
Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

author:Daily Novel Push

Hello everyone, today I bring you ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, including "The King of the Royal Beasts" by Qingquan Liuxiang, "The Fairy is Fierce" by Guan Guan Gongzi, "The Respect of the First World" by the squid who loves diving, "Earth Era" by the Rainbow Gate, "Iron Dynasty" by the snail with the family on his back, etc., which can be collected and followed!

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 1, "The King of the Royal Beasts", Author: Qingquan Liuxiang, Category: Urban Magic Superpower, Word Count: 1,977,400 (Completed)

Tags: System Flow, Royal Beast Flow

Synopsis: The novel is an urban background in parallel time and space, the protagonist's parents died unexpectedly, he was adopted by his parents and friends, and there is a childhood sweetheart of the same age. The protagonist has the superpower to understand the "heart" of animals, the deer with healing powers, and dreams that the city is invaded by various monsters. With the help of the ability, in the "Fighting Insect Conference", he won many championships in a row. The follow-up involves the invasion of creatures in different time and space, and humans will give birth to the "Beast Master" profession, which belongs to the Beast version of the aura revival. Sure enough, he was then selected by the mysterious "black card", and he was able to contract to control the pet beast to fight for himself. In the back, he continues to become stronger, uncovers many secrets behind it, and finally sets foot on the story of the peak.

Book Review: This is another wonderful novel of the Royal Beast Flow, which involves elements such as the Royal Beast + online game + aura recovery + secret realm, and will also raid the world that contains supernatural, Western fantasy, Cthulhu, mechanical, mythological and other types of worlds. Travel to different worlds, get a variety of strange pets, and use the system of different worlds to improve the modern beast civilization. The writing is still very good, the style is relaxed and freehand, the plot rhythm is good, the routine setting is a little new, and the cool point control is very good. After this book, the author has also become a platinum god, but I feel that the quality of this novel is not very high, and I look forward to the author's next novel being better.

Summary: The early stage of the novel looks good, but the quality of the later stage has dropped a bit.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

The second part, "The Fairy is Fierce", Author: Guan Guan Gongzi, Category: Xianxia Fantasy Cultivation of Immortals, Word Count: 2.4272 million (completed)

Tags: Daily text, multi-heroine, relaxed

Introduction: Zuo Lingquan was just born, and he had everything that a mortal could have. Famous son, handsome and unparalleled, and rich family...... But when he was a toddler, he found that this world did not belong to mortals, it was a world that could be cultivated, with demons and ghosts, walking against the wind, and immortal ...... But the protagonist's physique is not good, and he can't cultivate. But through his own efforts, his strength became very strong, and he was able to fight immortal cultivators before he obtained the method of cultivating immortals, and embarked on the story of pursuing the path of immortality.

Book Review: The author tries to transform Xianxia from historical classification, although it is a Xianxia classification, but it is more about children's love and chivalry. There is a perfect cultivation system in the book, which is different from the classic grade division, although it is unique and renamed, but it still corresponds to the classic Qi Cultivation and Building Fund Dan level. The protagonist Zuo Lingquan was born in a big family, a handsome son, and he can fight immortal cultivators when he has not obtained the method of cultivating immortals. is still a lot of heroines, the author shows the characteristics of each heroine vividly through various daily descriptions, the shy and graceful, the vinegar jar is quiet, the tough Jiang Yi, and the Lingye baby who can play...... The wording is extremely accurate, especially the description of Da Tuanzi is extremely detailed, and it is worth seeing.

Summary: It's a very good multi-heroine novel.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

The third part, "The Respect of the World", Author: The Squid Who Loves Diving, Category: Fantasy Oriental Fantasy, Word Count: 4.4405 million (completed)

Tags: Crossing, Infinite Flow, Layout Flow, Flood Waste, National Art, Hot Blood, Group Portrait, Decisive Killing

Synopsis: The protagonist Meng Qi is an employee of a company on Earth who travels to another world to become Su Ziyuan. The predecessor was sent to the Shaolin Temple, accepted as an apprentice by Xuan Bei, and was given the legal name "Zhending", because of the Shaolin Houshan incident, he went to the King Kong Temple in the Western Regions with the master. was expelled from the sect for killing too many horse bandits, and began to roam the rivers and lakes under the pseudonym Su Meng. Walk and practice in the Six Gates, explore the Tomb of True Martial Arts in the World of Nine Towns, survive the Four Heavenly Tribulations to achieve the exterior, enter the World of Gods to promote the Mohist doctrine, enter the Nine Heavens Ruins from the World of Traveling West, obtain the Yuan Heart Seal in the Jade Void Palace, enter the world of Lanruo Temple to kill the old demon of Montenegro, and then enter the Jade Void Palace to collect the Eight Seals of the Yuan Dynasty. Finally, uncover the plans of the Demon Buddha and other behind-the-scenes masters, harness the boat of doom to protect all beings, resist the end of the era, and open up a new era with the tree of the avenue left by Daozun.

Book Review: Squid is a classic novel, the writing plot is online, the style is quite chivalrous, and the portrayal of the characters is impressive. The novel unfolds the story with an infinite stream, with oriental fantasy as the background of the novel, combined with martial arts stories and ancient mythology, showing a very wonderful world. The protagonist loves the unique temperament of the saint in front of people, and his actions are unbearable, and the portrayal of each character is also impressive. The text contains infinite streams, but it innovates on the basis of the original, setting up the concept of the real world and the fragment of the universe. He also has his own ideas about the ancient mythology of the Romance of the Gods, and reshapes a different mythological system. Overall, it is a classic novel that incorporates a variety of elements, and it is highly recommended to read it!

Summary: Very good fantasy novels, there are no problems.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 4, "Earth Era", Author: Rainbow Gate, Category: Science Fiction Future World, Word Count: 1,427,900 (Completed)

Tags: Interstellar, Technology, Hard Science Fiction, Popular Science, Group Portrait

Introduction: The novel is mainly about the future world, human beings are facing various existential crises, relying on their own efforts to find a way to survive, the story is mainly divided into five volumes. In the first volume of the solar crisis, the sun suddenly cooled down sharply, and human beings competed with the stellar people who controlled the sun, and Zhao Huasheng embarked on a journey to find the answer. In the second volume of the Scourge of the Stars, the supernova of the star Seamount II explodes, and the outer solar system becomes nothing. The third volume of the time traveler, set off on the Starsea spaceship to explore the universe in search of hope. In the fourth volume of the Devil's Lair, humans are attacked by unknown creatures in the Raqqa system, and the two sides start a big war. The fifth volume of Stardust Courier, humanity encounters death stardust on the way back to the solar system.

Book Review: This is a high-reputation hard science fiction novel, the writing is very good, the scene is very grand, the structure is complete, the setting is full of creativity, the scientific logic is complete and self-consistent, and the storyline is exciting and exciting. The image of the protagonist is successfully shaped, although it is multiple protagonists, but they all have their own characteristics. The response to the existential crisis and so on are described as successful. Each story in the book is relatively independent, but it is interconnected, forming a vast epic that stretches for tens of thousands of years. The first story of the novel is good, the third story is the pinnacle, and the fifth story is a bit problematic. All in all, this is a very classic novel, and I recommend reading it.

Summary: Readers who like hard science fiction, don't miss this novel.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 5, "Iron Dynasty", Author: The Snail Carrying the Home, Category: History Alternate History, Word Count: 2.432 million (completed)

Tags: traversal, system flow, industry, power

Synopsis: The protagonist travels to a parallel world similar to the ancient continent because of a secret experimental explosion accident. The predecessor was the most neglected Seventh Prince of the Great Chongqing Kingdom, and there was only a very marginal fief, so I thought I would live like this. However, the technological hedron from his previous life came to this world with him, giving him the ability to upgrade the technology tree. In this regard, he farmed and developed in the territory, promoted the industrial development of the territory, and the strength of the territory continued to grow. embarked on the road of hegemony, won the Rebellion of the Seven Kings, seized Mongolia, the Western Regions, and Tibet, assimilated into Goryeo, and the Wa Kingdom, colonized the East Indies, Africa, and even Europe, and built a powerful dynasty.

Book Review: This is a boutique historical essay with a collection of Tang and Ming Dynasty backgrounds, as well as a combination of various science fiction elements. The writing is decent, the writing is a little verbose, the logical setting is fine, and the sense of rhythm is relatively strong. The gold finger is not bad, there are relatively few poison spots, it looks very cool and passionate. The protagonist takes the country and evolves from cold weapons to hot weapons, and the process of development and hegemony is also interesting to watch. The protagonist's IQ is online, he acts decisively, and the supporting characters also have their own characteristics. Overall, this is a very distinctive novel, you can take a look at it.

Summary: It is a high-quality grain and grass text, don't miss it.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 6, "Black Technology Monopoly Company", Author: East China Sea Pig Demon, Category: Infinite Heavens, Words: 1.62 million (completed)

Tags: Future World, System Flow, Infinite Flow, Technology, Industry

Synopsis: Zhang Heng is an intern who is about to graduate from the fourth year of the Department of Biology, and one day he was selected by the mysterious Rubik's Cube and obtained the dimensional star assistance system, and learned that it was created by a powerful plane, in order to fight against the unknown existence behind it. He needs to enter different planes to complete tasks in order to obtain various rewards. Enter Resident Evil first, complete the experimental mission, unlock more features, and also provide scientific research capabilities. In order to change the fate of the future, Stellar Biotechnology was created. In the back, enter the film and television worlds such as Alien, Dead Space, Fallout, Final Fantasy, etc., and obtain benefits in these worlds and gather all kinds of talents. Let the company crisscross different time and space, and ultimately change the whole world.

Book Review: This is a high-reputation novel that blends science fiction and infinite streaming, and there is no general collapse of infinite streaming in the later stage. The writing is online, the plot is compact, the rhythm is bright, the world background is huge, and the cool points are portrayed very well. The protagonist has a decisive and ruthless personality, has his own bottom line, and is the mastermind behind the scenes. The copy movie world is very well written, and a very good adaptation has been made, and each world has its own characteristics. Explain the supernatural power through scientific and technological means, and then the reader sees a different cool point. Overall, this is a very distinctive novel, you can take a look at it.

Summary: Readers who love unlimited streaming should not miss it.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 7, "The Cultivation of the Post-80s", Author: Brother Fishing 1, Category: Xianxia Modern Xiuzhen, Word Count: 1,974,300 (Completed)

Tags: Metaphysics, Qi Luck Flow, Xiuzhen

Synopsis: The protagonist Zhang Zhaohua is a rural baby born in the 80s, who was too sleepy and fell asleep when she was out herding cattle, but several friends drowned in the pond. But he could see his little friend who had drowned, and his parents were scared away by the magic stick, but they got the bell they left behind. Then he apprenticed in a dream, obtained the inheritance of cultivation, and embarked on the path of cultivation. After his parents went to live in the city, he chose to live alone, and he was exposed to all kinds of strange things. As I grew older, I went out to practice, came into contact with more secrets and strong people, and my strength continued to get stronger, and finally entered the real fairy world.

Book Review: This is a relatively niche boutique Xianxia novel, the writing is delicate and sophisticated, the story content is very good, the plot is a little slow, the atmosphere is portrayed very well, there is no deliberate pretending to slap the face, not only has a sense of age, but it also looks very down-to-earth. The rural life in the early stage is very much in line with the scene at that time, making people feel like they are back in that era. The emotions expressed in the book are very sincere, whether it is the recklessness or innocence of children, the simplicity or cunning of villagers, and the local feelings are very attractive. All kinds of folk customs and spells and spells are also eye-opening. All in all, it's a novel that has a decent reading experience and is worth watching.

Summary: Readers who are used to reading regular cool articles should not miss it.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 8, "The Natives of the World Are So Fierce", Author: Really Troublesome, Category: Urban Urban Ability, Word Count: 1.86 million (completed)

Tags: invincible flow, behind-the-scenes flow, management, modern cultivation, big brain

Synopsis: The novel is set in a modern city, and the protagonist is adopted by a mysterious old man since he was a child, and becomes the heir of a legendary crook organization, but on the surface he is only a freelancer. As the earth's space collides with otherworldly space, the two worlds come into contact with the otherworldly invasion. The protagonist awakens his magic by chance, has a variety of magical abilities, and also learns of the invasion of another world. In the future, he relied on his own strength and calculations to cultivate powerful transcendents, build an organization "Dawn" to protect the earth against monsters, fight against the monsters that invaded the earth behind the scenes, and cooperate with government departments. The story of finally leading humanity to defeat enemies in another world, conquer other worlds and planes, and embark on the pinnacle.

Book Review: This is a high-quality behind-the-scenes novel, the writing is very good, the character IQ is online, the brain hole setting is novel, and the cool points in the early and late stages are good. The protagonist has a lot of manipulation behind the scenes, which is often unexpected and makes people sigh at the author's brain. The battle scenes in the book are very well described, and it will bring a wonderful and exciting reading experience. The description of the government department is also good, and the upper-level role IQ is online, and it has also taken its own responsibility. There are some places where the fork is a bit forced, but it doesn't affect the reading. All in all, the quality of this book is very good, and it is highly recommended for book lovers who are short of books.

Summary: The overall is very good, but it is a little slow in the early stage.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 9, "The Strongest Soldier King", Author: Timberwolf, Category: Military War Fantasy, Word Count: 8.36 million (completed)

Tags: Special Forces, Hot Blood

Synopsis: The protagonist is a newly enlisted border guard who is the only survivor of a foreign mercenary attack at his outpost. Then he chose to track down the fleeing foreign mercenaries, and after many battles, plus the help of others, he killed this group of mercenaries, and also knew the existence of the people behind them. In order to find the enemy for revenge, train hard in later life and complete various tasks to make yourself stronger. Find the enemy behind you to take revenge, become the top powerhouse in the army, and compete with the strong abroad. Finally, become the strongest soldier king and start a new journey.

Book Review: This is a very classic Bingwangliu novel, not an ordinary Long Aotian type, but has its own plot and development, and it was liked by many readers back then. The novel integrates special warfare, spy warfare, guards, detection, rescue and other bloody plots, and also combines elements of life, emotion, righteousness, and loyalty. The author is familiar with all kinds of modern military weapons, and they are perfectly integrated into this novel, from writing this iron-blooded and tender story. The character portrayal is very good, the protagonists and supporting characters have their own characteristics, and there is no plot that is too intellectual. All in all, it's a pretty good novel.

Summary: Readers who like the flow of soldiers can take a look at this novel.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

Part 10, "The Legend of the Immortal Garden", Author: June Guanzhu, Category: Xianxia Fantasy Cultivation of Immortals, Word Count: 2,502,500 (completed)

Tags: Travel, Infinite Stream, Mythology, Time and Space Gate, Formation

Synopsis: The protagonist is hit by a gourd while exploring the ancient tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty and travels to an era similar to the ancient Zhou Dynasty. The predecessor was very thin, and his parents were both killed, and he and his cousin depended on each other. From the gourd, he got the legendary inheritance of Lu Jian Daojun, and he has the capital to become stronger. Obtain the method of cultivation, embark on the path of cultivation, and continue to grow stronger. Through the inheritance of land pressure, he refined the Immortal Flying Knife, achieved the body of thunder and fire, and was involved in the powerful game of the upper realm, defeating countless strong people, shaking the sky, and deterring the netherworld, and moving towards the road of invincibility.

Book Review: This is a high-quality online novel of the Wild Wilderness, with a wonderful plot, good setting, smooth rhythm, grand world, reasonable logic, and a variety of mythological elements, which can immerse readers in it. The author's writing is simple, his words are down-to-earth, his style is humorous, and the atmosphere is relaxed. The protagonist is flying and jumping, with a cheeky face and a black heart, but has his own principles. Scenes such as combat cultivation interact with the characters, and the description is very consistent with the scene. Overall, the early and middle stages of the novel are still very exciting, and the end of the later period is a bit far-fetched, but it is still a novel that can be read.

Summary: Readers who like Xianxia, don't miss this novel.

Ten high-quality novels that are super cool to read, to ensure that this book is high-energy, and book lovers can enter the pit!

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