
Chen Yingsong "Strange Stories in the Mountains"

author:Qi Lu Qingwei is gone

In the deep mountains and old forests of Shennongjia, there are all kinds of strange things, now I will tell you a few stories that I have heard-  

Fan Gao 

  Fan Gao is from a village on the top of Laojun Mountain. At the age of sixteen, he went to water conservancy. Fan Gao is smart and capable, and can endure hardships, and at a young age, he followed the surveyor to do surveying and calculating earth and stone, and learned all these in less than two years. At that time, the water conservancy director of the commune took a fancy to him, so he transferred him to the commune, and although he still received work points, he became a cadre of the commune. A few years later, Van Gogh turned positive.

  Later, the commune was abolished, and Fan Gao became the secretary of the township chief because of his good writing. At that time, he was still diligent and hardworking, did not deviate, treated people well, and did not make any publicity. When he was thirty-nine years old, he became the head of the township, and he no longer wrote speeches for the leaders, but there were people around him who did chores for him, and a group of people who complimented him and sent him some tea and pheasants.

  Fan Gao's place of work is in the old mountains, the people are poor, Fan Gao originally wanted to do some political achievements, but in the end because of his arbitrariness and desire for fame, he fell down: he called on everyone to raise sheep. Because when he was on the water conservancy in the past, he ate mutton stewed coriander once, and then he was fond of mutton, so he made this move. The sheep have been raised, the mountains are flying white, and the grass has been gnawed to the fullest. When the village chiefs went to the township for meetings or errands, they couldn't forget to give Fan Gao a sheep's crotch and a bundle of coriander.

  The mountains are cold, the soil is poor, and the grass that has been gnawed does not grow, so in two or three years, the mountains in that area are gnawed away.

  Sheep can no longer be raised, and corn potatoes can no longer be planted. Fan Gao thought about it again and set up a brick factory.

  The soil was not abundant, so the brick and tile factory had to dig a limited amount of good land. In order for the factory to run, the director of the brick and tile factory gave Fan Gao a lot of bribes, and Fan Gao accepted it because he had money and tiger guts. After accepting it, Fan Gao, at the invitation of the factory director, had to personally supervise the opening of the dirt field.

  There was an old couple in the dirt yard, who used only eight points of land to grow vegetables for the rest of their lives, and when they saw the bulldozer coming, the old man slept in the vegetable ridge in front of the bulldozer and did not let them be pushed off. Fan Gao commanded sternly: "Roll over him." ”

  The bulldozer didn't dare to roll, and someone from the police station was there, dragging the old man up and taking him away. Later, the old man hanged himself, and the old man's wife also committed suicide by taking poison when she heard the news.

  The above came to investigate the matter, and the township police station and brick and tile factory were all exonerated from responsibility, and they could not find the person directly responsible.

  Every time he went to the countryside, he took the joint defense team members to collect money, and then went to Shenzhen and Hainan to play in the name of investigation, and brought back many rare supplements and jewelry to his mother. Fan Gao is still a filial son to his mother.

  But one day, his mother suddenly disappeared while taking a bath in the bathtub at home. He and his brother searched around the bathroom and only found a large mountain turtle in the corner.

  The turtle opened its mouth to speak, and the eyes were exactly their mother's eyes. So Fan Gao and his brother kept the turtle in a bath.

  Fan Gao wondered, how could his mother become like this? He said, "Mother, how did you become like this?"

  The turtle made some shrill noises, like the cry of a baby, and from time to time poked its head out of the pool, as if to say something to him.

  Sometimes, the turtle wants to climb out of the door and gnaw at the door with its mouth. Once, as soon as Van Gogh's daughter opened a crack in the door, the turtle climbed out, climbed quickly into the deep pool not far ahead, and never returned.

  Fan Gao didn't tell anyone about this, and he was always depressed in his heart. Later, Van Gogh fell ill. After Fan Gao fell ill, he went to the county hospital for examination, but no results were found, and he went to Wuhan to investigate, but he still couldn't find the cause.

  After Fan Gao came back, his condition worsened, and he always made a tiger-like cry, and his family was so frightened that he couldn't do it. Several leaders of the township came to see him, and he yelled to eat them, scaring them away one by one.

  Fan Gao's brother-in-law treated Fan Gao very well, and since he fell ill, he has been taken care of by his brother-in-law. Once the brother-in-law fed Fan Gao medicine, Fan Gao broke the medicine bowl and jumped out of bed to eat the brother-in-law, many people went to chase and stop it, and they saw that Fan Gao had tiger hair growing on his body, which was exactly the same as the hair they saw "rotten grass yellow" (a local tiger).

  An old woman who knew this said, "Hurry up and pour water on it, and he won't be able to do it." So someone brought water and poured it on Fan Gao's body. Seeing that Fan Gao was about to conjure tiger teeth and claws, but the water was poured on him one after another, he couldn't do it. In the end, he only changed into a tiger hair, and he still looked like Fan Gao.

  This has been passed down in our mountains for many years, and it has been said with noses and eyes. Later, I heard that Fan Gao had really become a tiger and roared fiercely in the mountains.

Take to the road with a knife 

  There is a family surnamed Pan in our mountain, named Pan Xingui, who is a state cadre, and he has two sons, the eldest son Pan He and the second son Pan Shang. Because these two sons were born in a family of state cadres, they did not have to worry about food and clothing, the family had surplus food, and they often ate meat. The eldest son, Pan He, is literate and hyphenated, honest and honest, and lives in a commissary in the village; The second son, Pan Shang, was fierce and refused to accept training since he was a child, and because he injured one of the teacher's eyes, he dropped out of school at home and became a second-rate son.

  Pan Xingui was afraid that after his death, his two sons would have a dispute over the family property, so he made an oral will in advance, so that the five relatives and six relatives would know, but before he could make a written note, Pan Xingui died. As soon as Pan Xingui died, Pan Shang swept his brother out of the house, occupied the commissary, and only gave his brother a partial house. Brother Pan He had no choice but to swallow his anger and admit it.

  Once Pan Shang was gambling next door to the commune, and the commune came to arrest him, and Pan Shang fell to his death when he jumped off the building to escape.

  On the day Pan Shang fell to his death, his brother Pan He's wife gave birth to a son. This son's name is Pan Ao, and some people are rumored to say that Pan Shang was reincarnated.

  Later, Pan He also died. Coincidentally, on the day he died, Pan Shang's daughter-in-law also gave birth to a child, this child is called Pan Xiaogui, and it is said that Pan Hetou was born.

  When Pan Ao grew up, his family was still poor, and this poverty was actually caused by his uncle Pan Shang. Pan Xiaogui's family, on the other hand, became rich and opened a repair shop, specializing in the increasing number of motorcycles and some farm vehicles. Pan Xiaogui saw that his uncle Pan Ao was honest and embarrassed, so he asked him to come to his repair shop, do some small things, and pay 200 yuan for a month.

  Pan Xiaogui treated his uncle well, but the villagers secretly cursed Xiaogui's family, saying that the reason why his family was rich was because he forcibly occupied the façade of his uncle's house and some other family properties on the street.

  Pan Ao went home covered in stinky sweat and oily mobile phone to help his nephew, and he felt good. But Pan Ao's mother was angry, and after listening to the gossip of the neighbors, she said to Pan Ao: "Do you know what the reason you are like now?"

  Pan Ao said he didn't know.

  His mother told him that his uncle was a wicked man when he was alive, and he forcibly seized their family's property, so he became the poor person he is now, "You are now an uncle and a helper for the younger generation, it is really a shame for your father, it is so annoying!"

  After Pan Ao heard what his mother said, he suddenly had a big conversation, which also aroused the anger in his heart, so he decided to kill Pan Xiaogui to avenge his father.

  Pan Ao sharpened a knife and carried it in his arms at any time. It just so happened that Pan Xiaogui wanted to buy some spare parts and let his uncle Pan Ao go with him, Pan Ao felt that the opportunity had come, so he took the knife on the road.

  Pan Xiaogui likes to travel in the mountains and rivers, and said to his uncle Pan Ao: "Let's see some scenery along the road first, look at it while walking, and then take the train home when we go home." ”

  Pan Ao was secretly happy in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes." ”

  Kaiyuan Mountain is full of temples, the mountain is steep, and there are few pedestrians. Walking into a deep valley that day, Pan Ao felt that the time had come. The murder here is a combination of heaven and earth. He pulled out his knife and wanted Pan Xiaogui to understand.

  "Come here." Pan Ao said.

  Pan Xiaogui turned around and saw that his uncle Pan Ao's eyes were red, holding a knife, blocking his retreat, so he said, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

  Pan Ao said: "You don't know yet, your grandfather and my father were originally brothers, but your grandfather was idle and gambled freely, only because he occupied my family's property, so that you are now full of gold and silver, and you are so rich." I'm a generation older than you, but I can only give you the right time, what do you say this day is?"

  Pan Xiaogui said: "Then don't do our business? Uncle, I'm not bad at treating you. ”

  Pan Ao said: "I admit this, but the revenge of the third world is not revenge and unwilling." Now without further ado, wait for death. ”

  Pan Ao took out his knife as he spoke, slashing and slashing the past, and Pan Xiaogui had no choice but to run forward. The mountain road was so narrow that I almost fell into a deep valley several times.

  After a dangerous road, there is a forest in front of it, and there is a small temple in the woods, covered with wild grass, and it is still strong. Pan Xiaogui fled into the temple, and when Pan Ao caught up, he was about to enter the temple, but was stopped by an old monk.

  "Monk, don't worry about me, I'm going to kill that complainer."

  The old monk said: "If you complain about your family, you should complain about your own family, the world is fair, and the blessings and disasters are not bad." After saying this, he pulled Pan Ao into the temple. Then he pulled out Pan Xiaogui and said to the two of them: "You are only afraid that you don't know where you came from, I will tell you to see and understand." ”

  The old monk found two cups, filled them with water, took out a little medicine from his arms, put them in two cups, and let Pan Ao and Pan Xiaogui drink them.

  As soon as they drank this medicinal soup, Pan Ao and Pan Xiaogui suddenly remembered the events of their previous lives. Pan Ao is the idle and gambling Pan Shang, and Pan Xiaogui is the honest and honest Pan He.

  The old monk said: "You monks and monks in your previous life, your brother and brother have done good deeds in their previous lives, they are kind, and they are willing to give, but they are not out of compassion and sincerity, they just want to gain a reputation, so God has made you rich in this life, but you can't sit back and enjoy it." I think you are still good in this life, there is no greed, hard work, and you can be prosperous and rich in your reincarnation. As for the younger brother, the stay is profound, if he does not occupy his brother's real estate, he will come and run from time to time, and the family will be prosperous. But because he was obsessed with money, bullied his brother, and misbehaved, as soon as he was reincarnated, he was punished for bankrupting his family and property, and he was punished for being poor, and he was repaid for his sins. This is exactly what you sow melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans, cultivate such as the cause, and get the effect. A gentleman who cultivates good will invite blessings, and villains are more afraid of evil. Heaven has its own arrangement, so why should you increase your cruelty for the fruits of good and evil, and then kill with blood, to solve the indissoluble hatred in the next life, and there is no need to add infinite sins in this life!"

  The old monk's words were extremely clear. Pan Ao then dropped the knife and shook hands with Pan Xiaogui.

  This monk and monk brother in the previous life finally became a monk today. Anyway, they didn't go back, someone saw them in a small temple in Kaiyuan Mountain, planting flowers and grass, burning incense and worshipping, and living a very good life.

  This was told to me by Pan Xiaogui's cousin, who is a bit nervous, and I don't know if it's true or not.


  Zhang Ganshan, the hunter of Lao Yaling, liked to hunt pheasants for a while. The pheasant feathers are beautiful, but he doesn't want feathers. The pheasant fights too much, and then beats the sparrow, stuffs the small sparrow into the pheasant's belly, cooks and drinks, and calls it "a hundred birds and a phoenix".

  One day, Zhang Ganshan found a pheasant on the mountain, and when he was about to shoot, the pheasant flew away, all the way to a hermitage not far away. Zhang Ganshan chased into the hermitage, only to see the pheasant flying around a statue of a god, and he couldn't aim at it accurately.

  A monk who was guarding the nunnery had just returned from picking vegetables when he saw a hunter pointing a gun at the Bodhisattva and was busy chanting, "Sin, sin!" While reading, he grabbed Zhang Ganshan's gun.

  "If you hit the Bodhisattva, that's a great sin."

  Zhang Ganshan said: "I hunted pheasants. ”

  According to Zhang Ganshan, the monk really saw a beautiful pheasant flying around the beam. The monk said:

  "This is even more impossible, hurting pheasants, heaven is intolerable."

  Zhang Ganshan laughed and said, "Monk, if you don't eat meat, you can't eat meat in the world?"

  The monk said, "Killing karma is a great crime, and there will be no good reward." ”

  Zhang Ganshan said: "I'm not killing people, you're meddling." ”

  The monk saw that persuasion could not be done, so he resolutely pulled a knife on Zhang Ganshan's side, cut off one of his ears, held it over and handed it to Zhang Ganshan and said, "It's okay to exchange this ear for the life of this pheasant, right?"

  Zhang Ganshan looked at his bloody ears and said indifferently: "You can't bluff me." You monks can do magic, thinking I'm going to believe it's really your ears, no way!" He still chased the pheasant, and finally killed the pheasant in a pine tree behind the hermitage.

  Zhang Ganshan not only ate "Hundred Birds and Phoenix" by himself, but also spread this eating method widely and spread it to the county. The restaurants in the county are all made "Hundred Birds and Phoenix". Wealthy self-employed people and powerful section directors all ate "a hundred birds and a phoenix", and they went crazy for a while. After eating crazy, pheasants and sparrows are in short supply, and Zhang Ganshan keeps hunting birds every day and earns a lot of money.

  Zhang Ganshan changed to the latest shotgun, which is said to be imported from Germany, and was also equipped with a motorcycle, which made the hunting more efficient. The pheasants and sparrows on the mountains within a radius of several hundred miles are about to become extinct.

  This year, Zhang Ganshan had a small boil on his back, but he didn't care about it and applied some medicine. But the small boil gradually grew, red and swollen, pus dripping, and many medicines were used to apply it, but it could not heal.

  The sores grew bigger and bigger, festering to the size of a small bowl, and people could not lie on their backs, but could only sleep on their stomachs, and the pain was abnormal, and they wailed day and night. And there were forty or fifty small sores around the sore, which surrounded the big sore.

  Zhang Ganshan sought medical treatment everywhere, and then sought an old Chinese medicine doctor in a neighboring county. After seeing it, the Chinese medicine doctor said: "This sores are difficult to treat, and it is called a hundred birds to the phoenix." ”

  Zhang Ganshan's heart was shocked, and he remembered the pheasant chicken belly he ate and cooked sparrows, and blurted out: "Do you know that someone now eats a dish called 'Hundred Birds and Phoenix', so they say that I am a Hundred Birds and Phoenix?"

   The old Chinese medicine doctor said: "I have never heard of the dish of Hundred Birds Chaohuang, I only know that this evil sore is called Hundred Birds Chaohuang." I haven't seen this sore, but I haven't seen it for almost a hundred years, and now, there are more people who have this sore, and I've treated more than a dozen. ”

  Zhang Ganshan said: "Can this be cured?"

  The old Chinese medicine doctor stroked his goatee and said, "This sore is because you have killed too deeply, and you can't cure it, so it can only depend on your blessings." Doctors can only heal diseases, not lives. ”

  Zhang Ganshan was so frightened that he went to Wuhan for treatment.

  The sores were cut in Wuhan, and when they came back, they rotted again, and later their whole body festered and died.

  This was told to me by a mountain keeper after the ban, and he said that using this bluff is much better than the government's announcement. I said is it true? The man laughed but didn't answer.