet café card, and fooled his classmates into writing novels. Start your own company, go to the project to make money, accumulate contacts and resources, divide multiple sets of demolition houses, and change the lives of your parents. After studying hard, I was admitted to my dream university. After entering the university, he expanded his business territory, involved more industries, and finally reached the peak of his life.

Book Review: The high-reputation urban rebirth is cool, the writing is guaranteed, the plot is reasonably arranged, the rhythm is moderate, the plot is very down-to-earth, it looks close to reality, and the reading is not floating or boring. The protagonist counterattacks from the bottom and wins a successful life, which makes people involuntarily immersed. The supporting characters are well portrayed, there is no intelligent operation, and the competition with the protagonist is exciting. The business battles in the book are very exciting, with all kinds of intrigues and intrigues, and you can see the sinister nature of people's hearts. The author has a lot of life experience, and some plots can increase knowledge, so that readers can gain some insights from it. Overall, this is a rebirth novel that is very close to reality, and it is worth watching.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 8, "I'm Really Not a Fairy", Author: Dao Yi Geng, Category: Urban Urban Life, Word Count: 1.01 million (completed)

Tags: Rebirth, Daily Text, Reiki Revival

Synopsis: The novel is set in a modern city with Reiki revival, and the protagonist is reborn from the future to the third year of high school in 2016, when Reiki revival has just begun. After being reborn, the protagonist decides to change his life and protect his loved ones to make up for the regrets that exist in the whole world. Then the protagonist embarked on the road of cultivation alone, and then relied on his own ability to mix and thrive, and also met many confidants. At the beginning of the Reiki revival, I found that this Reiki revival was a little different, and a lot of different things appeared. In the process, the protagonist also went to a different path, and finally became the god of the new world.

Book Review: High-quality Reiki revival novels, delicate and sophisticated writing, warm and plain narratives, old-fashioned story composition, warm family atmosphere, and thousands of girls immerse readers in it. The plot is a bit slow-burning, and there is a lot of foreshadowing in the early stage, and the story will not be exciting until the middle stage, and reading requires a certain amount of patience. Although it is a common aura revival routine, the author still wrote his own thing, not an ordinary brainless slap in the face. All in all, this novel can have the cool points that most readers want, you can take a look.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 9, "Wild Detective", Author: Forgotten Lake in the Vast Sea, Category: Urban Urban Ability, Word Count: 6.314 million (completed)

Tags: Crossing, System, Detective, Hot Blood, IQ Online

Synopsis: The novel tells the story of Zhao Yu, who was a criminal in his previous life, who found that his tattoo was gone, and then found that he had actually crossed over to the body of a policeman. Zhao Yu, who had just become a police officer, encountered a criminal case, but the protagonist who was a ruffian in his previous life did not change his identity at all, and directly made a big fuss at the police station. Later, I went home directly, and on the way home, I woke up the adventure system. The already arrogant person has become more arrogant, but in the later cases, with the help of the system, he has solved strange cases. With the help of colleagues and friends, he has changed from a hooligan ruffian to an upright, responsible and responsible person!

Book Review: The novel is not only a wonderful case design, but also a more exciting process of solving the case, with ups and downs, full of suspense, and fascinating. But the daily writing of the novel is not satisfactory, but this is also normal, some are well written and some are bad. The beginning of the novel may be uncomfortable to read, and it will dissuade some readers, but after officially entering the case, the writing is getting better and better, and the protagonist continues to grow in the process, and the protagonist becomes a responsible and responsible person. But in the later period, the quality of the novel declined, and Goldfinger was also exaggerated, and it was somewhat out of reality. But this novel is also a must-read for those who like suspense and breaking texts, and I highly recommend reading it!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 10, "The Edge of the Universe", Author: Yuan Allen, Category: Science Fiction Time and Space Shuttle, Word Count: 1,992,500 (Completed)

Tags: Future World, Time and Space Literature, Popular Science, Hard Science Fiction

Synopsis: The protagonist is a very hard-working senior high school scumbag, who picked up a mysterious meteorite that fell from the sky while taking a walk outside, and experienced an adventure in a dream, and has a strong understanding since then. In the college entrance examination, he became the top student in the college entrance examination and entered the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University. Relying on talent for scientific research, he soon became the top scientific researcher in China. He began to explore the ruins of the earth, competed and cooperated with foreign forces, participated in the space exploration program, and successfully landed on Mars. Uncover the mystery of the birth of life on Earth, follow in the footsteps of super alien civilizations, uncover the truth of the universe layer by layer, and finally explore the mystery of the origin of the universe.

Book Review: This is a rare high-quality hard science fiction essay from the starting point, the writing is not bad, the plot arrangement is reasonable, the conception is very rigorous, the scene is very vast, the main line runs through the beginning and the end, and the pretense is also very natural. Exploring the universe and experiencing adventures are somewhat brain-burning, but not boring, showing readers a shocking and vivid cosmic world. There is a lot of professional knowledge involved in the book, most of which is reasonable, and readers can gain some insight after reading it. The author also puts forward novel ideas and ideas such as black holes, the origin of the universe, and the boundaries of the universe, which can make readers yearn for the vast universe. All in all, although there are some problems with this novel, the reading experience is still very good.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 11, "The Wizard of Science and Technology", Author: Sun Twenty-three, Category: Fantasy Mystery Fantasy, Word Count: 3,477,500 (Completed)

Tags: Crossing, Wizard Stream, Farming, Management

Synopsis: The protagonist is a materialist in modern society, who travels to a world similar to the Western Middle Ages and becomes the prince of a small country. Rely on your own identity to explore supernatural powers in this world, obtain the inheritance of wizards, and make yourself a wizard without talent through scientific means. Explore and learn in a scientific way, and master everything you can see in front of you. One day, he was kidnapped by a giant dragon and needed him to play with his daughter. Here he researches faster again, uncovering the essence of wizards, making his strength stronger quickly, and finally becoming invincible.

Book Review: This is a fine wizard flow novel, with a big brain, a good setting, an average plot and writing, and a large world view. The protagonist analyzes the wizarding world through a scientific view, and uses logic and experiments to explore the deep principles under the surface of witchcraft, bringing readers a different reading experience. There is a lot of modern science involved in the book, which can remind the reader of the time when he was a student, but some things are still very simple. The protagonist acts calmly and rationally, starting completely from his own goals. There is a situation of irrigation in the middle and late stages of the novel, which leads to a decrease in the overall reading experience, but it is still a very good novel.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 12, "Star Cruise", Author: Gu Jianfeng, Category: Science Fiction Future World, Word Count: 4.16 million (completed)

Tags: Interstellar, Mecha, Hard Sci-Fi

Synopsis: The background of the novel is the interstellar era, where the protagonist's parents died unexpectedly and he struggled to survive alone. Accidentally hijacked by star thieves and brought into the interstellar world. After escaping the persecution of the star thieves, he learned the path of cultivation to become stronger, obtained an interstellar cruise ship that could evolve, and formed his own force. In the interstellar world, he developed in a low-key manner, explored everywhere and expanded his team, constantly strengthened his strength, and began to explore the unknown starry world. In the process, uncover the secrets behind the scenes, and also fight against the fateful enemies of the Zerg, relying on strength to defeat these great enemies. Participate in the final battle of the world, and finally make the eternal story come true.

Book Review: The author's fame, the second installment of the interstellar series. The writing skills are skillful, the imagination is very rich, the plot progresses smoothly, there is a lot of foreshadowing before and after, and the reading is hearty. The strange races and professions in the book, as well as the magical cosmic wonders, greatly expand the reader's horizons. The author has absorbed the essence of interstellar tomb robbery, and also introduced the upgrade system of fantasy and cool texts from a commercial point of view, creatively using ships that can evolve, bringing a different reading experience. In short, this is a novel with a full reading experience, and it is worth watching.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 13, "Crazy Village Building Order", Author: Lazy Bird, Category: Fantasy Gaowu World, Word Count: 1.87 million (completed)

Tags: Crossing, infrastructure flow, end times, management

Synopsis: The protagonist Zhang Yang was unexpectedly selected by the village building order, and entered the fantasy world of Gao Wu at the beginning, and after killing a few demon beasts, he successfully established the village, and made the strength of the village stronger through various means, so that the village could exist for more than three hundred years. In the back, there are more requirements. Build a base in a post-apocalyptic world and make sure you don't get breached by a billion zombies. Build a kingdom in the game world and make sure it's still around three hundred years later. Establish a sect in the world of Xianxia to ensure that the inheritance will still exist three thousand years later. After experiencing the experience of many worlds, he gradually revealed the secrets of this world, fought many strong people, and finally stepped on the pinnacle.

Book Review: The lord construction essay with a huge brain hole can also be regarded as an original infinite stream. The text and plot are excellent.,The whole is not routine.,The structure is very big.,There's a lot of whimsy.,World hegemony,Race wars,It's also somewhat related to the previous work.,People can't help but read the follow-up plot.。 Each small world is very exciting, there are apocalypse, there are fairytales, there are fantasy, there are games. The character IQ is online, the action is logical, the thinking and decision-making are unique, and the villain is not brainless. The protagonist is extremely cowardly, and he is afraid of death to the extreme. But when I spread out later, I feel that the plot line is a bit messy, but the impact on the whole is not very big, and it is still a novel worth watching.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 14, "I Add a Point to All Things", Author: Chang Shi, Category: Light Novel Original Fantasy, Word Count: 3.06 million (Completed)

Tags: System Flow, Daily Text, Management, Cultivation, Ability, Easy

Synopsis:The protagonist Lu Yang is an ordinary college student.,Accidentally obtained the system.,You can get points.,You can add points to anything through points.,Add points to animals and plants and you'll become monsters.,Add points to yourself and you'll get a variety of natural skills.,But all kinds of items that add points will produce strange changes.。 Then the protagonist adds points to himself, his mobile phone, swimming pool, circus, books, hourglass, leopard, bamboo forest, etc., and then develops black technology together to work hard in the world, and his life has completely changed in the process, and finally lives the story he wants to live.

Book Review: It is a light-hearted urban daily text, and life is a light-hearted novel. The writing is delicate and sophisticated, the text is witty and humorous, the setting is novel and funny, the funny is warm, the world view is very good, the thinking logic is reasonable, the brain hole is very large, and the reading experience is very good. The descriptions of the little monsters in the book are particularly fascinating, and in the author's description, the ordinary things that can no longer be ordinary in daily life become unrecognizable in an instant, bringing readers a novel and colorful world. Overall, it's a novel with a good reading experience, and it's a good book to relax!

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

Part 15, "Heavenly Selection", Author: Comeback, Category: Fantasy Oriental Fantasy, Word Count: 5.17 million (completed)

Tags: Crossing, Layout Flow, Killing Decisiveness, Management

Synopsis: The protagonist Lin Fengjin travels to the alternate ancient China, similar to the high-martial world of the Warring States Period, where hundreds of schools of thought contend, and there are five countries such as the Middle and Tang Dynasty. After crossing over, he was the only son of a grain merchant, and after spending money, his father won the imperial examination and was born as a child, and he had a demon star life. Then he chose to enter Donglin College and studied with Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming as his teachers. I wanted to live in this world, but with the arrival of the troubled times, the hidden schools appeared one after another, and I was also swept into the torrent of history. Later, he embarked on the road of hegemony, ended the chaos of this world, let Dongxia dominate the world, and changed the name of the country to Great Xia.

Book Review: A very good quality oriental fantasy cool text, a work of transformation in the earth. The writing is very good, the writing is smooth, the logical thinking is reasonable, the imagination is rich, and the reading experience is very good. In the text, Taoism and blood, official position, people's heart, and national luck influence each other, and it also skillfully combines the historical background with the national hegemony. The protagonist is a resourceful character with a calm personality, scheming, and good at layout. The supporting characters' IQ is online, and there are not too many intelligence reduction operations. The portrayal of historical celebrities is very good, and people can see their demeanor. It's just a little worse in the multi-line narrative, and then there's a little problem with the ending, it's still a fantasy novel worth watching.

Fifteen high-quality book lists that can be treasured, and the writing and plots are all online, which can make you say goodbye to the book shortage!

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