
What happens to the body if you eat durian for a long time? Doctor reminds: 3 types of people should not eat durian

author:Liu Zheng, Department of Urology and Andrology, Provincial Hospital

Uncle Li is 65 years old this year and is a well-known health expert in the community. In normal times, he is very careful about his diet and likes to try a variety of fresh fruits and foods. Recently, he fell in love with durian on the recommendation of a friend and bought it several times a week to enjoy its unique sweet taste. Unexpectedly, not long ago, Uncle Li found that his blood sugar level had risen significantly and his weight had increased a lot during a physical examination. After detailed questioning and examination, the doctor came to a conclusion: Uncle Li's health problems are likely to be related to his recent frequent consumption of durian.

What happens to the body if you eat durian for a long time? Doctor reminds: 3 types of people should not eat durian

This shocked Uncle Li and his family. Although durian is delicious, the impact on the body cannot be ignored. This story not only made Uncle Li reflect on his eating habits, but also drew our attention to the nutritional content of durian and its health effects.

The nutritional content of durian and its effects on the body

Durian is known as the "king of fruits" and is rich in nutrients, but its high sugar, fat, and calorie components also hide potential health risks.

The energy and risks that come with high sugar

The sweetness of durian mainly comes from its high sugar content. Durian contains about 27 grams of sugar per 100 grams, which is much higher than many common fruits. The high sugar content not only makes durian a good source of energy and quickly replenishes physical strength, but it also brings challenges to blood sugar control. Long-term intake of large amounts of sugar can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels and increase the health risk for people with abnormal glucose metabolism, such as diabetics.

High-fat nutrition and burden

Durian is not only high in sugar, but also low in fat. Durian contains about 5 grams of fat per 100 grams, most of which is saturated fat. Fat in moderation is good for the human body, providing essential energy and nutrients, but excessive intake can have negative effects. A high-fat diet may lead to an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

High calorie and weight management

The heat of durian should not be overlooked. Durian contains about 150 kcal per 100 grams, which is a challenge for people who maintain a healthy weight. Long-term high intake of high-calorie foods can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity. Obesity not only affects the appearance, but more importantly, it is a trigger for many chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, abnormal glucose metabolism, etc.

What happens to the body if you eat durian for a long time? Doctor reminds: 3 types of people should not eat durian

Provides energy and vitamins

Although durian has many potential risks, there are also certain benefits to eating it in moderation. Durian is rich in vitamin C, which can boost immunity and help the body fight off diseases. In addition, the dietary fiber in durian helps to promote intestinal health and relieve constipation. This is indeed a big advantage for middle-aged and elderly people.

All things considered

As a nutritious fruit, durian can provide energy and necessary nutrients to the body when consumed in moderation. However, for middle-aged and elderly people with abnormal glucose metabolism, high blood pressure and weak digestive function, special attention should be paid to the potential risks caused by high sugar, high fat and high calories. Controlling durian intake scientifically and rationally, with a balanced diet, is the key to maintaining good health.

3 types of people should not eat durian

Although durian is delicious, it is not suitable for everyone. The following 3 groups of people need to pay special attention to avoid eating durian to avoid adverse effects on their health.

People with abnormal glucose metabolism

Durian contains a lot of sugar, about 27 grams of sugar per 100 grams of durian, which is a big burden for people with abnormal sugar metabolism. For patients with abnormal glucose metabolism, especially diabetic patients, eating durian may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, inducing or aggravating the condition. There was once a real case of an elderly diabetic patient who was unable to resist the temptation of durian and after consuming it for several days in a row, his blood sugar spiked and he was eventually sent to the hospital emergency room. This fully shows that patients with abnormal glucose metabolism should not consume durian to avoid similar health risks.

What happens to the body if you eat durian for a long time? Doctor reminds: 3 types of people should not eat durian

People with elevated blood pressure in systemic arteries

Durian contains a high level of potassium, with about 436 mg of potassium per 100 grams of durian. For people with high blood pressure, a high-potassium diet may interfere with the balance of sodium and potassium in the body, which can affect blood pressure control. Studies have shown that a high-potassium diet increases the risk of blood pressure fluctuations in people with high blood pressure. Consumption of durian in patients with high blood pressure may cause further increases in blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, patients with high systemic arterial blood pressure should consume durian with caution, and it is best to adjust their diet under the guidance of a doctor.

People with weak digestive function

Durian is rich in dietary fiber, with about 3.8 grams of fiber per 100 grams of durian. For older people with weak gastrointestinal function or people with sensitive stomachs, a high-fiber diet may cause symptoms such as indigestion and bloating. People with weak digestive function are prone to uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach distension and abdominal pain after eating durian. An elderly man had to go to the hospital for a severe bloating caused by eating durian. This case reminds us that people with weak digestive function should avoid eating durian, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines and affect the health of the body.

How to consume durian healthily

Although durian is delicious, how can it be eaten healthily, enjoy the deliciousness without harming health? Here are a few suggestions for your reference.

Control the amount you eat

Durian is high in calories, containing about 150 kcal per 100 grams, so it is recommended to consume no more than 200 grams each time, no more than 2 times a week. This can effectively avoid the problem of weight gain and blood sugar rise caused by excessive consumption. Eating it in moderation will not only allow you to enjoy the delicious taste of durian but also keep you healthy.

Pair with other low-sugar fruits

Durian is high in sugar and can be eaten with low-sugar fruits, such as apples, pears, etc. This not only reduces overall sugar intake, but also enriches nutrient intake for a balanced diet. For example, mixing durian with apple cubes not only has a rich taste, but also reduces the high sugar burden of durian.

Control your total calorie intake

Durian is high in calories and should be avoided with other high-calorie foods, such as cakes, desserts, etc. This helps to control total calorie intake and avoid obesity due to high calorie levels. It is recommended to reduce the intake of other high-calorie foods when consuming durian, such as replacing dessert with fruit salad and pairing durian with a light diet to ensure that the total calories of the diet are controlled within a reasonable range.

Eat a varied diet

Although durian is rich in nutrients, the diet should be varied to ensure that the nutrition is comprehensive. In addition to durian, you should also consume a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein to ensure a balanced nutrition. By eating a varied diet, you can not only meet your body's needs for various nutrients, but also avoid the health problems caused by excessive intake of a single food. You can reasonably mix various foods in your daily diet, such as eating some light vegetable soup after durian, which can not only increase dietary fiber intake, but also promote digestion.

Pay attention to your health

Before consuming durian, especially if you have special health problems, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will give scientific dietary advice according to the individual's health status to ensure that it is safe to eat. For example, patients with high blood pressure should reasonably control their durian intake and monitor blood pressure changes under the guidance of doctors to ensure a safe diet.

Although durian is delicious, it is not suitable for everyone. For people with abnormal glucose metabolism, increased blood pressure in systemic arteries and weak digestive function, durian should be avoided. For the general population, it should be consumed in moderation, and attention should be paid to dietary combination and total calorie control. Only by eating durian scientifically and rationally can we maintain good health while enjoying the deliciousness.

What happens to the body if you eat durian for a long time? Doctor reminds: 3 types of people should not eat durian

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