
Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

author:Coffee beans from northern latitudes
Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

After experiencing mutual smearing, judicial confrontation, and successfully getting Trump a 175 million guarantee, this 2024 magical election in the United States has finally done a ruthless job. That is, Trump and Biden held a debate match for the whole United States and the world. [Dog's Head]

For the American people, Trump and Biden are not the best candidates in their hearts. But there is no way, according to the current situation, even if these American people are unwilling, they can only choose one of these two old men who have to wear diapers when they go out and an old man who will turn 80 in two years to be the president of the United States.

Now that these two heavyweights of age are on stage, it's exciting just thinking about it. So just how exciting is this debate, and what are the key points to note between the two in the presidential election?


The situation of the two

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

At present, the United States is also the most likely to become the winner of the 2024 election and become the two candidates for the next president of the United States, in fact, Trump and Biden. For other people, the support rate has fallen off a cliff, and there is no comparison with them at all. Therefore, this debate between the two of them is naturally the focus of attention.

However, for both sides, economic issues are the most concerned point for both sides. Whether it is a Democrat or a Republican, the most important thing to solve is the economic problem. So at the beginning, Biden said that although everyone now knows that the US economy is not very good, the debt is still owed, and the national debt is about to be repaid. But he took over the stall from Trump, and he can now create more than 800,000 jobs in the United States, all with the blessing of Jesus.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

Understanding Wang is also not to be outdone, saying that the more than 800,000 jobs have nothing to do with Biden. He said that it is a miracle that the United States can still grow economically during the epidemic, when the global economy is stagnant. In addition, although more than 1 million people in the United States have not stopped the ravages of the virus during the epidemic, Biden also said to those who died that if it weren't for the loss of more than 1 million people, you would have 800,000 jobs there.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

And Wang also said that Biden is not for the American people at all. Because all the jobs were given to the black people who immigrated, Trump said he was the only one who really cared about the American people.

Biden also immediately replied, saying that what you said about thinking about the American people is completely engaging in racial discrimination. The people who came in from the U.S.-Mexico border over there are also people, and although they need to go through a series of procedures to get the opportunity to be people in the United States, you not only have to send all these people back, but you also have to build walls at the border to keep people out.

How will the Democratic Party get votes in the future? Can political correctness still be practiced? Trump, no matter what you say, you can't break the rules of the road.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

At the same time, Biden also mentioned the war in Afghanistan, he said, when you Trump was in power, when Americans in Afghanistan were killed, Trump didn't even let out a fart, and during his tenure, not a single American soldier was killed.

In fact, the war in Afghanistan is a pit that cannot be mentioned, but Biden is old after all, and it is normal for him to talk a little. However, Trump directly seized this opportunity and went crazy against Biden. After all, there was nothing wrong with the war in Afghanistan, and when he ordered the troops to withdraw from Afghanistan, the United States was still the invincible United States, with dignity, rights, and deterrence.

And your Biden withdrawal is simply a disgrace to the empire, you not only left millions of dollars of military equipment to the enemies of the United States, but also turned the withdrawal of the United States into a fiasco.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

It is obvious that Biden's brain may have shut down when he heard Trump's words, and staged a non-static picture, which typically belongs to digging a hole for himself.


The situation in Russia and Ukraine

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

Since the war is mentioned, it is natural to have to talk about the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Wang said that during his reign, the relationship with Putin, the two of them could wear a pair of pants. If he was there, there would not have been a conflict between Russia and Ukraine at all, not to mention that during the entire period between Russia and Ukraine, the United States spent a lot of support subsidies to support Zelensky, who was begging for food everywhere, and all of them were taxpayers' money.

Biden is also reasonable, he said, you Trump is a war criminal at all, you still have the face to say that your relationship with that Putin is iron, then Putin is a war criminal, you are good with him, you are also a war criminal, are you planning to revive Russia to the Soviet Union? And it is claimed that all the aid to Ukraine is equipment, and there is never cash.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

Obviously, this debate will still be too intense for Noboriko. After all, if there is no medicine to support him, Biden's body is estimated to be unable to hold on, which will cause him to say that he calls Putin a war criminal. Regarding Biden's statement, the Russian side was also the first to speak out, saying that this was all framed by the United States.

As for Trump, after listening to Biden's explanation, he didn't believe it at all, after all, how could you not give money if you supported it. If you don't give money, isn't Zelensky's meal for nothing? If the donation money does not fall into his hands at all, he can be so active in fighting this war with Russia? Isn't it just to get more money to stuff it into your pocket?

At the end of the debate, the two mentioned China again. Biden said that during his reign, he suppressed China very well, and everyone could feel that the United States was strong, and no one felt that our empire was degenerating.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

These words belonged to the mouth of the king who understood, and the king said on the spot, don't brag, you can suppress China, hell. Who doesn't know that the trend of de-dollarization is now suspended, and you can't even understand the international situation at your level, and I have to save the United States. Give me 4 years and I'll make America great again.

With the king shouting his campaign slogan again, the debate is basically over. And after this debate, it really caused an uproar in the United States.

All kinds of media have reported one after another, not only through polls to find that the support rate of Wang has accounted for 7 percent. Even some of the hosts of their media are complaining that Biden made frequent mistakes during the debate, especially on such a key issue as multiple bills, but he can't even explain things clearly as the president of a country.

Trump and Biden have a debate showdown, Trump: I won a big victory, Biden called Putin a war criminal

As a result, many people in the United States have also begun to speculate whether Biden's body can last until the next 4 years. And they also began to wonder if the position of president of the United States was a puppet of embodiment at all? If this is the case, then what difference does it make who becomes president of the United States?


The Paper The election debate has intensified concerns about Biden's age, and some Democrats have "panicked" and called for a change of candidates

Global Times Biden claims that Putin is a "war criminal", and the Russian side: framed