
"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"

author:Gangnam March day
"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"

"Caigen Tan" is a famous work of self-cultivation and philosophy in ancient China, and the author is Hong Yingming of the Ming Dynasty.

The language of this book is concise and concise, expounding the principles of living in the world, emphasizing the attitude of indifferent and ambitious, quiet and far-reaching life.

Many times, one sentence can make us pause; The words that travel through time and space make people feel enlightened in an instant.

Self-cultivation, must read "Caigen Tan".

Today, I have picked up the 10 famous sentences in this book and discussed them with you.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others."

As the saying goes, those who say wrong are right and wrong.

As the saying goes, rumors stop at the wise.

This quote emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and the humility and tolerance that should be maintained when dealing with people.

A person with a big picture, a high realm, and far-sightedness, will not care, they can often see everything that is not pleasing to the eye, the clouds are light, and they are free.

Every night, take stock of yourself, what are the successes and failures, what advantages continue to be maintained, what shortcomings are made up in time, and what shortcomings are decisively made up.

A person who surpasses himself is the biggest winner.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Don't be shocked by the humiliation, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; Go and stay unintentionally, looking at the clouds in the sky. ”

This phrase expresses a detached attitude towards the impermanence of the world, as well as an appreciation for the beauty of nature.

I like such a sentence very much: There are brave people in the world, who come suddenly and are not surprised, and they are not angry for no reason.

A person who can transcend things, live a romantic life, and become a scenery by himself must have a high level of cultivation.

After the experience of ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, a stable character is slowly formed, which is the shining maturity.

Maturity is to be harmonious and self-consistent, the soul is transparent, and no longer worry about trivial things, trivial and depressed, smile at the rain, snow, wind and frost, and watch the sun rise and the moon set.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Only when there are no distractions can we go far."

This quote emphasizes the importance of inner purity and focus to achieve ambitious goals.

Zhuge Liang once said that if you are not quiet, you will not be far-reaching, and if you are not indifferent, you will not be ambitious.

There are no distractions in the heart, it seems simple, and the people who can do it are often rare.

People are up and down in the red dust, it is inevitable that they will be troubled by seven emotions and six desires, and their impetuous emotions will fluctuate, so how easy is it to talk about inner peace?

To filter distracting thoughts, the mind must be as calm as water.

With a clear life plan and set goals, life will be full of motivation and steady and far-reaching.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Contentment is always happy, and knowing that it will not die."

This phrase advocates a contented attitude to life, as well as knowing how to do enough in the pursuit of goals.

The world's greatest wealth is not to sit on mountains of gold and silver, but to live happily every day, smiling at the green waters and green mountains.

Those who are not satisfied, their wisdom is dizzy, and their desires are difficult to fill, and they will always be poor.

When there is no satisfaction, there is no happiness at all, just like drinking salt water when you are thirsty, the more you drink, the thirstier you are, a vicious circle, and finally there is no place to die.

Knowing when to start is smart; It is wisdom to know when it will end.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"The gentleman is cautious, and the villain is unscrupulous."

This sentence emphasizes that a gentleman should also maintain a noble character when he is alone, while a villain has no scruples.

When a person is lonely, he can see his truest self best. It's like taking a bath, taking off all disguises and revealing the most natural appearance naked.

The gentleman is harmonious but different, and the villain is the same but not harmonious. The gentleman is frank, and the villain is often related.

The gentleman has his own code of conduct, a strict bottom line, and the villain is mercenary and has no taboos.

Whether you can restrain yourself well, maintain your professional ethics, follow public order and good customs, and conform to the laws of nature is a compulsory course for a gentleman.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself."

This sentence advocates a state of detachment from materialistic desires and self-emotions, and maintains inner peace.

The great wise people all understand that all things are for my use, not for me, so they gain by chance, lose by necessity, deal with them calmly, and go with the flow.

Life is a fluid process.

Everything is slowly changing, control your heart, stabilize your emotions, meet the cold and summer in a bland manner, and calmly send away the past like smoke.

Not humble or arrogant, not sad or happy, living an easy life, but also hearty.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Great Wisdom Foolishness, Great Skillful Youth."

This sentence shows that true wisdom and skill are often not revealed, but hidden deeply.

As the saying goes, real people don't show their faces, and they don't show their faces.

Really powerful characters are often very simple, and you can't find them at all if they are thrown in the vast sea of people.

In the past, it was often said that the big hidden in the city.

People with a high level often look a little clumsy, and people who like to play clever are basically half a bottle.

Cultivation seems to be a body and a skill; In fact, cultivation is the soul and emotions.

When the cultivation arrives at home, it will naturally be unhurried and step-by-step; Take it easy and start to make spring.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Go to the poor place of the water, and sit and watch the clouds rise."

This sentence depicts an attitude of living with the situation and going with the flow.

Nature is a wordless book, and we learn it for a lifetime, and we don't necessarily know what happens.

All arrogance is a frog at the bottom of a well; All eyes are empty, and everything is a mouse's eye.

Truly wise people are children of nature, giving themselves back to themselves and resonating with nature.

All the tricks, all the ingenuity, are pediatric in the face of nature and not worth mentioning.

When you have nothing to do, you might as well go out into nature, even if you wait quietly for a while, you will get a lot of money.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Indifferent and ambitious, quiet and far-reaching."

This sentence is one of the main themes and ideological essences of "Caigen Tan", emphasizing that only by being indifferent to fame and fortune and maintaining inner peace can we achieve lofty ambitions.

Anything is easier said than done.

Those who are proficient in the tricks of talking about things are often carried by cars; Those who continue to practice are often one in a hundred.

Lao Tzu said: The five colors make people blind, the five tones make people deaf, the five flavors make people feel refreshed, and the galloping field hunting makes people crazy.

In the face of a world full of temptations, how easy is it to be able to transcend the outside and calm the inside like water?

This is where the difficulty of cultivation lies.

Playing against the world, fighting against fate, racing against time, competing with the same kind, and ultimately competing with yourself.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"


"Don't take the good for the small, don't take the evil for the small."

This sentence reminds people not to ignore small goodness, nor to despise small evils, because small goodness can accumulate into great virtues, and small evils can lead to great disasters.

Xunzi said that if you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles, and if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"

The big things in the world must be done in detail; Difficult things in the world must be done easily.

If you ignore small people, you will definitely not do much in life.

For people who don't pay attention to details, failure can be just a momentary thing.

To love yourself well, start with the things around you.

Little by little, it is growth, accumulation;

Every breath and breath is life, and we cherish it more.

"Caigen Tan": 10 "golden sentences", hidden "mystery of fate"

These famous sentences in "Caigen Tan" not only reflect the author's deep insight into life and society, but also reflect the wisdom of traditional Chinese culture about self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country, and leveling the world. Through these quotes, we can understand how to maintain inner peace and clarity in a complex world, and how to stick to our principles and beliefs in the face of challenges and temptations.