
Why did cancer find you? Prevention is more important than cure, and these recommendations should be kept in mind

author:Dr. Zhou Haibin

Uncle Li, 68 years old, is a retired worker who likes to get up early and practice in the morning, and also likes to play chess with old friends. Over the years, he has always felt that his body is quite tough, at most he has a little backache and back pain, and he hasn't paid too much attention to it. However, a few months ago, he began to feel sick to his stomach and sometimes had a dull ache, and at first he thought it was a bad eat, and he took some painkillers and stopped caring about it. However, the pain did not relieve, but worsened. His family became worried and advised him to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

After a gastroscopy, the doctor told Uncle Li that he had a malignant tumor in his stomach and that it was at an advanced stage. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which plunged Uncle Li and his family into extreme panic and grief. Looking back on the past days, Uncle Li suddenly realized that when he was young, he often smoked and drank, and he was not careful in his diet, often eating greasy and spicy food. The doctor told him that it was these bad lifestyle habits that kept his body in a sub-healthy state for a long time, which laid a hidden danger for the occurrence of cancer.

Uncle Li's story is not unique. In our lives, many people, like Uncle Li, ignore the warning signs sent by the body and miss the best opportunity for early prevention and treatment. Cancer, this terrible disease, is quietly eroding our health.

Why did cancer find you? This is a question on the minds of many. In fact, cancer does not occur without warning, nor is it impossible to prevent. With a reasonable lifestyle and regular physical check-ups, we can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Prevention is more important than cure, and mastering scientific knowledge of cancer prevention is a topic that everyone should pay attention to.

Why did cancer find you? Prevention is more important than cure, and these recommendations should be kept in mind

Basic knowledge of cancer

What is cancer

Cancer is a disease that develops as a result of abnormal cell growth. These abnormally proliferated cells not only lose the function of normal cells, but also invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs. Normally, cell growth and division are tightly controlled, but when these regulatory mechanisms fail, cells can grow and divide indefinitely, eventually forming tumors. Cancer is divided into benign tumors and malignant tumors, of which malignant tumors are what we usually call cancer.

Cancer cells have three main characteristics: uncontrolled growth, invasion of adjacent tissues, and distant metastasis. Malignant tumors not only grow rapidly at the primary site, but can also metastasize to other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system to form new tumors. This ability to spread makes cancer treatment more complex and difficult.

Causes of cancer

The occurrence of cancer is the result of a combination of factors. Understanding these factors can help us better prevent cancer.

Genetic factors

Familial inheritance plays an important role in the development of cancer. If more than one member of the family has the same type of cancer, it means that there may be an inherited cancer gene mutation in the family. These mutations can make an individual more susceptible to cancer during their lifetime.

environmental factors

Long-term exposure to harmful environments, such as air pollution, chemicals, radioactive materials, etc., can increase the risk of cancer. For example, inhaling harmful substances such as second-hand smoke, industrial exhaust gases, and exhaust gases in the air can greatly increase the incidence of lung cancer. Similarly, people who are exposed to radiation for a long time, such as radiologists and nuclear power plant workers, have a significantly higher risk of cancer than the general population.

Lifestyle factors

An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main factors in the development of cancer. Smoking, alcoholism, poor diet, and lack of exercise are all risk factors for cancer. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, and many carcinogens in tobacco not only damage the lungs but also affect other organs. Alcoholism is associated with a variety of cancers such as liver cancer, esophageal cancer, and stomach cancer. A high-fat, high-sugar diet can lead to obesity, which in turn increases the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. Lack of exercise not only leads to obesity, but also weakens the body's immunity and increases the risk of cancer.

Psychological factors

Long-term psychological stress and negative emotions may also affect physical health and increase the risk of cancer. Excessive stress and low mood can lead to endocrine disruption and decreased immune function, which in turn increases the likelihood of cancer.

Types of cancer

Common types of cancer include lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. Different types of cancer have different causes, symptoms, and treatments. Understanding the characteristics of these common cancers can help us better prevent and detect them early.

lung cancer

It is mainly caused by factors such as smoking, air pollution, etc. Early symptoms include coughing, coughing up blood, difficulty breathing, etc.

breast cancer

It is related to hormone levels, genetic factors, lifestyle, etc. Early symptoms include breast lumps, nipple discharge, etc.


It is often associated with viral hepatitis, long-term alcoholism, fatty liver, etc. Early symptoms include pain in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, jaundice, etc.

gastric cancer

It is mostly caused by unhealthy diet, Helicobacter pylori infection, genetic factors, etc. Early symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Colorectal cancer

Associated with a high-fat diet, lack of fiber, family history, etc. Early symptoms include blood in the stool, changes in bowel habits, etc.

Understanding the basics of cancer and the causes of cancer can help us take effective preventive measures in our daily lives to reduce the risk of cancer.

Why did cancer find you? Prevention is more important than cure, and these recommendations should be kept in mind

Early symptoms and screening for cancer

Early symptom recognition

There are often no obvious symptoms in the early stages of cancer, but certain signals may indicate that people should seek medical attention as soon as possible. For example, sudden weight loss, long-lasting fatigue, digestive discomfort (such as stomach pain or indigestion), abnormal bleeding or discharge (such as coughing up blood, bloody stools, breast discharge), and abnormal changes in the skin (such as changes in pigmented spots or moles) can be signs of early cancer. In addition, persistent cough or sore throat, especially in smokers, should also be a cause for concern.

In order to detect cancer early, regular check-ups and screenings are very important. There are different recommended screening methods for different types of cancer. For example, breast cancer screening usually includes regular mammograms (mammograms) and breast ultrasounds. For colon cancer screening, colonoscopy or FIT (fecal occult blood test) are recommended. These screening methods not only help in the early detection of cancer lesions, but also intervene at a stage where treatment is easier and successful.

The importance of regular screening

Regular screening is one of the key steps in cancer prevention. It is able to detect the problem before the cancer lesion has obvious symptoms and take the necessary treatment measures. For example, early detection of breast cancer can usually be cured with surgery and adjuvant therapy, while late detection of breast cancer is much more difficult to treat and the survival rate is significantly reduced.

For middle-aged and elderly people, it is recommended to develop a personalized screening plan, and choose the appropriate screening items and frequency according to the individual's risk factors and health status. For example, for middle-aged and elderly people with a history of smoking, a chest CT scan may be one of the effective ways to detect lung cancer early. For people at high risk of liver cancer, such as hepatitis B virus carriers, regular liver ultrasound is one of the necessary screening methods.

Timely follow-up and interpretation of results are essential during the screening process. Health professionals should work closely with patients to ensure the accuracy and continuity of screening results. In addition, for certain high-risk groups, such as individuals with multiple cancer patients in their families, more frequent and in-depth screening programs, as well as the support of genetic counseling, may be required to prevent and intervene in possible cancer risks in advance.

Why did cancer find you? Prevention is more important than cure, and these recommendations should be kept in mind

Lifestyle advice for cancer prevention

Healthy eating habits

Dietary habits play a key role in cancer prevention. Middle-aged and older people should focus on a balanced diet and increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants. Whole grains such as oats, whole-grain bread and brown rice not only help maintain a healthy weight, but may also reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Conversely, a high-sugar, high-fat diet and excessive intake of processed meat are associated with a significantly increased risk of developing several cancer types. Therefore, limiting the intake of processed meats such as sausages, luncheon meats, etc., and reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates in the diet is one of the important strategies to prevent cancer.

Exercise regularly

Moderate physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight, but also significantly reduces the incidence of many types of cancer, such as colon, breast and prostate cancer. According to research, at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking, swimming, or dancing) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (such as jogging or jumping rope) per week can provide significant health benefits.

Middle-aged and older people can also choose low-impact activities that are suitable for them, such as yoga or tai chi, to improve physical flexibility and balance, while promoting mental health.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Smoking is significantly associated with the incidence of a variety of cancers, such as lung, oral and esophageal cancers. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly smokers should quit smoking as early as possible to reduce the risk of cancer in the future. In addition, limiting alcohol intake is also an important prevention strategy. Excessive alcohol consumption not only increases the risk of liver cancer, but is also associated with other cancer types such as breast cancer, colon cancer, etc.

Control your weight

Obesity is associated with an increased incidence of several cancers, such as breast, colon, and endometrial cancer. Middle-aged and older people should maintain a healthy weight through healthy eating habits and moderate exercise. Personalized nutrition coaching and exercise programs can help everyone find the healthy lifestyle that works best for them.

Good state of mind

Stress and anxiety not only affect mental health, but may also increase the risk of cancer by affecting the immune system and hormone levels. Middle-aged and elderly people can reduce stress and maintain a good state of mind through meditation, relaxation techniques, or participating in social activities.

These lifestyle tips can not only help prevent cancer from occurring, but also improve overall health and prolong healthy life. Middle-aged and older people should incorporate these recommendations into their daily lives and discuss health management plans with their doctors regularly to better prevent and control possible health problems.