
Her mother was seriously ill, and her father refused to treat her, and after 18 years, her father died of illness, but her mother was still healthy

author:Historical idiot
Beginning: This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


When I was a child, my dad always thought that my mom's body was the biggest ticking time bomb in our family.

Speaking of which, twenty years ago, the doctor told us that my mother's heart condition was very bad.

I didn't know much of the technical terms, but I could feel the seriousness of the matter from my father's anxious brow.

The doctor recommended a rather expensive surgery, but Dad insisted that such treatment would only prolong the pain and that it would be better for Mom to receive basic treatment and care at home in peace.

Time flies, eighteen years are like a day, we are all worried about our mother's health, and we don't even dare to expect too much.

However, to everyone's surprise, Dad left us before a sudden illness.

Only my mother is left, and she is still alive and strong.

Soon after, my father's sister, my aunt, repeated the pessimistic view of my mother's health.

The aunt always sighed worriedly, thinking that her mother would not last long.

But fate was surprising again, and my aunt also passed away in a hurry due to illness, but my mother was still alive and strong.

Mom's medical journey is a legend.

Over the years, her body has endured almost all the tests: heart attacks for many years, several strokes that were rushed to resuscitation, to frequent fractures.

Whenever she talked about it, her neighbors and friends were amazed and called her "a regular visitor to the hospital's cardiology department".

However, every time we faced hardships, my mother always miraculously survived and gave us hope.

In the hospital, Mom even became a kind of legend.

Whether it is the doctors, nurses or the family members of our patients, she is always mentioned with admiration.

Everyone said that my mother's vitality was too strong.

Sometimes, her story is used as a motivational topic to spread around the ward, bringing hope and motivation to many sick people.

Looking back on those years, as I grew older, I gradually understood my mother's tenacity.

It is not only a resistance to disease, but also a love and persistence for life.

Even though she has faced death many times, her mother's attitude is always so restrained and calm, as if she had expected all this.

Whenever I look back in the corridor of the hospital, I am deeply moved by her charm when I see how relaxed my mother is always talking to others, sharing her own painful experiences, and gently listening to the stories of others.

Every word she says, every smile she says, is a deep love for life.

Mom's story may not be spectacular, but it is the perseverance and bravery in this ordinary that constitutes the unyielding spiritual symbol of our family.

After the death of my father and aunt, this spirit has become an indelible force in my heart, inspiring me to live strong and love the world whenever and wherever I am, just like my mother has always done.

Her mother was seriously ill, and her father refused to treat her, and after 18 years, her father died of illness, but her mother was still healthy


Although I knew that my mother had heart disease, her lifestyle always made me feel helpless, and I couldn't help but admire her optimism and love of life.

Whenever I see her, she always has a packet of spicy beef jerky in her mouth, and at night she either orders takeout or makes soup, and sometimes she can hear a faint sound from the kitchen at night, she is making supper.

The snack box is always full, with everything from toffee to nuts.

In addition to her love of food, Mom is also obsessed with online shopping and social media.

Whenever a courier arrives, she is always excited like a child, showing off her "loot" all over the house, from new clothes to kitchen gadgets.

At night, she always likes to watch live broadcasts, and sometimes she takes out her mobile phone and gives small gifts to the anchors in the live broadcast room, which is very happy.

In the face of my mother's attitude towards life, my family and I sometimes felt confused and even a little frustrated, worried about her health, but finally chose to accept it.

We understand that these may be what motivates her to persevere, a way for her to face life's challenges.

Although we know that such a lifestyle is not completely healthy, we can only try our best to understand and adapt to the happy and satisfied appearance of our mother.

I often talk to my mom and try to guide her to take care of her health.

Her mother was seriously ill, and her father refused to treat her, and after 18 years, her father died of illness, but her mother was still healthy

We would go shopping together, and I led her to the healthy food section and gently introduced her to these heart-healthy foods.

Although my mother would half-jokingly roll her eyes and say, "Life must be delicious before it is called life!" ”

But she would occasionally compromise and buy a thing or two to try.

When it comes to online shopping and watching live streams, I also try to get involved and find out what interests her is.

Sometimes, I'll watch her live stream after dinner to see why it's so captivating to her.

In this way, I gradually understood what she had fun and facilitated our communication.

As a family, we have an unwritten agreement not to give up hope at any time and to face it together, no matter what difficulties we encounter.

Mom's optimism and love of life, in her unique way, actually gave our family a lot of support and strength.

We began to learn to put ourselves in our mother's shoes and understand her love and dedication to life.

This way of life is stressful, but at the same time, it is something I deeply admire.

Mother, with her unique and striking side, taught me to face life with courage and enjoy every moment with pleasure, no matter how difficult it is.

In this family, whether it is worry or joy, we have chosen to share the burden.

Our home, because of such a resolute and full of vitality as my mother, has become more warm and full of vitality.

This commitment to family responsibilities and admiration for vitality made me understand that life is not about finding and creating one's own happiness in countless challenges.

Her mother was seriously ill, and her father refused to treat her, and after 18 years, her father died of illness, but her mother was still healthy


As the years passed, I began to feel a change in myself, not only in terms of gray hair, but also in my worsening lower back pain and the increase in the prescription of my glasses.

All this forced me to face the cruel truth that I was no longer the young man who could take care of my mother all the time.

One night, tossing and turning in bed, I made the difficult but necessary decision to send my mom to a nursing home.

How did I do that?

First of all, I started to look online for nursing homes near my home, focusing on those with well-equipped facilities and good reviews.

After several days of comparison and consideration, we finally settled on a nursing home that was only half an hour's drive from us.

Next, I had a long communication with my mother to explain to her the helplessness and good intentions behind this decision.

Although my mother was a little emotionally fluctuating at first, she eventually accepted my decision.

In the early days of moving to a nursing home, my mother encountered some adjustment problems, especially the inconvenience of internet connection, which directly affected her favorite activities such as shopping and watching live streams.

After learning about this situation, I immediately communicated with the management of the nursing home and expressed my request to improve the network service.

After some effort, they finally agreed to upgrade the network system.

In the days that followed, I visited my mom regularly, bringing her favorite snacks and new clothes each time, trying to make her feel at home.

I also brought my laptop with me and taught her how to use the more convenient online shopping app and how to find what she was interested in on the live streaming platform.

I noticed that as time went on, my mother's resistance to the new environment gradually subsided, and she began to build friendly relationships with other elderly people, even sharing the snacks she made in the restaurant.

Watching my mother's life in the nursing home gradually get back on track, I felt more peaceful inside than ever.

Yes, I can no longer be with my mom as much as I used to, but I do everything I can to create a happy, comfortable environment for her.

All this is just so that she can enjoy a better life in her old age.

Through this experience, I have learned that sometimes letting go does not mean giving up, but rather a deeper level of love.

Just like the way I take care of my mother, although the way has changed, this heart has never diminished.

Seeing my mom enjoying her online life and communicating with people in a nursing home with peace of mind, I knew it was all worth it.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.