
Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

author:Historical idiot

On the morning of June 4, 1981, representatives from all walks of life had already gathered at the Shanghai Universal Cemetery, who were waiting quietly under the scorching sun, ready to bid farewell to this great woman who had dedicated her life to China's revolution and construction.

At this moment, a special plane landed from Beijing, carrying Deng Yingchao, Wu Lanfu, Liao Chengzhi and other central leaders, who rushed to the scene just to attend Song Qingling's funeral.

On the morning of the same day, Deng Yingchao and his entourage had just arrived at Hongqiao Airport, and she did not stop at all and immediately went to the funeral site. However, when she arrived at the scene, she made a request - the funeral was held earlier.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

The last days of life

In May 1981, Soong Ching-ling, the great woman of the Chinese revolution, was making her final struggle against disease.

At that time, Song Qingling was 88 years old, and she was often bedridden. At her residence in Beijing, the medical team and staff are on guard day and night.

Since her condition deteriorated, the central government has paid close attention and sent the best medical team to treat her. However, Song Qingling's condition is still not optimistic, she suffers from coronary heart disease and chronic lymphoid leukemia, and her physical condition is getting worse day by day.

Comrade Soong Ching Ling was one of the greatest women of the 20th century, who devoted her life to the revolutionary cause.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

In her youth, she followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen and ran around for the revolutionary cause; During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, she actively supported the heroic resistance of the Chinese military and civilians, and made outstanding contributions to the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Soong Ching Ling threw himself into the cultural, educational, health, and welfare undertakings of women and children.

Until the last stage of her life, Comrade Soong Ching Ling fought unremittingly for the revolutionary cause, and she was undoubtedly great, so when she was seriously ill, countless people felt grief.

Urgent preparations

On March 23, 1981, Li Jiachi, who was in charge of Soong Ching-ling's logistical support management at that time, received news that he should make psychological preparations and start to arrange matters related to Comrade Soong Ching-ling's funeral.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

At that time, Comrade Soong Ching-ling's condition was already very serious, and in addition to her advanced age, even if the medical team was doing their best to treat her, she could only barely delay it for a while.

Song Qingling had previously expressed that he hoped to return to Shanghai to be buried with his parents, so Li Jiachi came to Shanghai with a heavy heart and began to arrange related matters.

On May 24, Li Jiachi came to Beijing again to discuss the specific plan for Soong Qingling's funeral.

After many considerations, it was finally decided that the scale of the funeral should be controlled to about 200 people, and the attendees included representatives from all walks of life, women's representatives, young people, and primary and secondary school students.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

On May 29, 1981, Song Qingling died of illness in Beijing. When the news broke, the whole country fell into deep mourning. Representatives from all walks of life rushed to Shanghai to attend Soong Ching Ling's state funeral ceremony.

According to the plan, at 10 a.m. on June 4, the funeral will be held in Shanghai. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the central authorities also sent people to Shanghai twice to inspect the preparatory work.

As the funeral date approached, the weather in Shanghai became hotter. Delegates from all walks of life, including many children and teenagers, lined up early in the morning at the Universal Cemetery. They endured the scorching sun on their heads and endured the scorching heat, waiting for this solemn farewell ceremony.

Interim decision

In the early morning of June 4, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport ushered in a special plane from Beijing, carrying Deng Yingchao, Wu Lanfu, Liao Chengzhi and other leaders.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

According to the original plan, they could take a short break and then go to the funeral site, but their grief was unbearable and they decided to go straight to the funeral site.

At half past nine in the morning, Deng Yingchao and others rushed to the Shanghai Universal Cemetery, and the scene was full of people who came to mourn and bid farewell, their expressions were solemn, and their eyes revealed a deep sadness.

Representatives from all walks of life gathered early in the scorching sun and waited. The children's faces were covered with beads of sweat, but they still stood up straight. It was already very hot in Shanghai in June, and there were hundreds of people on the scene, but no one cared about the scorching sun overhead.

Deng Yingchao saw the beads of sweat on the children's foreheads, and felt anxious, and immediately decided to hold a funeral in advance.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

"Jiachi, the scene is too hot, the children have been waiting for a long time, the funeral can't be delayed any longer, let's start immediately, even if it starts a minute earlier." Deng Yingchao said.

Li Jiachi quickly found the leader to report: "Sister Deng suggested that the funeral should be held in advance to avoid heat stroke for the children. ”

In just a few minutes, the funeral, which was scheduled to start at 10 o'clock, was brought forward to 9:55, everyone quickly adjusted, and the funeral began in a tense and orderly atmosphere.

This decision not only reflects her concern for the children, but also makes the whole funeral seem more warm and humane.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

Deng Yingchao inspected the scene and explained to Li Jiachi: "Jiachi, pay attention to the children's situation, if anyone is uncomfortable, deal with it immediately." Li Jiachi nodded and immediately arranged for staff to strengthen on-site inspection and care.

A solemn farewell

At 9:55 a.m. on June 4, 1981, the funeral officially began as music sounded. Deng Yingchao stood beside the coffin and said softly: "Comrade Qingling, we are here to see you off for the last time." Her voice was not high, but every word was full of affection.

At this time, the funeral scene was silent, and everyone bowed their heads in silence. Representatives of the Young Pioneers also stepped forward to lay wreaths, and their young faces looked particularly serious in the sun.

After the farewell ceremony, Song Qingling's body was slowly carried into the tomb. Deng Yingchao and other central leaders watched silently, and according to her last wishes, she was buried next to her parents.

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

After the funeral, Li Jiachi returned to the office, recalling the intense preparations and temporary changes during this time, and his heart was full of emotion. As one of the people preparing for the funeral, he was well aware that there were elderly people and children who attended the funeral that day, but he ignored the impact of the weather on them.

Comrade Deng Yingchao's decision not only reflects her meticulous observation, but also shows her concern for the masses. This funeral is not only a farewell to Song Qingling, but also a inheritance of her spirit.


Deng Yingchao's temporary decision to hold Song Qingling's funeral was held in advance because of her concern for the many children and elderly people in the hot weather at the scene. This decision not only demonstrates her meticulous human consideration, but also shows her thoughtfulness for each and every one of the attendees.

Although Song Qingling's state funeral was changed five minutes earlier, Deng Yingchao's decisive action also added warmth and emotion to this solemn farewell. The whole event highlights the deep impression that care and detail leave on people's hearts, and also shows us the deep friendship behind the death of a great man.


"Great Women-Soong Ching Ling Cemetery" - China Civilization Network, 2008.09.02

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

"The Tomb of Song Qingling"——China.2006-12-04

Why did Deng Yingchao temporarily decide to hold Song Qingling's funeral in advance?

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