
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave

author:Blind date emotional story meeting
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave
The high-level means of ambiguous between men and women: if you leave

In this fast-paced city, single men and women seem to be searching for the secret of getting rid of singles. And I, as one of them, accidentally realized the ambiguous high realm of men and women-if you leave.

If you are leaving, these four words are simple but contain profound wisdom. It is neither cold detachment nor passionate entanglement, but a just right sense of distance.

I remember it was a summer evening, and I met her by the lake in the park. She smiled like a flower, and my heart rippled. However, I didn't rush to confess, but chose a way of communication. Sometimes we talk to each other, and sometimes we are immersed in our own world. This subtle sense of distance makes us even more fascinated by each other.

One day, she suddenly asked me, "Why are you always like this?" I smiled and replied, "Because I think this sense of distance is what makes feelings more mellow." We don't need to stick together all the time, but we can feel each other's warmth every time we see each other. She nodded thoughtfully.

Time passed and our relationship grew closer. But always maintaining that sense of distance makes our relationship more stable and lasting.

Dear reader, have you ever been lost in your feelings? Perhaps, you can also try this kind of way of getting along with each other. It may make you realize that love is not about blindly giving and taking, but needs just the right sense of distance to make each other more cherished.

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