
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~

author:Chinese film education

At present, the voluntary filling of the college entrance examination in many places has begun. The "Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform" of the Ministry of Education has launched a special topic of volunteer guidelines to provide reference for candidates and parents. Let's take a look at the filling skills and related content of the application and admission——

The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~

[ Parallel Volunteering ]

2024 College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling

What are the characteristics of parallel volunteering?

In principle, the proportion of parallel voluntary submissions is controlled within 105%. Parallel volunteering refers to a number of volunteers with a relatively parallel relationship in the same category and the same pitch of the college entrance examination. The principle of parallel voluntary filing is "score priority, follow the volunteer, a round of submission", starting from the highest score candidate, search and file in turn, when it is the turn to retrieve a candidate, follow the candidate to fill in the order of volunteer search, when the conditions for submission are met and the institution has a plan balance, that is, it is filed.

How to grasp the skills of parallel volunteering?

The provincial recruitment office will sort the online candidates from high to low according to their scores, and the students with high scores will submit their files first. When a candidate submits a file, first see whether his score is enough to raise the file line of College A; If it is not enough, then look at school B; And so on, until the candidate's score meets the choice of the institution is retrieved, it will be submitted to the institution, once the file is cast, the student will not be retrieved for other choices.

Although it is a parallel choice, there is a logical order for several college choices filled in by candidates. When searching for the college preferences filled in by the candidates, they are in a logical order, i.e., A, B, C, and D...... Institutions in turn. When the candidate's total score meets the requirements of the first retrieved institution A, and school A has a planned balance, the student will be voted to school A. Candidates can adopt the strategy of "rushing", "stabilizing" and "guaranteeing", and open an appropriate gradient between the voluntary colleges.

[ Sequential Volunteer ]

2024 College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling

What are the characteristics of sequential volunteering

Sequential choice refers to the order of multiple college preferences set in the same admission batch, such as first choice, second choice, etc., and each choice includes only one institution. The principle of sequential volunteering is "volunteer priority, from high score to low score", and the candidate's college entrance examination volunteer is regarded as the first element of admission to meet the candidate's volunteer requirements to the greatest extent. When sequentially volunteering, candidates who choose to apply for the same voluntary college will be submitted according to the admission principles determined by the institution and the proportion of file adjustment from high to low.

How to grasp the sequential volunteer filling skills?

In principle, the proportion of sequential voluntary submissions is controlled within 120%. After the first choice is admitted, if the college enrollment plan is not completed, the second choice will be admitted to the unfinished plan. For example, once a candidate places a university in the second choice, even if you score high, if the first choice of the school is full and there is no reservation for the second choice, your file will not be submitted to the school. Therefore, the candidate's first choice is crucial.

[ Institutional Majors ]

2024 College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling

What are the characteristics of the "College Professional Group"?

"College professional group" refers to the combination of majors that a certain university requires candidates to choose the same subject. It is characterized by the fact that an institution can set up one or more professional groups of institutions, and each professional group of institutions can contain a different number of majors. For the same enrollment institution, the majors with different subject requirements cannot be set up in the professional group of the same institution, and the majors with the same subject requirements can be enrolled in the professional group of the same institution, or they can be enrolled in the professional group of different colleges and universities. Only when the selected subjects are consistent with the subject requirements of the professional group of the institution to be applied for, the candidate will be eligible to fill in the professional group of the institution.

How to grasp the filling skills of "Professional Group of Institutions"?

For example, the first choice of subjects in "University A Professional Group 4" is physics, and there is no limit to the number of subjects to be selected, including several majors such as communication engineering; The first choice of subjects in "A University Professional Group 5" is physics, and the second subject is chemistry, including several majors such as clinical medicine. If candidates plan to apply for the two majors of communication engineering and clinical medicine of University A, they should fill in the professional group preferences of "University A Professional Group 4" and "University A Professional Group 5" respectively. If the candidate's elective subject group is "Physics, Chemistry, Biology", he or she can apply for both Professional Group A and Professional Group B. If the candidate's chosen subject combination is "Physics, Biology, Geography", they can only apply for Professional Group A. After the candidates submit their files according to the professional group of the institution, if they meet the requirements, they can make professional adjustments in the professional group of the institution. It can be said that the voluntary filling method of the professional group of colleges and universities has improved the volunteer satisfaction of candidates.

[ "Majors (Classes) + Schools" ]

2024 College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling

How to grasp the skills of filling in the volunteer according to "major (class) + school"?

For example, if you apply for 3 majors of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry in University A at the same time in the original mode, you only need to fill in 1 unit of University A, but in the new mode, you need to fill in 3 preferences of Mathematics + A University, Physics + A University, and Chemistry + A University. When the "major (class) + school" model is submitted in parallel, it is directly submitted to a major (major) in a certain college, and there is no major subject to adjustment, and candidates do not have to worry about being transferred to a major they don't like. When filling in the volunteers, you must make good use of the professional submission lines of each university.

More knowledge about admission

A set of big pictures will take you to understand

The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~
The 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills are here! Transfer to all college entrance examination candidates~

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