
The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

author:Chen Shi's book

The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source and screenshots of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping's retirement

Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping's family is nestled in a quiet neighborhood in Zaozhuang New Town, surrounded by neat homes and tree-lined paths. Their home is a small two-storey building with a small, well-tended garden in front of it, which is home to a variety of flowers, from tulips in spring to roses in summer to chrysanthemums in autumn. In one corner of the garden, Huang Weiping specially installed a set of rocking chairs, where the couple often enjoy the afternoon sun or cool off after dinner.

Although Tian Xinju has retired, her love for medicine has never waned. She often uses her expertise to provide health consultations to her neighbors. Whenever a neighbor comes to ask questions about some common pediatric diseases with children, Tian Xinju always answers patiently and gives professional advice. She still has some medical books and tools in her home, which are valuable resources she has accumulated during her medical career.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Although Huang Weiping is retired, he still maintains his position as a legal adviser, dealing with some legal issues for some old friends or neighbors from time to time. In his study, which is filled with law books and case files, the walls of which hang various honorary certificates obtained during his career. In his later years, he spent more time in his study, dealing with some less complicated legal matters.

Huang Weiping's legal background has also provided Tian Xinju with a lot of help in dealing with medical law issues. Whenever Tian Xinju encounters a situation that requires legal knowledge when providing medical advice to her neighbors, Huang Weiping is always able to provide professional legal advice.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Every weekend, the two will drive to the surrounding countryside to play, or choose a quiet place for a short trip, plus a pension of more than 10,000 yuan for two people, life is very comfortable.

An unexpected new life

In the spring of 2018, Tian Xinju went to a local hospital for a routine physical examination as usual. During the physical examination, the doctor found some abnormal indicators on the examination report and immediately recommended further detailed examination. After this series of examinations, the results were beyond everyone's expectations - Tian Xinju was pregnant. When the doctor confirmed the news, the entire consultation room fell silent for a while.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping were shocked when they heard the news. After all, Tian Xinju is already over the age of six, and she has just undergone treatment for cerebral infarction before, and her body has not fully recovered. In the doctor's office, the doctor explains in detail the risks that pregnancy can face at an advanced age, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and potential problems with fetal development. But at the same time, it was also pointed out that Tian Xinju's current physical condition is relatively stable, and the child's preliminary examination showed that everything was normal.

In the weeks that followed, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping went to the hospital several times for more detailed prenatal check-ups. Doctors conducted a comprehensive assessment of Tian Xinju's health condition, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examinations, to ensure that she could safely continue her pregnancy. After each check-up, the hospital's doctors discuss the results with them in detail to ensure that they fully understand the significance of each piece of data.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

As time passed, Tian Xinju's abdomen gradually bulged, and various symptoms of pregnancy began to appear, such as slight nausea and fatigue. Despite this, she still insists on taking proper walks and simple household activities every day to keep her body active. Early one morning in the second trimester, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping went for a walk in a nearby park. They sat on a park bench and watched the people running and playing around them.

The opposition and persistence of the family

When Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping decided to tell their children about their pregnancy, they chose the timing of a weekend of family gatherings. At the dinner table, the two elderly people opened the conversation softly, hoping to share the unexpected good news in a warm environment.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

However, when the son and daughter heard the news, their reaction was far from the joy they expected. Faced with this sudden news, their concerns quickly turned into strong opposition. The son was the first to speak, and he bluntly expressed serious concerns about his mother's health, pointing out that Tian Xinju's previous cerebral infarction and current age conditions are not suitable to bear the risk of pregnancy. Her daughter also joined the discussion, and she was even more emotional, believing that it was an irresponsible choice to add a new life at her parents' age.

As the discussion deepened, the atmosphere became increasingly tense. The son and daughter not only insisted that their parents terminate the pregnancy, but also began to list various medical and social risks that could occur, trying to persuade Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping to abandon the decision from a rational perspective. The argument escalated, and even at the climax, the son lost control of his emotions and made extreme remarks that he might consider breaking off the relationship if the pregnancy continued.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Despite the strong opposition and extreme pressure from their children, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping did not react immediately. They listened quietly to all of their children's concerns and objections. After the meeting, the two elderly people decided to go to the hospital again for a more detailed consultation and examination, hoping to get more medical advice to support their decision.

In the days that followed, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping visited the hospital many times and had in-depth exchanges with a number of experts. The doctors conducted a comprehensive assessment of Tian Xinju's health status and discussed in detail the risks and countermeasures for advanced maternal age. The professional advice and encouragement of these doctors provided them with a scientific basis for deciding to continue their pregnancy.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

With the support of their doctors, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping arranged a family meeting and invited their children to attend. At the meeting, they explained in detail the doctor's opinion and their own reasons for keeping the pregnancy going. Although they knew that the young people in their families still had concerns, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping showed respect for life and their own decision-making power as independent individuals.

After this family meeting, although the children's attitudes did not completely change, they began to try to understand the choices of their parents. Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping have shown with their actions and decisions that they have the ability and the right to make important choices in their lives.

Media attention and the fluctuations of life

As the oldest natural childbearing woman, on the day of Tianci's birth, the vehicles of major news media were parked in front of the Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and reporters with cameras and recording equipment were eagerly waiting to capture the first-hand account of this rare event.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

In the hospital's outpatient hall, medical staff are busy shuttling back and forth, and at the same time, they have to deal with reporters who come to inquire about it. In order to control the situation, the hospital management made a quick decision, set up a dedicated media reception area, and assigned several public relations staff to coordinate media interviews. They explained to reporters that due to the concerns of patient privacy and the order of hospital operations, appropriate restrictions will be placed on interviews.

The hospital has also deployed additional security guards to maintain order in and out of the lobby to ensure that the daily operation of the hospital is not overly affected. On the front lines of the media craze, security guards strictly controlled access to the wards, allowing only media personnel with special passes to enter the designated interview areas.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

In such a high-pressure environment, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping tried to keep a low profile, and they chose to spend this period in a quiet corner of the hospital. The hospital arranged a ward away from the main passage for Tian Xinju and Xinsheng, so as to avoid directly facing the onlookers and interference of the media. Some of the hospital's staff occasionally bumped into Mr. and Mrs. Tian in the hallway, always greeting them in a friendly manner and sometimes offering some help, such as helping to push a stroller or passing some daily necessities. Despite the disruption in their lives, Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping tried their best to maintain their daily rhythm during their time in the hospital.

God-given growth and family harmony

As she is two years old today, she is lively and lovely at this age, and she is full of curiosity about the world around her. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the curtains, she jumps excitedly on the bed and giggles. Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping will take turns to get up and prepare breakfast, and at the same time, they will also change into refreshing clothes for Tianci and prepare to start a new day.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

At home, Tianci's room is full of toys and children's books, and Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping often read her storybooks and teach her to sing nursery rhymes. Despite their age, they always managed to participate in God-given activities and try to give her a happy childhood. Every time she learns a new word or is able to complete small tasks on her own, such as putting on her own shoes, they give her great encouragement and praise.

At family gatherings, God's gift has become the focus of everyone's attention. Although Tian Xinju and Huang Weiping's decision caused discord in the family at first, the innocent smile and innocent nature of God gradually softened everyone's heart. At family gatherings, Tianci is picked up, kissed and amused by the family in turn, and her laughter seems to have a magical power to make people forget about past controversies.

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful

Once Tian Xinju sighed softly and broke the silence: "Old man, you said that if you asked Tianci if she would like to come to this world with our old couple, how would she answer?" ”

Huang Weiping raised his head, looked at her with a smile, and put down the book in his hand: "I think she will be grateful." After all, we went out of our way to bring her into this world and let her go. At night, Tian Xinju would hold Tianci in his arms and gently shake the chair, while Huang Weiping would tell stories softly on the side until Tianci fell asleep in his warm embrace. This day-to-day relationship not only strengthens their bond as a family, but also fills the whole family environment with love and harmony.

References:[1]Small circle. Jiangsu Health Care,2020,8(1):30-30

The 67-year-old woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter was a sensation, and now the child is 5 years old, the old mother: she should be grateful