
Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

author:Yoyo Fun Story


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Recently, there has been another uproar in Taiwan's entertainment industry.

The sharp and bold hostess Xiao S actually blew up the inside story of her relationship with her husband Xu Yajun in a popular TV show, and frankly admitted that the married life between the two has existed in name only, and she even used sex toys to pass the time.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a bombshell, which aroused widespread attention and controversy on the island.

Netizens poured into major forums and had a heated discussion on Xiao S's bold remarks.

Some people expressed shock and incomprehension, questioning why Xiao S made public such private life details, is it to win attention, or is there other ulterior motives? Some netizens bluntly pointed out: "Does Xiao S want to promote any new products this time?" Some people speculate that this may be Xiao S deliberately releasing such fierce information to attract the attention of the media in order to reshape his public image.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

Not only that, Xiao S's words also made other members of her family the target of public criticism.

Her second daughter showed off her figure on social media, imitating Lin Chiling's mannerisms, which sparked waves of heated discussions.

And Xiao S's eldest daughter and youngest daughter are often exposed by the media because of their mother's relationship and have become the focus of public attention.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

As for Xu Yajun, his nightlife is also colorful, and he is often photographed going out to nightclubs with beauties from all walks of life, which makes people can't help but have a strong interest in his private life.

At the same time, Xiao S's ex-brother-in-law Wang Xiaofei's recent situation was also compared.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

Since divorcing Da S, Wang Xiaofei seems to have a new life.

At his 43rd birthday party, he spent a warm evening with his new wife Xiaomei and his mother Zhang Lan.

Judging from Wang Xiaofei's recent dynamics, he seems to have stepped out of the shadow of the past and lived a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

His maturity and stability have also won the praise and attention of many netizens.

However, compared with Xiao S's rash remarks, Wang Xiaofei's stability and low-key are obviously more popular with the public.

Xiao S not only disclosed her privacy issues with her husband, but also inadvertently involved her sister Big S's family trivialities.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

These remarks have aroused strong disgust among some netizens in Taiwan, who think that such discussions are too vulgar, and some even call for Xiao S to quit the entertainment industry so as not to have a bad impact on teenagers.

On social media, many people praised Wang Xiaofei's maturity and demeanor, believing that he truly showed the charm of a mature man.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

And the various behaviors and remarks of Xiao S and his family gradually make people question their public image.

Some netizens pointed out that people related to the Xiao S family seem to have fallen into a strange circle, and the more high-profile they are, the easier it is to cause controversy and questions; And Wang Xiaofei successfully got rid of the shadow of the past with her own efforts and changes.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

From the latest developments of Xiao S and Wang Xiaofei, we can see the complexity and multifaceted nature of the lives of public figures.

Their every move tugs at the heartstrings of the public, and their remarks can trigger a wide range of social repercussions and a huge change in personal image.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

In this era of information explosion, how public figures can grasp their words and deeds and how to maintain their public image is undoubtedly a question worth pondering.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again, saying that sexless life is satisfied by things, and Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area

【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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