
"Heavenly Justice" Chapter 477 Awkward Meeting Gift

author:Straightforward and brave

Chapter 477: Awkward Greeting

Weatherproof by the sky, happiness by yourself. Young people are smiling together, teasing and amusing each other, squeezing each other and talking about each other, which is a passionate daily life that never ends, and there is no sadness and turning faces, otherwise, the fireworks in the world at sunrise and sunset are too boring.

The world is like a chess game and a new game, the fireworks are dazzling in the world, it is really a person who is not as good as the sky, and the tangled Captain Yu did not expect that the old classmates who have not seen each other for many years will meet in a foreign place, just like meeting an old man in a foreign country, which is a great joy in life, and it is really a God-given opportunity that can not be met and sought.

What's more, since he became a soldier, he has turned around gorgeously and become the master of the house, no matter how he says, he has an irrepressible sense of achievement, which is enough to raise his eyebrows in front of them, show off his hard work over the years, trek through mountains and rivers without fear of hardships and dangers, endure hardships and hardships, live up to the times, promote the growth and progress of words, and satisfy his vanity. Who would have thought that the heavens would not fulfill people's wishes, how could it be such an opening statement? It's too bad for the scenery, doesn't this make the relatives in my hometown look down?

Grown up and mature, steady and sophisticated, the gentlemanly demeanor of a humble gentleman, and the elegant demeanor are gone, isn't it laughing off the big teeth? Hurriedly made amends, politely let the two of them eat melon seeds and fruits, eat watermelon and drink tea to quench their thirst, raised their hands and looked at their watches, and asked Heizi angrily: "Why is it so long?" Did the car break down? "No, the two of them couldn't take leave, and they didn't leave until almost noon." "Huzi, no wonder Brother Heiwa, he suddenly came and let us go, quite suddenly, isn't it? Caught off guard and unprepared, can you do it without asking for leave? Zhao Fengxian explained.

When he heard this, he said: "Oh, I called last night, and the two of you were not on duty and couldn't find it, so I suddenly went to ask for it today, which was a little abrupt." "Isn't it? We are not the slightest bit mentally prepared and feel flustered and surprised? Is there anything urgent about letting us come over in such a hurry? Hey, who, who, who? Why didn't Liu Zheng see him? "Liu Zheng? Oh, this? Hehe, his name is not Liu Zheng, his name is Du Yibo. "Huh? Du Du, Du Yibo? No, no, it won't be the Du Yibo in the newspaper, right? Isn't he? "That's it." "Huh? Wow wow, you, you, are you saying that Liu Zheng is fake? He, he, he, where are the people? Wang Yuping was shocked when she heard this, and said in astonishment.

Captain Yu was shocked when he saw them unbelievable, and said calmly: "Well, Liu Zheng is true, he is another soldier, and now he is going to the military academy." "Huh? Where, then? Where is Du Yibo? "He's not here." "Oh, he, he, isn't he your soldier? How, how could it not be here? "It was, but not now." Captain Yu said affirmatively.

"You, you, you, you, you're lying to us, aren't you? Oh, Du Yibo is so pitiful? Such a big young man is tall and big, and he trembles when he sees a stranger, and his eyes are full of frightened eyes, and he is relieved only by the two of us, and I feel that something is wrong? Oops, I don't know what happened in those days? Three days and two people came to check, especially careful and strict, the two of us together, your soldiers must have a problem? If someone captures you, it will kill you. Since you believe that we trust us with our lives, you can't put your soldiers in danger, otherwise we won't be able to see you, will we? Tsk, scared to death? We had no choice but to hide in the countryside near the hospital, and we couldn't let it go in the hospital, so we lied and said that he had slipped away by himself, and he was really scared to death. Wang Yuping said with palpitations.

When Captain Yu heard this, he said guiltily: "Alas, I'm sorry, old classmate, I can't turn around at the end of the day, I am temporarily cramming, I am sick and go to the doctor, and I have no way out, so I asked you to help." "Oops, it's okay to help, you can't deceive us, can you? Can old classmates still believe it? "Hehe, if I said at the time that my soldiers were traitors who were arrested by the whole country, would you dare to take them in?" "Huh? Really, really a traitor? No wonder the hospital is so tight? It's really a rumor, and now think about it, are you afraid? "Hehe, I invited you here this time to thank you for your rescue and the achievement in the newspaper." "You, you, you mean that, that Du Yibo is not here? He, what's wrong with him? Wang Yuping asked.

Captain Yu said calmly: "He is very good, now he has become a national hero, giving speeches and making reports everywhere, and he is a big celebrity in the news media." "Oh, really, really? Where, me, me, can we meet again? "Well, it's hard to say, their troops are going to go to the front line to fight, and I don't think I'll see them for a while." "Huh? He, how could he do this? Isn't he ungrateful? The two of us were scared and saved him, and now that he is a national hero, we have to look at us, right? The people in our hospital still don't know who he is? It's all in the dark and doesn't know anything, if you don't say it, we don't know. Zhao Fengxiang said.

Captain Yu smiled and said, "Hehe, what's the hurry?" The emperor lives up to his wishes, and everything that happens is God's best arrangement. There is no road taken in vain, every step counts, unintentionally inserted willows and willows, your efforts will be rewarded, not not reported, the time is not right? "Huh? Really, really? Hehehehe, I borrowed your auspicious words, and you have a conscience. "That's a lot of talk, is there no end? Hungry and screaming, don't you know how to be considerate? Kuroko protested.

Han Lao Liu wanted to prepare to eat and drink, Wei Changchang wanted to have a meal, and Captain Yu didn't want to go to the dinner, for fear that he would be drunk and talk nonsense, and several people did not agree with each other, forming a stalemate.

Or did Chief Wei use his power to oppress people, and said categorically: "Hmph, why do you kid want to cross the river and demolish the bridge to revolt?" You will eat, old man, I will give you face, I will eat, you will push, you will not give face, right? Do you want to be thicker than me? "Huh? Hey, old chief, this and this, don't you like what you said? I shelter from the wind and rain under your roof, how dare I compare with you? "Hmph, you know that? Do you know the times? Now are you looking at me, the temple is small, and you are a big god, and you can't hold it? Dare to set up a score for me? "Huh? I, I, you, you, all right, brothers, let's go. He couldn't help it, but it was tears, so he could only retreat and accept it against his will.

Life is vanity fair, and when power stands up and speaks, money is like dung. Rights, qualifications, strength, none of them are Wei Changchang's opponents, and if they don't give in, they just don't know the times. Get along in harmony, you don't have to play games that don't distinguish between each other, can you still have and listen to the wonderful interpretation next time?

The scale of the farm dinner is unprecedented, hundreds of people are not lively together, the military and workers are mixed together, and there are family members and children who are coaxing each other, and the two female soldiers who have just arrived stand out from the crowd, stand out from the crowd, and become a unique and rare beautiful scenery on this side, which has caused a lot of sensation, and the people who provoke them live in a corner, and they can't see strangers.

"Huh? Captain Yu, this kid, what a big carrot? Peach Blossom Luck is shining one after another, a few days ago she was a female reporter with an elegant temperament, inseparable from him, and she has only been missing for a few days? How to expand the army now? Two more female soldiers? This kid is expanding his enrollment, isn't it shallow? "Hey, these two female soldiers are not good, Tubula is not good-looking, or is that female reporter smelly, isn't it? Not to mention the gorgeous and elegant, when you see people, you smile and greet you, don't be surprised, how can it be like these two local girls who don't look good, they don't dare to raise their heads, and they don't even dare to look at people? At first glance, it is a girl from the countryside, and I have never seen the world. ”

"Uh-huh, I said buddy, be careful when you speak, the soldiers in the convoy are all fierce, let them hear it, will you be beaten all over the ground to find tooth believe it or not?" "Hey, what's wrong with talking? Uh, I don't know what's going on in the afternoon? I saw Captain Wei beating Captain Yu. "Oh, the two of them are in love, how can there be a conflict?" "Hey, I can't see that in the afternoon, the convoy of cars is lying on the road for a lot, the harvester storage is full, and it can't be transported and forced to stop, can Chief Wei turn a blind eye? I guess that's why. ”

The other said, "Oh, this reason won't make Captain Yu unable to get off the stage, right?" This year's summer harvest is the sharpest year, the soldiers of the convoy are good, so that they can charge ahead, the high temperature and heat are not bitter or tired, and the enthusiasm is quite high? It's normal for cars to lie on their stomachs, but it's not man-made sabotage. "Hmph, don't you know that Changchang Wei is hegemonic and domineering? The original captain of the car did not bird him, each went his own way, each sang his own song out of tune, the river did not interfere with each other, and each was fine. The current Captain Yu is inseparable from him, how can there be a contradiction? ”

"Hmph, this is called having a ghost in his heart, Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and everyone gets what they get. Don't you look at the soldiers of the current convoy, who are more energetic and angry than the soldiers of the original convoy? Life is prosperous, isn't it stained with the light of our farm? The light of the moon is not ...... when the stars are stained." "Shhhhh......h......h

Wei Changchang looked happy, full of smugness, holding a wine glass, going through the motions and frequently raising glasses with everyone, and said from time to time: "Everyone has worked hard, there are still some side cards left that are not ready, and there is no way to spend time and time, and if you work hard, this year's summer harvest will be successfully completed." Hehe - comrades eat and drink well, these are the fruits of our labor, you're welcome? Hahaha......" "Rest assured, Director Wei, we will make persistent efforts to successfully complete the task." "Good, good, thank you, comrades, thank you, comrades......" he said happily.

Dozens of tables turned around, and the old and strong Wei Changchang had already entered the state, stumbling, staggering to Captain Yu, and said with a high sense of wine: "I, I, I, and, you, you go one, welcome your classmates to the depths of the desert as guests, yes, if you need anything, just say it, I-I will fully cooperate." ”

The two female soldiers didn't know how to drink, so they picked up their teacups and replaced them with tea, and dealt with things perfunctorily. The two female soldiers, who had never seen this kind of scene, were a little flattered and eye-opening, as if today's dinner was specially held for them to catch the wind and wash the dust, and naturally there were some strange touches in their hearts, and they were inexplicably full of gratitude, and they looked extremely shy.

Liu Xiaoqiang observed the soldiers of the convoy and maintained order. The soldiers on the farm are all old fritters, who are old and senior, and from time to time they come to the recruits to bully the small and fight for wine, pull and pull, and want to rely on the old to sell the old to take advantage, and have nothing to do to find trouble in Xiaoxiang.

Liu Xiaoqiang, who watched the enemy's array, like Yang Jian, the god of justice, would be just right now, persuade each other with good words, and protect the recruits who don't know what to do with it from humiliation, affecting their young hearts, and protecting the calves can be seen.

Liu Xiaoqiang is a second-hand man, a master who is not easy to mess with, and the soldiers on the farm know that he is Captain Yu's right-hand man, a capable general, and he is fierce and terrifying. I don't know that he is the son-in-law of Deputy Commander Liu of the Military Region, otherwise, he will naturally look at him differently and respect him like a god.

With so many people together, it is inevitable that there will be discordant good deeds who pick quarrels and provoke troubles, lest the world be chaotic. The villain is afraid of power, and it is a wise saying that he has no strength to speak less, and no one knows who he is and has nothing to say in front of the strong.

Bustling, drunken talk, the dinner was coming to an end, Captain Yu gave Liu Xiaoqiang a look, the soldiers of the convoy were the main force, the crowd was full of people and left, Wei Changchang was drunk and retained, polite and polite to each other, and they were all some people who didn't like to listen to the car and drink.

The days are long and the nights are short, eight or nine o'clock, the sun that has been in power for a day, still reluctant to lie on the horizon, blushing, unwilling to leave, and wanting to work overtime without leaving the post. The sky is full of sunset before it has yet darkened, and the flames are burning in the sky, and you will feel like a fire burning at a glance, which is intimidating.

The two female soldiers, who had not experienced the scorching heat of the desert, protested in sweat: "Oh, old classmate, are you here on the stove?" Is it so hot? "Hehe, the hardest dog days have passed, and these few days are quite reasonable." "Huh? Dog days are hotter than they are now? "Of course. Oops, which one was hot the other day? It's simply Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace, and there is no shortage of six flavors of real fire? Tut-tut, I guess it's more than fifty degrees? "Huh? You, how can you stand it? "Who can't stand it? What if you can't stand it? A person can drink a bucket of water a day without peeing, and all sweat. "Hey, we still envy you all day long, you are a hero, you live a good life, you want the wind to be the wind and the rain, I can't imagine you are so uncomfortable? I really don't know if I don't see it, and I'm shocked when I see it? Zhao Fengxian said with emotion.

When he heard this, he laughed and said, "Hahaha...... It is normal to envy others, the beauty on the surface covers up the unbearable suffering, and the tears that can't be wiped away, I have always envied you angels in white, the wind can't blow and the rain can't get wet, and the smell of antibiotics all over your body. "Huh? Me, me, do we smell on us? "Of course, you have been soaked in formalin preservatives all day long, and your body will not rot in this life?" "Hee-hee-hee...... Do you know about formalin preservatives? It's not simple, is it good to soak the corpse? "Hehe, I know it's soaking corpses, when I was in the hospital, I saw the dissection room, and the smell is still fresh in my memory." "Oh, you, do you have any sequelae in your body now?" "Uh-huh, a little, not serious." "Huh? You, why don't you go to the hospital? "Well, the hospital is still far away, and you can't get out if you go in." He said in fear.

Wang Yuping didn't take it for a moment, so she glanced at her and said, "What are you talking about?" Bias. The hospital is a place to save lives, just like your car repair shop, if there is a problem, it is good to prescribe the right medicine, what are you afraid of? "Hehe, you're afraid to die? The last time I was injured and went to the hospital, I almost couldn't get out. All kinds of instruments and equipment, a variety of tests, dazzling injections and medicines, if you don't die, you have to shed your skin, I was bitten by a snake once, and I was afraid of the well rope for ten years? "Hee-hee-hee...... Not really, right? Do you see that you are heroic, but you are still afraid of hospitalization? Can I warn you, if you don't make up for the small hole, the big hole will be five? If you fall down one day, it will be difficult to heal, or take precautions, take precautions, detect and cure early, and miss the best time, but you will regret it, you know? Or was it better to heal earlier, how does it feel now? Wang Yuping said.

Captain Yu said indifferently: "Well, it doesn't matter, it's when it's windy and rainy, this leg is faintly painful, and there is no warning to hit the soft leg, just like a sudden power outage, and I can't prevent it from falling to my knees, and when I'm idle, the tinnitus is more serious." "Oh, it's kidney deficiency, it's a good thing, right?" "Huh?" When he heard this, he trembled, and he was at a loss, and looked at them in astonishment, he couldn't imagine that such words could come out of their mouths?

"Hehe, it's worthy of a sharp eye, or the old Chinese medicine is right, this male dog is nonsense, there are a few women who are not clear, and the kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency are certain." Kuroko gloated and revealed.

"Shut your crow's mouth, can you die if you don't speak? I will destroy you. As he spoke, he swung his fist.

The two old classmates saw it again, it was really difficult to change their temperament, Wang Yuhua said angrily: "Stop, don't fight, you two fight again, I will really go home and sue, and you are welcome." ”

As soon as the two of them heard this, they immediately stopped their hands, like Tang Sheng's tight spell, they ran over with a smile, and the sunspot said reverently: "Hehe, the two of us are joking, aren't we really fighting, can't you see it?" "Hmph, do you think I'm a fool? The two of you fought when you were young, and that was called joking, but now you are all five big and three thick, and you are powerful, what if you miss the bad guy? You see that you are tall and big, and you have brute strength, in case you ......" "Am I wronged? You also saw it just now, I'm always the one who suffers? "Hmph, don't be aggrieved, you haven't gone to school and have no education, how can you be the opponent of Brother Huzi? He is cheating and cheating, and he has succeeded repeatedly, you have been defeated repeatedly, and you have to fight to the death, is it good to have a long memory? Wang Yuping said.

"Hehe, remember, remember, don't you dare to sue my father? My father was already sick and weak, if he knew that I was not good at being a soldier and did not work hard, I would not be a descendant, but I would be angry? "The complaint has become a tight spell for Kuroko, and it is also the death hole of Captain Yu, and the two of them are safe and sound, and they dare not make a mistake.

Born in the vast world of rural babies, no one is not afraid of the majesty of his father, and his uneducated father does not know how many parenting methods, but only knows that the ancestors have endured for thousands of years, and the mantra has been passed down from generation to generation.

There's no cure that can't be solved with a slap, and it's not okay, just keep adding until it's solved. Father's love is like a mountain, that is the feeling that can only be experienced when you grow up and become sensible. The age of being slapped is boundless, and it hurts my heart, how can I realize the greatness of father's love? I always thought that one day when I grew up, when my father was old and couldn't beat, he would not be beaten.

Rural children who grow up savagely, the reincarnation technology is really terrible, there is no gold content, and it is really a bad hand congenital insufficiency. Born in a poor rural area with little medical care, no food, and no clothing. All the resources, that is, the dusty loess slopes, thousands of ravines stretching endlessly, a little oasis of wind and sand at a glance, hunger and cold are forced to settle down, how to make the father who faces the loess with his back to the sky and works day by day satisfied?

The little kid doesn't know, because of his temperament, he will be beaten if he does something wrong, and he won't know what is wrong when he is beaten? When you see the sun, you will never stop. The memory of my childhood is that my father's majestic fist forged a man who stood up to the sky and the earth, and galloped thousands of miles on horseback and whip.

talked and laughed and came to the army to do homework, telling each other about the ups and downs of life over the years, and the helplessness of life. Say goodbye to your relatives, say goodbye to your hometown, work hard for your dreams, and miss your hometown until the dead of night......

"To be continued"

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