
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

author:Little White Duck chases dramas

Recently, Wei Shen's cousin took her children to Beijing to play, and asked her cousin Wei Shen to come out as a tour guide. Early in the morning, Wei Shen bought 8 big meat buns at Peking University and brought them to the hotel for his nephews to eat, and the little ones ate until their stomachs were bigger, and this heavy love made people laugh. My cousin said that the canteen at Peking University was cheap and delicious, and everyone had never eaten it, only Wei Shen had a card, so he bought it for everyone to taste.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

My cousin went to visit Peking University, and was very envious of the library of Peking University, so she asked Wei Shen to have dinner with her at dinner in the evening. Due to the short notice, Wei Shen also brought three buns when he went to the restaurant, which was originally his dinner. He is still the same, three buns and a 1.5-liter bottle of boiled water is a meal. During the meal, Wei Shen ate quietly, very reservedly.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

After eating, he was recognized, and some people took pictures. Wei Shen was still wearing the striped shirt and his black backpack, but he was much more delicate, like a school student.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen also took a day out to take his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and when he took the subway, he was fully armed, and many people didn't recognize him! It's still a light blue vertical striped shirt, and I haven't chatted much with my nephew, just quietly.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

When climbing the Great Wall, Wei Shen still carried his black bag and his 1.5 liters of boiled water in his hand.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Netizens saw that their cousin took a video, and they thought that a boy was very familiar and asked if it was Wei Shen, and the cousin replied yes. Netizens were worried that Wei Shen would not be able to stand such a large amount of exercise, and his cousin broke the news that Wei Shen walked and exercised every day, from the dormitory to the classroom, he walked every day, and his physical strength to climb the Great Wall was amazing, and everyone couldn't catch up with him.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

The cousin said that Wei Shen was still the same, and he had to take the farmer's 1.5-liter bottle to fill boiled water every day, and he was used to it. It is difficult to change the habits of habits since childhood, even if Wei Shen is now a teacher at Peking University and has a high salary, he still maintains everything he did when he studied hard.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Some netizens saw a video of Wei Shen eating at school, there was a big hole in the back of his clothes, he was still wearing it, and he still wore it when the sleeves were open, thinking that his life was too frugal.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Netizens asked his cousin to buy Wei Shen's clothes for a few years, and he has no relatives in Beijing, and his sister rarely goes to hope to take care of her younger brother more. The cousin also replied to the concern of netizens, promising that it would be done, and she was really a very generous sister who loved her brother. In the face of the kind reminders of netizens, my cousin is a "thank you" family, and the family is very polite.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Many netizens are curious about who keeps Wei Shen's salary after he comes out to work, and the cousin broke the news that his younger brother keeps it himself, and feels that Wei Shen's parents are also very relieved of their son, and many parents will worry that their children will not keep spending money indiscriminately, and ask them to send a part of their salary home to help them save it secretly. It seems that Wei Shen's father doesn't care after all, and he shouldn't worry that Wei Shen will spend money indiscriminately.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Many fans are curious about everything about Wei Shen, including what kind of stuffing buns they like to eat, and they have to ask their cousin. Unexpectedly, Wei Shen was actually a vegetarian who didn't eat meat buns, but bought meat buns for his nephews to eat. He is really a good and kind person, and his heart is both kind and pure.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Looking at the comments, there are really many netizens who care about Wei Shen's clothes, presumably these are many female netizens. The cousins promised them one by one, feeling that the cousin could help once, but not for a lifetime, Wei Shen should have someone around him who took care of his food, clothing and daily life.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

The cousin also revealed that his cousin Wei Shen is still single and doesn't have a girlfriend yet, I don't know if he doesn't have this mind, or if his personality is too weak for girls to like. However, many girls on the Internet like Wei Shen and ask for contact information in the comment area of their cousin.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

As a physics god, Wei Shen will not check and tutor his nephew's homework, and even tell his cousin that there is no need to arrange too much homework for children, and this age is the time to have fun. I don't know if I experienced it in my childhood, so I feel it very well.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Whether Wei Shen is in class or in a hurry, he is carrying this black bag, and some netizens are unhappy with this bag, so they go to complain to their cousin.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Because the strap is too long when walking, the position of the butt is upside down, and it looks very uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, my cousin said that the suggestion was useless, Wei Shen said that this is the most comfortable, and he likes it the most [covering his face]

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

This is the second time Wei Shen has climbed the Great Wall, no wonder he can be a tour guide for his cousin's family. It's a pity not to climb the Great Wall once when I go to Beijing, but I want to climb it once if I have the chance.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Now Wei Shen lives a very simple and frugal life every day, always three buns, a bottle of 1.5 liters of water, and a bowl of white rice and a bowl of white tofu for dinner. If the rice falls on the table, he will pick it up and eat it, and he will never waste it. A very special soul like him, a very simple person, I don't know what kind of object I will find, I am really curious.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend