
After the bombing of the Russian side, Russian-US relations escalated again, and the US Secretary of Defense wanted to pinch Putin as soon as he made a phone call?

author:Global Defense Highlights

Relations between the United States and Russia have entered a very tense stage, especially after the Ukrainian military used weapons provided by the United States and used force against the Russian mainland, the US and Russian defense ministers hurriedly made a phone call. According to TASS news agency, US Secretary of Defense Austin and the new Russian Defense Minister Belousov made a phone call, mainly because the Ukrainian army hit the Russian mainland with "ATACMS tactical missiles" provided by the Americans at the end of June, causing huge civilian casualties.

After the bombing of the Russian side, Russian-US relations escalated again, and the US Secretary of Defense wanted to pinch Putin as soon as he made a phone call?

This made the Russians furious, and vowed to fight back. It is obvious that the Americans proposed that the United States and Russia should make this phone call, just to give Putin a "soft step".

It is nothing more than telling the Russians that the Americans have no intention of doing this, it is a unilateral act of Ukraine, and the United States is only aiding Ukraine so that Ukraine can keep its territory. But is that really the case? Some time ago, the US allies constantly encouraged Ukraine to use long-range weapons to hit Russian rear targets and massacre civilians, isn't it just to continue to delay the war and not want the Russian army to win so quickly?

But in fact, the effect is very average, can the Ukrainian army force the Russian army to stop its offensive when it hits Russia itself? It's a dream. The Americans let their allies do this, which is nothing more than trying to drag the battlefield time until the US election to see who the new US president is, and then decide how to continue to intervene in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

After the bombing of the Russian side, Russian-US relations escalated again, and the US Secretary of Defense wanted to pinch Putin as soon as he made a phone call?

The task, at least for now, is that Ukraine cannot lose, and the Russians cannot win. Therefore, the United States is now frantically testing Russia's attitude. The same is true of the phone call between the US and Russian defense ministers, no matter what they say, the US government is constantly compressing the bottom line of the Russians through this move, as long as the Russian side shows signs of easing its tone slightly, next time, the United States will dare to let the Ukrainian army hold weapons and hit Russian civilians, because the fundamental purpose of the American phone call is not to solve the problem, but to pave the way for the next more excessive action in advance. If the Russians do not pose a substantial threat to the United States, the United States will dare to continue to encourage Ukraine to commit even more inhumane acts.

In the eyes of the Americans, since the defense ministers of the United States and Russia have spoken on the phone, Russian President Putin should always make a statement, at the very least, there is no reason to directly retaliate against the United States in all directions. But what I want to say is that even if Russia does not retaliate head-on, or counter the actions of the United States, the Americans must not rejoice too soon.

After the bombing of the Russian side, Russian-US relations escalated again, and the US Secretary of Defense wanted to pinch Putin as soon as he made a phone call?

Do you know who this new Russian Defense Minister is? He specializes in the economy, and to put it bluntly, Russia did not stop developing in the face of so many blockades during the war, and he has a lot of credit. National defense is inseparable from the economy, and it is not impossible for the Russians to learn some information about the United States and Russia in such a dealing, so that they can continue to adjust the direction of the defense budget and economic development.

At the very least, in the field of foreign cooperation, the Russians are already making full efforts. It is simply not too naïve for the Americans to threaten Putin with just one phone call and let him be "morally kidnapped", so that the Russian side will directly "dumb fire"!

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