
Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

author:Obediently say new entertainment

Dong Yuhui is a very popular Internet celebrity, he often makes frequent golden sentences in the live broadcast room, and talks a lot of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign knowledge, shares reading insights, reflects his extraordinary talent, and forms a unique live broadcast style. After the small composition incident, he had an exclusive account to bring goods, and led the team to achieve good results, which is enough to see that his ability is very comprehensive.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

Especially in the promotion of cultural tourism, it has become his unique label, so that other anchors are out of reach, he uses his rich knowledge reserves to let everyone understand the local culture, and the exquisite copywriting is one after another, which is really admirable, and the literati temperament is reflected, and many places are vying to invite him to publicize.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

The other day, he said he was going to take a few days off and travel with a friend. He didn't mention who the other party was, but said that the other party was going to go with his wife and children, and there were three babies, and the two met through the introduction of friends in the show, and he took the initiative to invite them, which shows that the other party should be not small at the beginning, and it also attracted speculation from netizens.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions
Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

Recently, some netizens saw him and Liu Genghong traveling in Xi'an together, which attracted heated discussions among netizens, and the mystery was also revealed.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

I didn't see that the two of them were very low-key and wrapped themselves very tightly, but they still couldn't escape the eyes of netizens. However, in order not to affect their itinerary, netizens did not bother too much even if they recognized it. As for why the two have this agreement, there are three main reasons.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

First, Dong wants to see his idol. knows that Dong Chou is his idol, and Liu and the other party have been close friends for many years, so it is very likely that they will meet Dong Chou through Liu, or participate in each other's concerts and programs, or invite each other to be guests in the live broadcast room, and it is very likely that they will become friends in the future.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

Second, the two learn from each other to improve. Both of them are the head anchors of the platform, although they are in different fields, they are both doing positive things, one spreads traditional culture, and the other leads everyone to strengthen their health. The two are likely to have further exchanges in the future, such as each going to each other's live broadcast room as guests, and such a circle-breaking exchange is still worth looking forward to.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

Third, Dong can be asked to help Liu's children study. Liu Genghong has three children, and he can let Dong come to his home as a guest to help the children learn more cultural knowledge and cultivate better reading habits.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

Many netizens said that Dong is one step closer to his idol, and he is also constantly expanding his network and becoming friends with many celebrities. Even if he wraps it well, he can still be recognized by fans, and he can see that the other party is also very kind, and he doesn't bother him.

Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions
Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

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Dong Yuhui and Liu Genghong are low-key when they travel together, and there are three main reasons for the analysis, and netizens' comments have aroused heated discussions

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