
To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......

author:Huang Guoming of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute

The famous writer Da Bing once said, "The heart goes with the thoughts, the body goes with the fate, people can't live by their mood, but by their mentality." Mindset is very important, so important that it not only affects your career, but also affects your health, and sometimes we lose to others not spiritually, not your ability, but your mentality. If you have a bad attitude, you will always be a loser, a good mood can broaden your horizons, and a good attitude can open your mind. There is a good saying that "your mentality is your master", everything starts from the mentality, mentality and luck, mentality and winning or losing, there is a chain reaction, (the picture below is yesterday at noon, Chairman Zhou Haipeng feasted Professor Huang Hui, former director of the Party School of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Guoming, president of the Zhongyi Xin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and Huang Guoming's calligraphy written by Huang Guoming "The Origin" was hung in the lobby of the Pastoral Restaurant for a group photo)

To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......
To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......

If you have a sunny mentality, you are destined to be a strong person, and if you have a dark mentality, you must be a weak person. If you want to open it, no matter how dark things are, there are lights, if you can't think about it, no matter how bright things are, there are shadows, there are good times in life, there are adversities, there are peaks, there are valleys, the heart is wide and can accommodate all things, and the heart is happy without troubles. The most important thing in life is to have self-confidence, self-confidence is a kind of motivation, but also a kind of responsibility. Self-confidence is not blind self-confidence, ideals are not utopian, life is a kind of fighting, life is a kind of breaking, winning and wanting to win more, losing and desperately borrowing money, this is the common disease of greedy people. (The picture below is yesterday afternoon, the brothers and sisters drank tea and chatted in the Huaxia Construction Engineering Group Zhongyixin Calligraphy and Painting Institute and took a photo for everyone)

To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......
To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......
To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......

The most terrible thing for people is to be busy in vain, and the saddest thing for people is to work in vain, to pick up their own burdens, to carry their own things, to let disappointment become hope, and to make shortcomings beautiful. I remember Hilton saying that "as long as you are passionate about life, it will reward you with the same enthusiasm". That's right, tangled mentality is an elixir that shortens life, a beautiful mentality, and an elixir pill that nourishes life, if the road is right, you are not afraid of being far away, and if you are right, you are not afraid of labor, as long as your realm is high, the realm will improve you, as long as you climb to the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain will also support you. (The picture below is a famous Chinese painter, a national first-class artist, and Professor Wang Rongchang, honorary president of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, who was sent to you by CCTV)


There is no shortcut to success, there is no perfection in life, you don't work hard and others have no relationship, you don't change and you don't have a half-dime relationship with others, you can't affect others, you can only affect yourself, life is always in the chase of continuous practice, and always in the gains and losses continue to mature. Life is unpredictable, the world is unpredictable, no one can live in a vacuum, no one can live in a barrier-free world, the wind and rain are coming, the ups and downs have appeared, do you choose to avoid it or face it? At this time, it is the time to really test a person, not to see how chic he lives, (the picture below is drawn by Master Zhu Huang Guoming's sketch and sent to you again, do you look like me?) )

To loosen your heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself......

It's not about how much he's been through? It's about how much he can bear? Do what you say, speak to count, don't always talk as a fart, how can you be honest? As long as you dare to take responsibility and face difficulties, maybe this hurdle is not a hurdle, once this hurdle is passed, you will reach another realm, see another world, I always believe that to loosen the heart is to create a warm harbor for yourself. The picture below is a small video made by Huang Guoming, president of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and sent it to people all over the country......


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