
Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

India was once a British colony, and India has long been proud of it, but today it has a larger economy than the British. The British colonization of India had a huge impact on India's culture and traditions, and the Indian political system was based on the British, for which India boasted of being the largest democracy in the world. Britain is known for its great-power chauvinism, and India, which has been colonized by the British, has also inherited the "tradition" of Britain and "pointed fingers" at the surrounding countries. Britain has not been in the ascendant for a long time, but Britain has not abandoned its role as a troublemaker, and has made waves in the EU before, so that the EU cannot form a strong force.

Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

After Britain completed its mission to divide the European Union, Britain chose to withdraw from the European Union through a referendum, in fact, Britain is acting as a proxy of the United States to constantly create trouble within the European Union, so that the European Union cannot confront the United States head-on. Although the EU had the euro, the UK did not use the euro when it was a member of the EU, and it was clear that the UK kept a hand, and eventually the UK withdrew from the EU. Although the UK has withdrawn from the EU, it is still pointing fingers at European affairs, especially during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the UK has been trying to influence the EU's decision-making, in fact, it is also actively cooperating with the US strategy, and the UK is not pretending at all.

Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

In order to weaken the influence of the European Union, the United States has resorted to a variety of means, including waging a war against Iraq, so as to maintain the dollar and oil bond. Under the long-term turmoil of the United States, the EU has been unable to compete with the United States, and the United States has mastered control of the EU through its infiltration of EU countries. Von der Leyen's ability to "call for wind and rain" in the European Commission has already shown that the United States has control over the European Union, and when the United States is actively courting EU politicians and Britain is dealing with the European Union, India is also the target of the United States' active courting, because the United States wants to use India to deal with the SCO. India joined the SCO in 2017, along with Pakistan, which now has nine member states.

Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

The initial members of the SCO are China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran joined the SCO in 2023, and according to public reports, Belarus will also join the SCO. In addition to its full membership, the SCO has a number of observers and partners, and as a result, it already includes several countries in Eurasia, including Turkey, which is a member of NATO, so that the SCO has a lot of influence and has become the target of active US suppression. The United States does not want to see a regional organization that can sit on an equal footing with the Western bloc, and for this reason it has tried to divide the SCO in various ways.

Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

According to Indian media reports, Indian Prime Minister Modi has stopped pretending and decided not to participate in the 2024 annual summit of the SCO held in Kazakhstan. In fact, Modi's non-participation in the SCO summit is a clear signal that India is continuing to side with the West, so Modi wants to show India's position by absenting the SCO summit, and it is also actively cooperating with the US strategy.

Modi is not pretending, not attending the SCO summit, India's role is not simple, comparable to Britain in the EU

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