
Why does 3000 points break as soon as you stab them?

author:White Cat Academy

I have been tortured by the soul for the past two days.

Celestial Empire Big A, why is every 3,000 points like paper paste, and it breaks when you poke it?

Why is the key point at 3000 points without any heavy guards?

Many people don't understand this issue, because they think that 3000 points is a skin, and it is a matter of face.

There must be someone stationed at 3,000 points to keep the last dignity of the A-share market.

But it is precisely this kind of thinking that seems too naïve in the capital market.

Even if 3,000 points is the bull-bear dividing line, there is no capital at this stage and will stick to 3,000 points.

On the contrary, more often than not, funds are willing to break through 3,000 points.

I don't know if you have found a feature.

The lows of the market, not only have the car never braked at 3000, but at 2900 are basically very little.

Apart from the low of 2923, there does not seem to have been any major low of 2900.

The low point of 2923 only lasted for about 2 months, and it was broken down again.

2400, 2600, 2800, but there are often lows.

The previous 2440 and 2449 were all lows at 2400.

The previous 2638, 2646, and the current 2635 are all lows of 2600.

The previous 2863, 2885, and 2850 before were all lows of 2800.

That is to say, after the 3000 points are broken, the inertia of the market will often press down at least more than 100 points, and will not effectively brake.

This kind of trading habit makes big money now sneer at 3,000 points, and they are not willing to stick to 3,000 points at all.

A lot of funds have to wait until around 2900 to gradually open positions.

In this way, 3,000 points will naturally become papier-mâché, and they will be broken when you poke them.

This point has become a point in the hearts of retail investors, and even a point for complaining.

For actual trading, the significance of 3000 points is already very small, so I advise everyone not to pay too much attention to it.

Why does 3000 points break as soon as you stab them?

3000 points, no more defenses.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, there are several other reasons.

First, the scale of 3,000 points is different each time.

This 3000 is not the other 3000.

Except for the Shanghai Composite Index, which has been at 3,000 points, other indices have long been out of 3,000 points.

This may be the problem that everyone has recognized.

Not only that, but the market value of 3,000 points is also different every time, so it can be said that it is "fattening" every time.

In 2006, when it was 3,000 points for the first time, the market value was only more than a dozen trillion.

Today, the market is hovering at 3,000 points, and the market value is already 80 trillion.

More than 3,000 points later, it is no longer the 3,000 points of that year.

Different sizes mean that the amount of money needed to drive the index is completely different.

In 227 that year, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange was 3,000 points, the trading volume was more than 120 billion, and later 530, the trading volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange reached more than 270 billion.

Now, back to 3,000 points, the trading volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 21, 280 billion, whether it can be played at a glance.

Second, exponential distortion is worthless.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is 3,000 points, and the small and medium-sized board has fallen by 2,000 points, which is what many people have ridiculed recently.

Indeed, everyone uses the Shanghai Composite Index to express their views and opinions on the market.

But ignoring the actual decline of individual stocks, it has long been in an uproar.

Even if the funds have been guarding 3,000 points, they are only guarding the heavyweight stocks, and there is a massacre on the other side.

The reason why the market can't hold 3,000 points is because even if the weight is protected, the collapse of other individual stocks will bring the index down.

Every time it breaks through 3,000 points, from the perspective of the valuation of blue chips, it has entered the bottom area.

But if you put blue chips aside, from other perspectives, many sectors are still highly valued.

Then this 3000 points is not instructive, it is just a point at the psychological level of people.

Of course, for blue-chip investors who lay out the SSE 50 and CSI 300, below 3,000 points is a gold pit.

Different angles can see different results, but this can't stop the distortion of market indices.

Thirdly, the main goal is cheaper chips.

The reason why every time it breaks 3000 means that it has to break 2900 and go towards 2800.

The reason for this is that the main goal is cheap chips.

If there is a hedge plate above 3000 points, it is impossible for the main force to defend at 3000 points, let alone take chips at 3000 points.

This is equivalent to a central position, where chips are bought, and there is a lot of pressure from above.

Once the upper limit is fixed by the main force, it can only be broken through the lower limit first and look for a lower low.

Since there is no space for 3000 points, then dig 5% down, if not, dig 10%, 15%, dig the pit deep, and the space will come naturally.

This is also why once 3000 points are broken, it is digging all the way down.

The deeper you dig, the more wailing, the more cheap chips you have, and the happier your main force is.

Why does 3000 points break as soon as you stab them?

Strategically, the main force has long abandoned 3000 points.

What a painful realization!

But there is no way, because the real battle will be fought below 3000 points.

Below 3,000 points, it is the real chip game.

The main game is actually below 3000 points.

It's just that the main force of reason chose to lie flat, so the volume below 3000 points is on the small side.

By the end of the bear market, all that remains is the game between the main force and some retail investors.

The two sides fight for mentality in this place, and in the end, it is often after the collapse of retail investors that they bottom out.

When some retail investors hand over all their chips, the game is over.

Below 3,000 points, there is gold and opportunities everywhere.

We all say that a good stock needs a good price.

Really good prices, all appear below 3000 points, because they are cheap.

The so-called timing is to find the low point of the market and then buy the layout at this point in time.

Therefore, if it falls below 3000 points, it should be happy.

Because only at this point in time, it is possible to buy a real big bull stock starting point, and there will be an opportunity to easily multiply several times.

Compared with making money by short-term games, entering blue chips at the bottom of this general trend is obviously a lie to win.

Below 3,000 points is the starting point of each bull market.

We have never started a bull market above 3000 points yet.

All bull markets start below 3000 points, the last round was 2440, and it is difficult to say whether this round is 2635.

If you enter the market above 3,000 points, the risk is obviously greater than the opportunity.

But when it comes to entering below 3,000 points, the chances far outweigh the risks.

Of course, there is also a cost of patience here, because the market has just fallen below 3000 points, and there is further downward demand, don't go long immediately, the risk is still very high.

When the market shrinks and the bottom is almost built, the starting point of the bull market will naturally come.

Correctly look at the opportunities and risks below 3000 points, don't care about the gains and losses of the point, investment is also a blessing and a curse, and the angle of looking at the problem is different.