
This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

author:Novice computer technology


In January of this year, a young lady from Chongqing added Xiaobai to consult about the computer:

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

Oh, this computer looks really shiny, it's really beautiful~ (Well, the young lady is also beautiful)

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

The computer won't turn on, and after pressing the power button, only the light pollution of the case is pleasing to the eye.

After 4 months, the young lady sent the host to Xiaobai in Guangzhou, and after Xiaobai's inspection and maintenance, the computer finally turned on.

As soon as I turned it on, oh oh, I was shocked......

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

It's not uncommon for this computer to require as many as 76 additional drivers.

The CPU is the E5-2666v3 with a price of 40 oceans that we mentioned in the last issue, and the motherboard is X99H.

There are several reasons why your computer won't turn on:

  • At first, I thought it was just that the BIOS was set up incorrectly, and the old memory module was installed after discharging the button cell on the motherboard, and it still could not be turned on;
  • Only after replacing the memory module can it pass the BIOS self-test normally;
  • The computer boot is super stuck, whether it is into the local system or WinPE system, it cannot be used normally or reinstalled the system. After replacing the SSD and reinstalling the system, it can be used normally.

If your computer can't light up the screen when you change the memory module or upgrade the memory, click on the blue word in this paragraph to jump to the solution.

Inspection & Maintenance Process (Approximately)

After replacing the SSD, the computer turned on normally. At first, Xiaobai thought it was a problem of the slow rate of the connected sata interface (there are two interfaces on the motherboard: Sata2 and sata3). It wasn't until Xiaobai took it out that the SSD was discovered...... Really shocking!

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

How did you feel when you saw this SSD? To declare: the text on this photo is not Xiaobai's mobile phone camera, but its label is like this.

Spit it out

The label of an SSD is so ****** (2000 words of spit are omitted here), you can imagine what the particles and the main controller inside will look like. (The entire enclosure is plastic)

Okay, Xiaobai thought it was a storage space composed of memory cards (some small workshops would do this), but after Xiaobai took it out, he found that it was a little conscientious, but not much.

Some things are really unpleasant! This machine lady spent 4,000 oceans on a certain bao......

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters
  • Want to buy a computer without being cheated? (Click to jump to the beginner's guide)


After the computer sent by the young lady was tested and repaired by Xiaobai, the computer was able to start normally. But...... I really don't dare to use this configuration of the computer! Because as soon as the computer is turned on, the power consumption of the host computer soars directly to about 140 watts...... This value is only the state of the computer when it is turned on and standby.

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

If you just turn it on, you don't do anything. According to the calculation of 30 days a month and 24 hours a day, the power consumption in a month is about 30 days * 24 hours * 140 watts / 1000 = 100.8 kWh.

If you play a game, the power is about 300 watts (there is no screenshot here, Xiaobai watched the drama stupidly and forgot to take pictures). The power consumption of playing a game for an hour is about 0.3 kWh/h, and playing for 4 hours a day for a month is calculated as 0.3*4*30=36 kWh.

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters

It doesn't seem like a lot of power, right? Xiaobai has also tested the desktop he uses, configuration: i7-10700KF, 32GB memory. The normal standby power consumption is about 33 to 50 watts, and the power is about 50 to 110 watts when playing games. If the computer is fully loaded (rendering videos and the like), it is only about 300 watts.

Tut-tut, it's clear at a glance at the comparison:

This kind of computer is so power-hungry...... shocked the fans and sisters


Isn't it exciting to read it~ Hahaha, I look forward to the young lady's computer to bring you a variety of different test items.

Is it true that E5-2666v3 can't be bought?

Friends who like to toss the computer and don't care about the electricity bill can buy it, but the price does not have to go to the position of 4000, generally speaking, the price of a set of board U is about 260.

At some point, the performance of E5-2666v3 is equivalent to i5-10400 or other?

Don't think about it, it's okay to toss and play, if you use the machine on a daily basis, don't buy this 2666v3 CPU.


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