
Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

author:A Cantonese girl who loves life


Today weekend, I went to the vegetable market and found that there are a lot of lotus roots and eggplants for sale, I thought, why don't you buy some lotus roots to make a delicacy, and you should eat lotus roots, winter melons, etc. in summer!

I like to buy vegetables that are in season, and I think it will be much less pesticides.

I soak the vegetables I buy for more than half an hour in rice washing water, do you have this habit?

Tonight's dish is so ordinary, today I made four dishes, namely: steamed fish belly with ginger and scallion, lotus root box, garlic mustard greens, shrimp cantaloupe.

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

Have the sisters ever eaten shrimp and cantaloupe? There are several flavors in one dish, have you tried them?

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

Ingredients: cantaloupe, shrimp, crab fillet, ginger and garlic

1Put the shrimp with salt, cornstarch, sugar, and oil and mix well

2. Blanch the salt and sugar into the crab fillet

3. Heat the oil in the pot, add the shrimp, stir-fry to change color, pour in the crab fillet, ginger, garlic and chili.

4Pour in the cantaloupe, put a little salt, and stir-fry the sugar evenly.

5. Thicken the cornstarch and stir-fry evenly.

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

There is also this lotus root box that is the most suitable for eating in summer, the lotus root is sandwiched with meat and is crispy and fragrant!

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

The steps of the lotus root box are in the picture below, if you like to eat, you can eat it directly.

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

This is garlic water Dongsuke, mustard greens have the ability to clear heat and detoxify, and you can cool off when you eat it in summer.

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

My family's meal consequences, strawberries, cherries, mangoes!

Dinner for a family of 4 was simple but I felt very comfortable!

This life is simple and comfortable! When a family can sit happily and have a meal together, it is the happiest thing in the world.