
The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

author:Xiaoyu said

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei took on the identity of Jiang Li, and also fell in love with the young Su Guogong.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

Xue Fangfei was married, and she was older than Su Guogong, in that feudal society, if she was exposed, she would not be accepted by the world.

Just like in "Do You Know", He Hongwen's cousin Cao Jinxiu used to be a concubine. When she saw the He family and Minglan Minglan, she was a flattering gesture, claiming that she was "willing to live like a kitten and a puppy".

It can be seen that even if others don't point fingers, they will deny themselves and think that they are not worthy of a good man.

But on the contrary, Xue Fangfei did not have this idea.

Xue Fangfei did not bow down to Su Guogong and showed weakness, nor did she deliberately exaggerate her misery, she and Su Guogong were chess opponents and admired each other.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

In addition to the heroine's aura, Xue Fangfei's high sense of worthiness is the magic weapon for her to finally slash the enemy and harvest love.

1. Afford to take and put down

In revenge dramas, after a woman encounters a disaster, she has a dark temperament, only hatred in her eyes, and even love is a resource that can be used.

Like in the Korean drama "Dark Glory", Moon Dong-eun played by Song Hye Kyo was bullied when he was studying, and after 18 years, he took revenge on 5 bullies, causing their family to be ruined and paying the price of their lives. From the innocence of his youth to the blackening of adulthood, Moon Dong-eun's heart has long been festering, and his eyes are dark and have no light.

Xue Fangfei is different, although she is taking revenge, but at the same time she is also seriously living the life of Jiang Li and herself.

She is still like a sister to Tong'er, and she also laughs and plays with her cousin Xiao Ruirui, and even in front of her grandmother, she is well-behaved.

When she saw that Ye Shijie was framed and damaged the famous painting, she stood up as before. Because Xue's father is honest and honest, she loves to fight since she was a child.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

She didn't put her life in a dead end because of revenge.

When Shen Yurong was about to bury Xue Fangfei alive, Xue Fangfei said: I am not an obsessed person, as soon as you leave the letter, I will leave home immediately.

In that era, the woman who was written a letter of resignation couldn't hold her head up, just like the Eight Blessings in "Step by Step", who ended her life with a foot of white silk after being divorced.

At that time, the husband of a woman was heaven.

When Shen Yurong decided that she and Xue Fangfei were going to entangle each other for the rest of their lives, she was light and light: the world is big, the country is prosperous, how can a shallow and pitiful man be her bond?

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

I can afford to take it, I can put it down, although the past is unbearable, but I still look forward.

2. No twisting, no pretentiousness

Xiao Yu fought Xue Fangfei at close range for the first time in the Virgin Hall, and when he saw her say a few words, he made the master of the Virgin Hall discredited, and he was impressed by her from then on.

Later, during the annual examination competition, Xiao Yu personally taught Xue Fangfei archery, and asked Situ Jiu to heal her wrist, Xue Fangfei slowly felt Xiao Yu's heart.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

She didn't twist and pretend, she didn't want to indulge, she accepted it openly, and expressed her feelings in return.

In Huaixiang, she got drunk, pulled Xiao Yu to dance in the rain, put her face close to him, and told him: You are so good-looking.

In the mine, he picked up Xiao Yu's underwear and looked intoxicated.

In prison, he knew that he had a coat but didn't wear it, and curled up until Xiao Yu came to visit the prison and draped the coat over her. She held her coat in her hands and sniffed and sniffed.

She expresses her love generously, she doesn't have any fear because of her last marriage, and she never says "I'm not worthy of you".

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": Is the older and married Xue Fangfei worthy of the younger brother Su Guogong?

Even in the face of Xiao Yu's grandfather, she can loudly admit that she is "her sweetheart".

People with a high sense of worthiness think that they are worthy of the good things in the world.

Also highly worthy is Huang Yimei in "The Story of Rose", even if she has children and has had a failed marriage, it does not prevent her from starting a new relationship.

After the divorce, she and her soul mate Fu Jiaming painted and played the piano, and talked about their ideals with their younger brother as a pilot. Even if you are forty years old, you can start flying airplanes, driving motorcycles, and doing whatever you want.

The whole world unfolded before their eyes, guiding them wherever they wanted to go.

You, too, deserve all that is good in the world.