
He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

author:North of YB

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He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Do you remember that shocking line - "For victory, shoot at me!" "

Every time I hear this, I can't help but burst into tears.

This sentence comes from the classic movie "Heroes' Children" in 1964, and the actor Wang Cheng who said this line is played by Liu Shilong, the protagonist we are going to talk about today.

Behind that glamorous screen image, Liu Shilong's life experience is far more exciting and bumpy than any role he has created.

from Rong Ma's military career to his star-studded acting career; From the emotional trauma of the loss of a loved one, to the romantic old age with a difference of 34 years.

Liu Shilong's life is simply a legendary drama with ups and downs!

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Today, let's unveil the mystery of this legendary actor and see what the real Liu Shilong behind "Wang Cheng" has experienced.

1. From the barracks to the screen: Liu Shilong's acting career

Liu Shilong was born into a revolutionary family.

His father was a guerrilla leader, his mother was the president of the Women's Rescue Association, and his sister was also a guerrilla.

In such a family atmosphere, Xiao Liu Shilong has been determined to become a soldier who defends his family and country since he was a child.

At the age of 16, Liu Shilong officially joined the Chinese Communist Party.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

From Dabie Mountain to the southwest, the young Liu Shilong has experienced countless battles and made great achievements.

This heroic little soldier later became a familiar screen star!

In 1951, 21-year-old Liu Shilong was selected to study at the Southwest People's Art Theater.

A year later, he was recommended to the Beijing Film Academy.

After graduation, Liu Shilong resolutely chose the Northeast Film Studio, because he wanted to play a soldier and show the image of a soldier to the audience.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Starting from his debut film "Shajiadian Grain Station" in 1954, Liu Shilong has gained a firm foothold on the screen step by step.

In 1960, he starred in "Hong Yan" and "Liu Sanjie" were released one after another, and suddenly became a household name.

2. "Children of Heroes": The pinnacle of career and breakthrough in acting

1964 was definitely a turning point in fate for Liu Shilong.

This year, he received an invitation to play the role of Wang Cheng in "Children of Heroes".

But guess what? This role wasn't originally for him!

At that time, director Wu Zhaodi was worried about the casting.

The two actors recommended by the superior leaders are not suitable in his opinion.

At this moment, Liu Shilong took the initiative to ask.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

At first sight of Liu Shilong, Director Wu was moved by the heroic spirit on his body.

However, when Wu proposed to his superiors to use Liu Shilong, he was strongly opposed.

The reason turned out to be - Liu Shilong is not tall enough and does not look heroic! Fortunately, the martial arts director insisted on his own opinion, and this role finally fell into the hands of Liu Shilong.

After getting the role, Liu Shilong was even more excited than playing chicken blood.

In order to better interpret the role of Wang Cheng, he took the initiative to return to the barracks and train and live with the soldiers.

Stand guard, shoot, drop bombs, and do not fall behind.

When it was officially launched, Liu Shilong's whole person was reborn!

At the shooting scene, Liu Shilong was even more desperate.

Remember the classic line "Shoot at me"? In order to shoot this scene well, the crew arranged 108 explosives points! At the moment when the explosion was detonated, Liu Shilong was roasted by the high temperature, and the smoke choked him so much that he could barely speak.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

What's worse is that his eyebrows and sideburns were burned, and there were large blisters on his arms.

But Liu Shilong didn't say a word and insisted on finishing this scene!

It is this kind of professionalism that has made "Children of Heroes" a classic, and it has also brought Liu Shilong's acting career to the peak!

3. Emotional tragedy: The ups and downs behind three marriages

Liu Shilong's emotional experience is simply a realistic version of a bitter drama!

Liu Shilong's first marriage was with Lu Min, who was also an actor.

The two got married at the age of 24 and soon had their eldest son, Liu Xiaolong.

But the good times didn't last long, and the two divorced 8 years later.

It is said that it was Lu Min who fell in love with someone else.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Although Liu Shilong said that he could be forgiven, Lu Min insisted on a divorce.

The end of this relationship left a deep scar on the young Liu Shilong.

The second marriage is with the dancer Mang Shuangying.

This relationship can be called the sweetest time in Liu Shilong's life.

Mang Shuangying is 9 years younger than Liu Shilong and is a beautiful and talented girl.

The two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love.

After getting married, Mang Shuangying gave birth to two sons for Liu Shilong, and the family was happy.

However, the sky is unpredictable.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

In 2000, Mang Shuangying was diagnosed with leukemia.

Just a year later, she passed away.

36 years of sweet love came to an abrupt end.

Liu Shilong was in pain and fell into deep sadness for a while.

Just when everyone thought that Liu Shilong would not have a third relationship, the 73-year-old ushered in his "twilight love".

This time, the object is Chang Jiarui, who is 34 years younger than him.

Chang Jiarui is a big fan of Liu Shilong.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

She took the initiative to pursue Liu Shilong and touched this old man who had experienced vicissitudes with sincere feelings.

Despite the huge age difference, the two still walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

4. The darkest hour of life: the white-haired man sends the black-haired man

In 1990, Liu Shilong's eldest son Liu Xiaolong died in a car accident at the age of 36.

As a father, Liu Shilong couldn't accept this cruel truth.

How could his son, the once lively and lovely little boy, leave so suddenly? The white-haired person sends the black-haired person, this kind of pain can only be experienced by those who have experienced it.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

However, fate seems to have not hit Liu Shilong hard enough.

Just 8 years later, his beloved wife, Mang Shuangying, was also diagnosed with leukemia.

Although Liu Shilong tried everything he had to save his wife's life, he was ultimately defeated by a ruthless illness.

In 2001, Mang Shuangying passed away, which dealt another heavy blow to Liu Shilong's heart.

After losing his son and wife in succession, Liu Shilong fell into deep despair for a while.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Many people thought that this former screen tough guy would collapse.

But to everyone's surprise, Liu Shilong gritted his teeth and slowly walked out of his grief.

5. Glory in old age: Behind the Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement

2017 is a special year for Liu Shilong.

This year, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards.

This award is the highest praise for Liu Shilong's artistic achievements in his life.

At that time, Liu Shilong was already sick in bed and could not receive the award in person.

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

But when he learned the news, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

However, fate always likes to joke.

Just 11 days after winning the award, 87-year-old Liu Shilong left us forever.

His departure has made countless fans feel sad.

At his funeral, many elderly fans dressed up as "Wang Cheng" to bid farewell to him, and the scene was moving.

Write at the end

Liu Shilong's life has not only the halo and glory on the screen, but also the bitterness and hardships in life.

He used his life to explain what true heroism is: to climb the peak in his career and to fail repeatedly in life.

When we hear the cry of "shoot at me" again, can we also move forward bravely in our own lives and shine our own light?

He is a national first-class actor, 73-year-old married to a 34-year-old movie fan, only 11 days from winning the award to his death

Although Liu Shilong has left us, the spiritual wealth he left us will always inspire us to move forward.

What do you think Liu Shilong's life experience has taught you? Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comment section!


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