
The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

author:Xu Qing is coming


The People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 18 warplanes to surround one US reconnaissance plane, expressing the mainland's determination to defend national sovereignty and that no one or any force can hinder the reunification of the motherland.

For a long time, although the United States has claimed to adhere to the "one-China" policy, it has never supported cross-strait reunification in its heart, sold a large amount of arms and materials to Taiwan, provoked and tested our attitude, and has always wanted to control the Taiwan region in its own hands.

Recently, US military commander Paparo even shouted in public that "in order to deal with the threat from Chinese mainland to Taiwan," the US military threatened to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth."

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

If there is a change in the Taiwan Strait, how will the PLA respond to the "hellscape" plan developed by the US military?

Our troops set up pocket formations in the strait to watch the US "E-3B" early warning planes.

Recently, on 27 June, a US Air Force E-3B Sentinel airborne early warning plane flew over the Bass Strait without our permission and intruded into the Taiwan Strait without authorization. It is reported that this is not the first time that the US military has flown over the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

Generally speaking, the E-3B early warning aircraft is used to detect aircraft, missiles and other flying objects, and track and identify multiple targets at the same time, and then transmit this information to the ground command center in real time.

The United States dispatched military planes for no other than two purposes: Either it intended to participate in the Taiwan military's "Han Kuang exercise" and collect military intelligence on our side.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

It has made clear to the Taiwan authorities that the United States will continue to "support" them and boost the arrogance of the "Taiwan independence elements" so that they can continue to provoke Chinese mainland during the "Han Kuang 14" exercise.

Either they want to test the attitude of Chinese mainland, provoking and testing our bottom line and reaction speed.

However, it has long been surrounded by a "pocket array" formed by 18 warplanes from the northern, southern, and southwestern directions of the Taiwan Strait, which our army has already ambushed.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

The purpose of this targeted action by our military is to inform them of the mainland's attitude toward the Taiwan issue and its firm determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In order to counterattack our military, 35 air force planes and seven navy warships continued to move around the Taiwan Strait in one day, and 33 of them even crossed the so-called "middle line of the Taiwan Strait" and conducted intensive military exercises.

Source: Global Times June 28, 2024 -- 18 PLA military aircraft flew around the Taiwan Strait yesterday, and "US AWACS aircraft appeared in the airspace southwest of Taiwan on the same day"
The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

This action not only demonstrates China's strong military strength and national defense capabilities, but also gives a stern warning to the continued provocations of the United States in Taiwan.

U.S. military threatens to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth"

Recently, Paparo, the new U.S. Indo-Pacific commander of the U.S. military, publicly clamored that "in order to help Taiwan and deal with the threat from Chinese mainland," the U.S. military threatened to turn the Taiwan Strait into a hell on earth.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

The United States has colluded militarily with Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to the point of frenzy in dealing with Chinese mainland and pursuing "Taiwan independence."

At the 2024 Shangri-La Dialogue held today, US Commander Paparo made no secret of his provocations against China, and hyped that if there was a confrontation between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, he would use drones to stop it, and our military's "Taiwan offensive".

In Paparo's view, if the PLA wants to recover Taiwan through military operations, then the US military will immediately support the Taiwan Strait and deploy a large number of unmanned equipment between the mainland and Taiwan to stop the advance of our army.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

At that time, the entire Taiwan Strait will become a "hell on earth", which is what Paparo called the plan, which is actually based on Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks's "replicator" plan.

That is, through the deployment of thousands of cheap unmanned equipment, to deplete and hinder the main firepower of our army.

In this way, it is possible to protect aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and other weapons of mass destruction, which are used to consume the main forces of our PLA.

In Commander Paparo's vision, the deployment of thousands of this "three-in-one" unmanned equipment combat mode will show unprecedented power on the battlefield.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

and in the Taiwan Strait, we will carry out a comprehensive interception and blockade of our army's offensive to recover Taiwan by force.

It will probably delay our army for dozens of days, and then the US military will launch an all-out counteroffensive against the mainland through "global mobilization" and gathering "Western forces led by the United States." And Paparo claimed that the U.S. military had finalized a plan called "Hell Landscape" that was about to be implemented.

Paparo's statement is undoubtedly "on paper" and difficult to achieve

From both military and economic angles, Commander Paparo's remarks are nothing more than a gimmick used by the US military to coax "Taiwan independence elements," and will not really be implemented.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

From an economic point of view: the cost of unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats is at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the standard conceived by Paparo, the United States wants to invest thousands of drones and submarines in the strait between the mainland and Taiwan to achieve the purpose of coverage, which costs money, which is undoubtedly an "astronomical amount".

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

And now the United States not only has to support the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, but also takes into account the Middle East battlefield, and also squeezes out production capacity to provide military supplies to Taiwan.

Even the United States, a giant in the military-industrial complex, cannot meet these major battlefields at the same time, and still be able to come up with billions of dollars to complete this plan.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

From a military point of view: Although the U.S. military's unmanned equipment is at the world's leading level, China has also shown strong strength in the research and development and production of unmanned equipment.

At this point, is the U.S. military sure that it has the self-confidence to play against China and successfully hinder the progress of our military?

Under the complete range of jamming equipment of our army, it can also accurately control UAVs and cause large-scale damage to our army?

The answer is obvious, and even after the war in the Taiwan Strait begins, in order to ensure a quick victory, our military can completely avoid giving the US military a chance to intervene.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

It is only necessary to strike quickly, take the lead in blockading the Taiwan Strait before the arrival of the US military, land on Taiwan to settle the battle, and not give the US military a chance to enter the Taiwan Strait with a large number of drones, ships and other equipment, and when the US military arrives, the battle will be over.

For the arrogant rhetoric of the US military. Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office, stressed that Taiwan is a part of China and a homeland for which we must fight for every inch of land.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

Any force that obstructs the reunification of the motherland will be dealt a devastating blow, and China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no violation.

At the same time, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) also warned those who clamored to turn other people's homes into hell and obstructed the reunification of other countries that they should first be prepared to go to hell themselves. Our military has done a good job of the threats and challenges posed by the US military, and there will absolutely not be the slightest concession, and we must resolutely suppress them.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

Lai Qingde conducted actual combat exercises and threatened to fight the mainland to the end

Since taking office, Lai Qingde has made frequent moves, not only throwing out a "Taiwan independence" confession in an attempt to kidnap the public opinion on the island, but also constantly making remarks provoking the mainland, causing the situation in the Taiwan Strait to become increasingly tense.

Not long ago, Lai Qingde even claimed at the Huangpu celebration that "he does not accept the remarks that the first battle will be the end of the battle and the battle will end within 24 hours," saying that he would fight our side to the end. Recently, Lai Qingde began to operate the actual combat exercise that will start next month, which is also known as the "Han Kuang exercise."

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

According to a report by the reference news network, the so-called military exercise, which the Taiwan authorities announced will last five days and four nights, is the closest thing to actual combat in the past years.

The United States is also actively responding and helping Taiwan independence elements in the Taiwan region, secretly selling armaments and materials to Taiwan independence elements, and supporting them in various ways to obstruct the mainland's recovery of Taiwan in order to achieve the policy of "using Taiwan to contain China."

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

In order to target the "Taiwan United States," the mainland has also intensified its military exercises in the Taiwan Strait.

In the 24 hours from the morning of 27 June to 6 a.m. today, a total of 42 PLA aircraft and ships carried out activities around the Taiwan Strait, and 35 sorties of Chinese air force planes and 7 warships carried out activities around the Taiwan Strait. Among them, 33 planes went to Taiwan from multiple directions, which can be called the four breads of Taiwan.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

PLA military planes are gradually exercising control over the Taiwan Strait and its surrounding waters, and the scope of combat readiness and patrol is wider. If armed reunification really starts, there is absolutely no way for the "Taiwan independence elements" to escape, and our army will also launch an encirclement on the side close to the Ryukyu Islands, and will not let any Taiwan independence elements escape sanctions.

For the sake of political selfish interests, Taiwan independence elements are willing to be used by the United States as "pawns" to obstruct and contain the mainland. Those diehards who attempt to "seek independence by relying on the United States" and "seeking independence by force" are bound to be a dead end, and they will only make the Taiwan people's militia fight fiercely and lead the Taiwan people into the abyss.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!


In response to the US plane crossing the Taiwan Strait and the continued unprovoked provocations by the US military, China has made it clear that it will deal a devastating blow to the US military.

Regarding the empty talk mentioned by Admiral Paparo of the US military that the US military wants to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth".

The response of the Ministry of National Defense was more direct, with spokesman Senior Colonel Wu Qian saying that those who clamored for turning other people's homes into hell should first "prepare themselves to go to hell first"; The idea that some people in the United States want to "turn the Taiwan Strait into hell" for their own selfish interests is simply "madhearted." The PLA has always dared to fight tough battles and can win battles.

The U.S. military's "Hell Landscape" program has begun to show its head! 18 fighters of the People's Liberation Army surrounded the US AWACS aircraft!

No matter how Lai Qingde, who is the number one "Taiwan independence" element, clings to the thigh of the United States, it will be of no avail. This is because the mainland's determination to recover the Taiwan region and safeguard the reunification of the motherland will never waver. There is only one way for Taiwan to go, that is, to clearly understand the reality and return to China at an early date and contribute to the peaceful reunification of the motherland.