
In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

author:Lao Liu's memoirs

Material: Li Zhongwu; Text: Lao Liu

Recap: Li Zhongwu underwent three months of recruit training in Zhongyi Village, Yi County, during which many interesting things happened. For details, see Series 2: When I joined the Railway Army in 1970, three things that happened during recruit training are still unforgettable!

Two days before the meeting of the recruit corps, Instructor Shen called me (Li Zhongwu) to the company headquarters and said that I should prepare a draft of the recruits' speeches, and that I would be asked to make a speech on behalf of the recruits of the whole regiment to express my determination.

Before the release, I might have been humble, but because of what happened on the way to recruit before, I immediately agreed and promised to complete the task. For details, see Serial 1: In December 1970, I joined the army, and the actions of my fellow comrades-in-arms gave him a good way out of the sky

I wrote the speech, handed it to Instructor Shen to revise it several times, and a few days later showed my face at the all-regiment recruit meeting. Instructor Shen was very happy, he was the deputy instructor of the construction company, and said that I had been set by him, and I would go to their company as a clerk when the time came.

In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

On the last day of recruit training, the whole company assembles for roll call and waits for each company to pick people.

Because Instructor Shen had given me the bottom in advance, I didn't panic at all, and I was still thinking about being a clerk myself.

But my comrades-in-arms were all picked up, and I was left standing there alone. The company commander instructed: Li Zhongwu, you don't have to leave in a hurry, wait in the village first, and then the regimental logistics personnel will come to pick you up.

I was confused, not knowing what was going on. Instructor Shen wasn't there at the time, and I didn't know who to ask.

As soon as the large army left, there were only 6 of us left in the entire Zhongyi Village. Some people analyzed that the six of us should be assigned to the regiment's logistics to do clerical work.

Because several of us graduated from junior high school, among this batch of recruits, the education level is relatively high, and the performance is relatively good.

After waiting anxiously for two days, a truck came, and a platoon commander surnamed Wang, wearing four pockets and speaking with a Henan accent, came to pick us up.

We didn't go to the Bauhinia Pass regimental headquarters in our hearts, but to a village in Luanshui County.

Platoon Commander Wang said that this is the logistics farm of our 69th Regiment, and our task is to "drill a well."

Everyone was very disappointed, but they were all recruits, and it was difficult to say anything. Wang is a platoon leader, with a wide face and a dark face, a very nasal voice, and a crooked military hat, giving people a sloppy feeling.

We were placed in the countryside next to the farm, and the villagers were very welcoming, and they gave us the wedding house to live in, and the old couple lived in the courtyard next to it.

The son of the fellow was a soldier in Shanxi, and said that he would come back at the end of the year to get married, and the family arranged the wedding room in advance. On the table next to the kang, there is a pair of brand-new vases, and there are some wedding items such as wedding quilts on the table.

Working on the farm is to dig wells non-stop. Make a deep puddle and put the cement casing into the puddle section by section.

Then, the transfer shaft machine then drills a well. In a group of two people, one person operates the hand rod and makes holes with a drill; Another kept pouring water into the well.

Mix the mud water and pull it out along the rig sleeve and drain it away. The time for drilling wells is urgent, and people stop working, working in two shifts, day and night.

The hardest part was the night shift, when it was dark and cold, the ground was slippery, and there was muddy water flowing everywhere under your feet......

In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

After this work is done, the intensity is not large, it is grinding. In addition to work, we also rely on bickering and making fun of the mountains every day.

Working on the farm, there is also a "master" here, who is our cook.

He has a craft that can be called a "stunt", and with just one egg, he can make a pot of soup in a marching pot. The "egg drop soup" is serious, with a few vegetable leaves, and the rest is a pot of egg drop comparable to sesame grains.

We are like monkeys fishing for the moon, we can see it, but we can't catch it.

Once, a pot of egg drop soup was brought out of the kitchen. We rushed forward to see if we could catch a bigger egg.

In the middle of the scramble, a cotton hat fell into the pot. There were "dry goods" in the pot this time, but when I looked up, it turned out that Li Baoxue's cotton hat was missing......

In this kind of hip-hop, everyone is having fun in the bitterness, and time flies quickly. But one thing that happened then made me unforgettable for the rest of my life.

That night, the usual Kan Dashan session began. The topic of conversation that day was which old commanders were good at fighting......

As a soldier, I am interested in this kind of topic, and everyone is also very good. Some say Lin Shuai, some say Peng Shuai, and some say Liu Shuai and General Su.

Just like the rhetoric on the Internet these days, it's hard to get a high or low in this kind of discussion.

Zhang Cong is a supporter of Lin Shuai, while Wang Jianming is a diehard loyalist of General Su. The two of them were arguing and arguing, and they were in a hurry, and they started to move.

The two of them hugged on the kang and rolled around, and we hurriedly pulled the frame on the side.

I don't know whose leg touched the table next to the kang, and the pair of vases "banged" and fell to the ground and shattered.

The two of them stopped suddenly, and all of us looked at each other. Everyone tiptoed to pick up the vase fragments on the ground, but what next......

In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

That night, Zhang Cong and Wang Jianming were probably tossing and turning, and they didn't sleep well all night. Anyway, when I woke up the next day, I saw that both of them had swollen eyes.

When he went to work, Platoon Commander Wang looked at Zhang Cong and Wang Jianming as if they hadn't slept well, and said angrily: "Did you two boys go as thieves last night?" The eyes are so swollen. ”

Everyone didn't know what the punishment would be, so they kept silent.

Although Platoon Commander Wang looked a little sloppy, his mind was still very delicate. If nothing had happened, our group of energetic young men would have laughed a long time ago.

But today's state, it's clear what's going on. He didn't want to say it, so he didn't force it. At lunchtime, he approached me and whispered to me what happened last night.

I couldn't hide it any longer, so I told him about last night. It's just that I didn't dare to say that Zhang Cong and Wang Jianming really fought, I just said that the two were making trouble and joking.

Platoon Commander Wang knew at a glance that I hadn't told the truth, but when he looked back, he saw Zhang Cong and Wang Jianming squatting together for dinner, and there was no conflict, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.

He laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, call someone over, and I'll tell you about it, so as not to be inattentive when you work in the afternoon." ”

I was also relieved to see his expression. After everyone gathered, Platoon Commander Wang said gently: "Well, I already know about it." Don't worry, I'll take care of this. In the future, be careful. ”

Everyone was relieved and went to work happily.

In the evening, Platoon Commander Wang stopped me, pulled me to the barracks, and asked me to help him write a "letter of apology" to the landlord.

He's written several copies, but he's not satisfied. He heard that my speech at the Recruit Corps meeting was brilliantly written, so he took me to polish it together.

After I finished writing, Platoon Leader Wang asked me to go back first. One evening two days later, after Li Baoxue and I got off work, we saw Platoon Leader Wang pulling with the landlord, Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang held 6 yuan in his hand, forced the fortress back to Platoon Commander Wang, and said: It is not easy for you to be a soldier, and you also help us dig wells. Two vases aren't worth a few dollars, you put them away quickly.

Platoon Commander Wang didn't accept it, he stopped Uncle Zhang's arm, and said: They are all my soldiers, or children are not sensible, you must accept this money. The extra part should be given to your son's wedding gift. You're welcome!

After speaking, Platoon Leader Wang ran away with a smoke, leaving only Uncle Zhang to stomp his feet at the gate of the courtyard.

In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

Li Baoxue and I watched the complete scene on the side. When I got back to the house, I told everyone about it.

Everyone was silent, thinking that they had made a mistake, but the leader came to help us shoulder this responsibility.

In private, some people still talked about how Wang Platoon Commander did not look like a platoon commander, he was sloppy every day, and his military uniform was always gray, and he didn't have the temperament of an officer at all.

But at this moment, everyone was deeply moved. After a while, I said: We should pay this money, and we shouldn't let Wang Pai Chang pay this money.

Everyone agreed. At this time, the two "culprits", Zhang Cong and Wang Jianming, jumped out and said that one of them would give three yuan, and the others would not have to come out.

It seems to be this reason, but since everyone lives in the same house, it is not appropriate for the two of them to pay this money.

So, I said: One person will pay one piece, exactly six yuan, and tomorrow we will return the money to Platoon Commander Wang.

The next day, I gave six yuan to Platoon Leader Wang, but he resolutely refused to accept it. Platoon Commander Wang said:

"You recruit dolls, you only have a few dollars a month. I am a platoon commander and receive a salary, and I am also responsible for this matter, so I didn't explain it to you in advance. ”

"You all work hard, our troops will not bury talents, just remember my old king in the future!"

I will return the money to everyone, and when I heard the words of Platoon Commander Wang, everyone was emotional.

In 1971, when the comrades-in-arms were fighting, they broke the vase in the countryman's wedding room, and the sloppy platoon commander dealt with it like this!

Two days later, a Hai 2 truck was loaded with sacks of grain. Platoon Commander Wang hurriedly told us to run back, pack our luggage, and prepare to get in the car and set off for Shanxi.

After packing up our gear, we climbed into the car and sat on top of the food. Platoon Commander Wang beckoned below, wishing us a safe journey.

It's a pity that because we were in such a hurry, we didn't even know the name of the platoon commander, and in the end we couldn't find anyone, and we didn't know if he was transferred or transferred back to the place.

It was he who taught us the technique of drilling wells in the north, and made us feel how the officers of the army treated the soldiers under them.

The truck departed from Laishui, returned to Yi County, and after eating a sorghum meal in Laiyuan County, it headed west, and it was not until the evening that we reached a ravine, and in a barracks densely packed with tents, I met Instructor Shen.

I stayed in the 2nd Company where Instructor Shen was, and the other 6 people also went to other companies.

I learned afterwards that the fact that we were assigned to "regimental logistics" was actually an "oolong". At that time, the farm really needed people to drill machine wells, but after the leaders of the new regiment discussed it, they sent a few of us "cultural people" to exercise.

Although they have been digging a well on the farm for a month, everyone has also suffered a little. But we didn't lose this experience.

Not only did they learn the techniques there, but most importantly, they really saw what the "people's army" is and what it means to "unite the army and the people as a family," and they also felt the love of grassroots officers for soldiers.

All these laid the foundation for my future military career and made me more stable. I will always be grateful for those days, and I am grateful to the platoon leader Wang who didn't know his name!


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