
Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

author:Novice computer technology


Some time ago, Xiaobai was stunned by a fan's question, he said that his family's broadband is 100 Gigabit, is the gigabit router unusable?

Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

Suddenly, Xiaobai lived in Bengbu......

Are there many friends who have the same problem? Well, I guess this one has to have.

After all, existence is reasonable~

But this problem is actually very common, after all, it is now the Internet era, and basically every household has broadband (Xiaobai is more qióng and can only use traffic).

Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

For many small partners, the problem of broadband 100 Gigabit and Gigabit routing is actually very simple.

The answer is yes.

For example, if your home is connected to a water pipe, and it is known that the maximum water output of the water pipe is 100Mbs, but your home is considered to be longer (háo) far (hèng), the water pipe deployed at home is 1000Mbps, and the faucet also uses 1000Mbps water output.

Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

Excuse me, is the faucet working properly? The answer is yes.

So, relative to broadband: the network cable is the water pipe, the router is the faucet, and the water supply line is provided by the operator, who may have 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 1000Mbps or even higher 10000Mbps traffic lines.

No matter what the line, the faucet (router) at home is working normally.

But...... If the broadband of your home access service provider is 1000Mbps, but the lines (water pipes) and routers (faucets) at home are 100Mbps, then the bandwidth rate (water output) can only reach 100Mbps.

At this time, broadband is charged on a monthly basis, not on a pay-as-you-go basis, so you'll be paying for 1000Mbps broadband with 1000Mbps bandwidth.

Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

That's right, Xiaobai's own hometown is like this (háohèng). Last Spring Festival, Xiaobai suddenly wanted to test the broadband at home one day, and found that a 100 Gigabit router was connected to a 500 Gigabit broadband ......

But Xiaobai didn't want to interfere too much, after all, Xiaobai would only go back to his hometown for a week during the Spring Festival, and he didn't often stay at home this week, so he didn't care.

How did Xiaobai know about this problem?

Troubleshooting method:

1. Connect the computer to the router with a network cable, and test the download speed at different speed test points for many times, if it does not exceed 100Mbps, it is possible that the router or broadband is 100Mbps.

2. The computer is connected to the optical modem with a network cable, and the download speed is tested many times at different speed measurement points, if one of them is greater than 100Mbps, the broadband must be greater than 100Mbps.

Wideband rate rounding:




For example, if the test data is 258.54 Mbps, the broadband is 300 Mbps

Can Gigabit Routing Be Used for 100 Gigabit Broadband?

Before the speed test, it is recommended to disconnect all devices that are using the network (otherwise the test result may be inaccurate)

Some friends may be entangled: if the test result is 200.01Mbps, then will the network be 200Mbps or 300Mbps? Aha, test a few more times, it won't be just 200.01.

In addition, there are only a few parameters for the rate of wired access of the router: 10Mbps/100Mbps/1000Mbps......

I believe that some friends have discovered the law, which is basically a 10-fold increase, but there is also a specification of 2500Mbps.

It is recommended that the rate of the router and the home network cable be greater than the broadband rate, but there is another situation: the LAN transmission frequency is high.

This suggestion would be better to directly fill up the LAN (home internal network) rate, so that you don't need to consider the bandwidth rate provided by the carrier.


Isn't it a loss to use a 100Mbps router but pay 1000Mbps for it?