
The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

author:Mango Entertainment Review


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Zhang Jianguo's wife died early, he has a son and a daughter under his knees, his son opened a seafood restaurant and got married, his daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and his daughter does not learn and has no skills, and she stays at home every day and does nothing.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

Uncle Zhang felt that his son could be self-reliant and had a good life, but he felt sorry for his daughter's lack of income, so he gave all the 3 million demolition money to his daughter, and his retirement salary was also handed over to his daughter.

The daughter is 32 years old, and she has been pampered and arrogant since she was a child, and she has developed an arrogant and domineering character. Spending his father's pension, doing nothing at home, and complaining every day, gnawing at the old is shameless.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

Brother Zhang Rui took his father to court in a fit of anger, it turned out that the house was bought by his brother Zhang Rui for Zhang Jianguo, and later the house was demolished, and Zhang Jianguo gave all the demolition money to his daughter Zhang Qing to buy a house.

The court asked Zhang Jianguo to return the demolition money to Zhang Rui, but his sister was unwilling.

Zhang Rui didn't want to see his father spoil his sister like this, if it continued for a long time, he might ruin his sister.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

What will a young man do in the future if he gnaws at his old age all day and stays at home and does nothing?

Judge Qi Lin, in order to resolve the conflict as soon as possible, invited Uncle Zhang and his children to his aunt's restaurant for mediation, and his brother also specially made seafood porridge for his sister to eat before his mother's death.

But my sister began to go crazy after eating two bites, and she overturned the dinner table and became furious.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

She felt that her parents had treated her badly, and her parents favored her brother, so she always had a shadow in her heart.

When my sister asked my mother for 200,000 yuan to learn how to act, my mother couldn't take out so much money, so Zhang Qing held a grudge and never looked at her mother until she died.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

Zhang Qing was angry and didn't go to school, didn't go to work, was rotten at home, occupied the house Zhang Rui bought, and asked Zhang Rui to buy another house for his father.

She felt that her brother's money was also her share, and her parents were only good to her brother and did not support her.

When the elder brother saw this posture, there was no hope of adjustment, so he had no choice but to tell his sister that he didn't want his father's salary or a house, and he wanted to take his father back to support the elderly.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

In this way, the mediation was unsuccessful, and the elder brother took the father back to his home.

The executive went to mediate again, found her sister, and said that blood is thicker than water, how her father loved her, she slowly felt sorry for her father and brother, and came to apologize to her father.

Her father naturally forgave her, and whether the family can be happy together in the future depends on her sister's attitude.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

In fact, in real life, there are indeed many family disputes, and there are many cases of parental partiality like this.

Parents often can't level the bowl of water, and always favor those who they think should be biased, such as sons, and generally families will favor sons over daughters, or favor the youngest, and the second is the least hurt.

If there are several brothers and sisters in the family, the parents will generally favor the one who seems to have poor family conditions, turn a blind eye to those who are weak and do not complain, let them pay for the money, let them do the work, and let the crying child have milk to eat, and whoever is weak is reasonable.

The 32-year-old giant baby has been gnawing at the old for more than 10 years, and "The Executive Judge" looks at the partiality of parents and the problem of children gnawing on the elderly

In real life, home is a warm harbor, but sometimes it is also the saddest place. Parents' preference can sometimes cause a shadow on their children's psychology that they cannot get rid of for a lifetime.

If parents can level the bowl of water and treat each child fairly, how good it would be, there is no preference for sons over daughters, and there is no "bullying".