
Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

author:Obediently say new entertainment

Dong Yuhui is a very popular Internet celebrity, and the matter of the small composition made him the focus of public opinion, but fortunately, Yu Minhong handled it properly, let him stay in the company, and gave him an exclusive account to bring goods, and now he has led the team to achieve quite good results. The two are also teachers and friends, Dong can be said to have made a comeback for the company with his own strength, and Yu also gave each other a platform to display their talents, and the two sides achieved each other.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

Recently, Dongfang Selection can be said to be a constant topic, since Dong left, the company's ability to write exquisite copywriting has declined, and there have been some problems in cultural tourism promotion. Recently, some anchors used broken mountains and rivers to describe the landform of a certain place, which has once again attracted discussion.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

Recently, the anchor apologized, saying that he had made careful preparations, had no other intentions, and indeed used inappropriate words, which caused misunderstanding among netizens, and he will continue to work hard in the future. It can be seen that it is difficult for other anchors to achieve Dong's ability to talk eloquently and adapt to changes.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

Teacher Yu posted on social platforms and only said one sentence, saying that he could accept the suggestions of netizens, but he could not make rumors out of nothing. It can be seen that he is still very angry and complains about the company.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

The reason is that the team originally wanted to invite Dong to promote cultural tourism, but the company did not agree, and also charged publicity fees in the name of walking with Hui. Originally, the company wanted to contribute to the cause of cultural tourism, and did not charge any publicity fees, but it is difficult for anyone to accept such a statement on the Internet.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

Mr. Yu responded in a timely manner and understood his feelings. Many netizens mentioned Dong Yuhui in the message area, which attracted heated discussions among netizens. The reason is that they want him to help Dong, some think that they will find out the initiator of the previous small composition, and some hope that he can also speak up for Dong in time, after all, the other party has also been subjected to a lot of groundless rumors, which makes people very distressed.

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable
Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable
Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable

Many netizens also expressed their understanding that Mr. Yu is actually difficult, after all, his energy is limited, and he also believes that Dong has the ability to deal with various problems, not to mention the support of the official media and many netizens. And on the selection side, he is an executive, so he has to come forward to solve it. What are your thoughts on this?

Yu Minhong was angry and upset with the company, and most of the netizens' messages mentioned Dong Yuhui, which is understandable