
After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

author:Black bean movie
After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

In every darkness, there are hidden secrets that no one knows. From psychological suspense to survival challenges, each one has something for you to guess the ending! Come and see which one is your favorite.

"Panic Party"

Producer: Vincenzo Natali

Douban: 7.9

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Imagine waking up surrounded by cold walls, where every corner could be a choice between life and death.

Six strangers with very different personalities and complex backgrounds are inexplicably trapped in a death labyrinth composed of countless cubes. There are calm and rational mathematicians, brave and decisive police officers, and mysterious aphasias......

Each room may have hidden traps, some spraying flames, some releasing poison gas, and even lasers that cut directly through space! It's a "surprise" and it makes people sweat.

Every time you open the door, it's a life-and-death decision. In the "game" here, the price of failure is life! In such an extreme environment, some people choose to trust and cooperate and find a way out together;

There are also people who are selfish and do not hesitate to sacrifice others to protect themselves. Every decision, every action, is testing the bottom line of human nature. In a desperate situation, how would you choose?

Do you stick to your morals, or do you do whatever it takes to survive? At the end of the film, what is left for everyone is not only shocking, but also endless thinking.

Who built that mysterious "Cube"? Why are these people trapped here? The truth, it seems, is forever hidden in the next room......

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Escape Room

Producer: Adam Robitel

Douban: 7.1

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

When you think of escape rooms, do you immediately think of the happy time of giggling and solving puzzles with your friends? But this film simply engraves the word "nervous and exciting" into the DNA!

A mysterious invitation to gather six strangers in a seemingly ordinary room, but that's just the beginning... Instead of simply finding the key to unlock the lock, they are facing the challenge of a life-and-death secret room!

Every detail can be a life or a dead end, one wrong step, it may be GG! In this game, there are school beauties, witty brothers, calm sisters, muscular tough guys...

Everyone has their own story and expertise, and teamwork is king! Not only do they have to solve elaborate puzzles, but they also have to uncover the truth behind the game under the pressure of time.

In the icy and snowy room, everyone is shivering from the cold, and they have to find a way out before the ice and snow melt, and the scene of escaping from the sea of fire, the fire is so bright that it feels like even breathing is a luxury!

Every time I think they're going to game over, they turn around and around again, and they survive in a desperate situation, and then pass by the escape room shop in the future, do you think in your heart: If the realistic version plays like this, do I dare to do it? Haha, it's really love and fear!

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Moving Maze

Producer: Wes Ball

Douban: 7.1

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

When I woke up, I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, my memories were wiped clean by an eraser, and only my name echoed in my mind...

That's the dilemma Thomas faces. He finds himself in a seemingly insoluble labyrinth, surrounded by a group of teenagers who are also amnesiac, and their common home is called "Glade".

This is no ordinary labyrinth, it moves! Every day, the walls change position, and at night they unleash terrifying creatures called "Oni Fire Beasts", making escape an impossible task.

Everyone knows that staying here is tantamount to waiting for death, but getting out? Probably more dangerous! The sense of urgency and the fear of the unknown is simply breathless.

Especially when the door of the maze slowly opens, your heart beats at an absolute speed, and you wait with bated breath with Thomas to see how the brave runners find their way through the maze.

The runners galloped through the labyrinth, dodging the pursuit of ghosts and fire beasts, and every turn and jump made people sweat. Those high-IQ puzzle-solving links are also addictive, and it turns out that wisdom is the greatest weapon!

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Hunger Platform

Producer: Gard Gaztru Urrutia

Douban: 7.9

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

This sci-fi thriller masterpiece from Spain directly brings us into a human laboratory and tells you what a real "survival game on the tip of the tongue" is!

Here, every bite of food can be the last, and every floor hides the secret of a life-and-death contest! The gently descending food platform, filled with everything from French desserts to Japanese sashimi, is mouth-watering and chillingly cruel.

You watch as it cascades down from above, emptying and emptying, until all that is left in front of you is a few bones and scraps that have been picked up... At this time, can you still hold on?

The people on the top floor are enjoying the feast, but the brothers and sisters at the bottom are fighting desperately for a bite to eat. As soon as the protagonist appears, do you think he can change his life against the sky, but what is the result?

He also swayed in the testing ground of human nature, sometimes angelic, sometimes demonic. In a world with limited resources, if you don't learn to share and be fair, then no matter what level you are at, you will end up in a barren land.

Is every choice we make now also affecting the lives of others?

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Immoral Judgment

Producer: Roman Polanski

Douban: 8.2

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

Do we have the courage to find our own justice in the face of injustice, even if that means stepping into a moral gray area?

Polina, a woman burdened with an unbearable past, those dark days haunt her like a shadow, leaving her struggling with nightmares every night.

Suddenly, life gives Polina a "surprise", a rainy night, a voice, that convinced her that she had met the demon who had done violence against her.

And so, the game begins. Polina locked up the suspected perpetrator, and a lynching trial quietly took place. Is he a real criminal, or is he an innocent victim?

Polina's husband, Gerardo, is caught between his wife's madness and the truth, family, love, trust, everything is crumbling in this storm.

"Morality? Law? When your world is turned upside down, what else can you hold onto? "The end of the film leaves an open-ended puzzle that doesn't tell us the answer directly.

Just like life, many times, the truth is not black and white, but an infinite extension of the gray area.

After watching it in one breath, 5 closed room movies that are so nervous that they are suffocating

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