
As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

author:The mysterious pre-Qin era

Sixty sixties, also known as sixty trunk branches. Stem branches, that is, heavenly stems, earthly branches. There are ten heavenly stems, namely A, B, C, D, E, G, G, XIN, NON, and de, and there are twelve earthly branches, namely, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. The ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches are arranged and combined into sixty pairs of non-repeating jiazi, namely: Jiazi, Yichou, Bingyin, Dingmao, Wuchen, Jisi, Gengwu, Xinwei, Renshen, Guiyou, Jiaxu, Yihai, Bingzi, Dingchou, Wuyin, Jimao, Gengchen, Xinsi, Renwu, Guiwei, Jiashen, Yiyou, Bingxu, Dinghai, Wuzi, Jichou, Gengyin, Xinmao, Renchen, Guisi, Jiawu, Yiwei, Bingshen, Dingyou, Wuxu, Jihai, Gengzi, Xinchou, Renyin, Jiachen, Yisi, Bingwu, Dingwei, Wushen, Jiyou, Gengxu, Xinhai, Renzi, Guichou, Jiayin, Yimao, Bingchen, Dingsi, Wuwu, Jiwei, Gengshen, Xinyou, Renxu, Guihai. After the end of the sixty sixtieth nails, it starts from the "Jiazi" and repeats itself.

Sixty sixtieth nails, mainly used as chronographs and dates. To this day, the people still use the Ganzhi year and the Ganzhi date. This year is 2024 in the Gregorian calendar, and the year of the Ganzhi is the year of Jiachen; Today is June 29th, and the day of the Ganzhi period is Jiazi Day.

According to the oracle bone inscriptions, as early as the Shang Dynasty in the thirteenth century B.C., the day was already recorded with the Ganzhi. The Ganzhi chronology is generally believed to have begun in the thirteenth year of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty (54 AD).

From the earliest discovery of the oracle bone inscription by Wang Yirong in 1899 to the archaeological excavation of the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Province by archaeologists since the 20th century, tens of thousands of oracle bone inscriptions have been unearthed. In the oracle bones of Yinxu, the names of sixty flower armors were found completely engraved on many oracle bones. For example, "Oracle Bone Collection" 11730, "Oracle Bone Collection" 37986 and other relatively complete divination, in addition to a large number of divination words that only engrave part of the stem branches, such as "Collection" 11731-11742, "Collection" 37987-38114, at least nearly 100 pieces of oracle bone divination.

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37986:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Xinwei. Renshen. Decan.

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Gengchen. Xinzi (巳). Ren Wu. Deceased.

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Geng Yin. Xin Mao. Renchen. 癸子 (巳).

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. Xin Chou. Ren Yin. 癸卯.

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). Bingwu. Ding Wei. Wushen. Hexacy. Gengxu. Xinhai. Renzi. Ugly.

Jiayin. Yi Mao. Bingchen. Dingzi (巳). Wu Wu. Not yet. Gengshen. Xinyou. 壬戌. 癸海.

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 11730:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Xinwei. Ren......

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Gengchen ......

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Age......

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai ......

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). Bingwu. Ding Wei. Wushen. Hexaunitary ......

Jiayin. Yi Mao. Bingchen. Dingzi (巳). Wu Wu. Haven't ......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37987:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). Age......

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Age......

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. ……

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Oneself......

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). ……。 Ding Wei. Wushen. Oneself......

Jiayin. Yi Mao. ……。 Dingzi (巳). Wu Wu. Oneself......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37988:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Xinwei. Ren......

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Gengchen. Xinzi (巳). ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Geng Yin. Xin Mao. ……

…… Noon. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. Laborious......

…… Early morning. Otoko (巳). Bingwu. Ding Wei. Wushen. Hexacy. Gengxu. ……

…… Respect. Yi Mao. Bingchen. Dingzi (巳). Wu Wu. Not yet. Gengshen. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37989:

Koko. Strange......

Jiaxu. Otohai. ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. ……

Jiawu. B not. ……

Jiachen. Second......

Ko Tiger. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37990:

…… Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Xinwei. Renshen. Decan.

…… Respect. Ji Mao. Gengchen. Xinzi (巳). Ren Wu. Deceased.

…… Child. Ugly. Geng Yin. Xin Mao. Renchen. 癸子 (巳).

…… Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. Xin Chou. Ren Yin. 癸卯.

…… Wushen. Hexacy. Gengxu. Xinhai. Renzi. Ugly.

…… Wu Wu. Not yet. Gengshen. Xinyou. 壬戌. 癸海.

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37991:

…… Early morning. Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Laborious......

…… Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Gengchen. Laborious......

…… Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Geng Yin. Xin Mao. ……

…… C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. Xin Chou. ……

…… Noon. Ding Wei. Wushen. Hexacy. Gengxu. Xinhai. ……

…… Early morning. Dingzi (巳). Wu Wu. Not yet. Gengshen. Xinyou. Ren......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37992:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). ……

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Age......

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. ……

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). Bingwu. Ding Wei. Wushen. Hexacy. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37993:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. ……

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. ……

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. ……

Jiayin. Yi Mao. Bingchen. Dingzi (巳). ……

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37994:

…… Child. B ugly. Bingyin. Fourth......

…… Dog. Otohai. Cyl. Fourth......

…… Extend. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Fourth......

…… Noon. B not. C. Fourth......

…… Respect. Yi Mao. Bingchen. Fourth......

…… Child. B ugly. Bingyin. Fourth......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37995:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. ……

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Third......

Jiawu. B not. ……

Jiachen. Second......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37996:

Jiaxu. Second......

Jiashen. Second......

Jiawu. B not. ……

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). ……

Jiayin. Yi Mao. Bingchen. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37997:

…… Child. B ugly. Bingyin. ……

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. ……

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. E......

…… Noon. B not. C. Ding You. ……

…… Early morning. Otoko (巳). Bingwu. Ding Wei. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37998:

Koko. ……

Jiaxu. Second......

Jiashen. Second......

Jiawu. B not. ……

Jiachen. Otoko (巳). Third......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 37999:

…… Xinwei. Renshen. Decan.

…… Xinzi (巳). Ren Wu. Deceased.

…… Xin Mao. Renchen. 癸子 (巳).

…… Xin Chou. Ren Yin. 癸卯.

…… Xinhai. Renzi. Ugly.

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 38000:

…… Child. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. E......

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Age......

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Age......

Jiawu. B not. C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

"Oracle Collection" 38001 is:

…… B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen.

…… Respect. Ji Mao. Gengchen.

…… Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). ……

…… Gengchen. Xinzi (巳). Ren Wu. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

"Oracle Collection" 38001 anti:

Jiaxu. Otohai. third

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. E......

…… Ji Mao. Gengchen. Jizi (巳). Age......


Koko. Strange......

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 38002:

…… B ugly. Bingyin. Ding Mao. Wuchen. Jizi (巳). Geng Wu. Xinwei. Renshen. Decan.

…… Cyl. Ding Chou. Wu Yin. Ji Mao. Gengchen. Xinzi (巳). Ren Wu. Deceased.

…… Unitary. Proto. Ding Hai. Wuzi. Ugly. Geng Yin. Xin Mao. Renchen. 癸子 (巳).

…… C. Ding You. Wuxu. Jihai. Gengzi. Xin Chou. Ren Yin. 癸卯.

…… Bingwu. Ding Wei. ……

As seen in the oracle bone inscription: 60 flower armor of the Shang Dynasty

Oracle Collection 38004:

Jiazi. B ugly. Bingyin. ……

Jiaxu. Otohai. Cyl. Fourth......

Jiashen. Ethyl unitary. Proto. Fourth......

Jiawu. B not. C. Fourth......

There are many other oracle bone inscriptions like this that only inscribe "Sixty Flower Armor" (mutilated) on the oracle bones, so I will not list them one by one. Why there are so many oracle bone inscriptions that only engrave "sixty flower armor", the current mainstream view is that this is a practice of Zhenren to practice carving oracle bone characters, because these bones have no burn marks, and the amount is very large.