
500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

author:Teacher Lu shared
500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

The Russian-Ukrainian battlefield was originally a local war between the two countries, but after more than two years of tug-of-war, it has now developed into a full-scale war between Russia and the West.

In the war with Russia, Ukraine has frequently revealed its inability to fight back, and the national army has reached the stage of collapse.

As the promoter behind this proxy war, the NATO military alliance will not be able to sit still in the end.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

A defeated Ukraine cannot be exchanged for Russia's hand, so NATO issued a public statement on June 14, saying that NATO has assembled a total of 500,000 combat troops, and now all of them have entered the Polish front.

In order to confront Russia, NATO countries have spent a lot of money to comprehensively upgrade their military equipment, not only to equip them with the latest anti-aircraft missiles, but also to introduce American fifth-generation fighters.

You must know that Russia's fifth-generation fighters, but 20 of them, are not a fraction of NATO's F35.

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500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

1. Military oppression

Earlier, the NATO Director General pointed out that NATO has assembled a considerable number of troops in Poland and can enter the front line to fight at any time at the first order.

With the build-up of troops, advanced combat equipment from the West arrived.

First of all, it includes more than 4,000 advanced tanks, more than 20,000 armored vehicles of various types, and more than 6,000 rockets and heavy artillery.

Most notably, NATO will equip it with more than 900 of the latest fifth-generation fighter jets and equip them with military facilities in the perimeter, including field airfields, military fortifications, ammunition depots, hospitals, and more.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

At the same time, NATO's military oppression from the sea is gradually approaching.

According to publicly released statements, in addition to the combat power deployed by NATO on land and air forces, the naval side has assembled an unprecedented scale.

You must know that the Russian Navy has almost been destroyed before, there are very few ships with combat effectiveness, and the only aircraft carrier is still overhauled in the port.

The West, on the other hand, directly sent the latest Aegis missile destroyers, strategic nuclear submarines, as well as nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

So what else does Russia have?

Back at the beginning of this year, Russia publicly stated that the latest version of the T90M had already been delivered to the Ministry of Defense, and the latest modification of the BT 2 armored personnel carrier was also tested by the military.

In total, in 2023, Russia received more than 100 new or refurbished fighter jets, 150 helicopters, 3500 drones.

According to the plan, the Russian army will receive more than 36,000 pieces of main battle equipment this year.

It can be said that judging from the data on paper alone, Russia has also shown great resilience in the war, but through the existing equipment of the soldiers, it is still possible to see the power of the foreign power and the middle force.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

According to reports, the tank cemetery, which already existed in the former Soviet Union, has basically been tapped by Russia for war.

Allegedly, Russia even enabled the use of the T54T55 as a reserve armored vehicle and tank.

Although the T54T55 is more powerful than modern armored vehicles in terms of firepower, the technology born out of the last century makes it a dwarf in terms of electronics.

When such a tank goes to the battlefield, it can be expected that it will become a living handle for enemy helicopter gunships.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

Therefore, Russia's new increase in weapons and equipment this year is not so much an innovation in military equipment as it is a complete excavation of the arsenal, and it has no choice but to buy new equipment.

Although Russia's military spending this year has exceeded 100 billion US dollars, it still looks like a grasshopper compared to NATO.

But Russia, as a traditional fighting nation, will not easily admit defeat.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

2. Why attack Russia?

In response to the frequent military provocations of NATO countries, the Russian Ministry of Defense gave a strong response to this.

They said that they would not accept any act that harmed the interests of the country and would choose all measures to defend the country.

It can be said that the direct fate of NATO means that the contradictions between the two sides have been picked on the bright side, and it can be said that this is a war in which both sides bet on their national fortunes, either NATO will disintegrate or Russia will split.

In fact, the West's plan for the partition of Russia has long been underway, and in their plan, Russia will be broken up into dozens of countries the size of small Western countries.

At that time, Russia will no longer have any deterrent power.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

As the saying goes, a hundred-legged insect dies but does not stiffen, and although the Soviet Union was divided, it left behind a huge legacy of war and science and technology, which was fully inherited by Russia.

Although the latter is not an opponent of the United States, it can compete with NATO and can vaguely gain the upper hand in every struggle.

This is unacceptable for the United States.

On the one hand, the dignity of the United States brooks no provocation, and on the other hand, it is the needs of the domestic conditions of the United States.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

The United States is a country of immigrants, and the relatively low threshold has made several countries full of human beings of all races, so very fierce conflicts have erupted between new residents and traditional residents.

For a country, usually at this stage, it is basically on the verge of extinction, but how can the United States hold on for more than 20 years and stand tall?

The reason is that the United States is very good at using external contradictions to transfer internal conflicts.

To this end, the United States launched a series of wars with modest returns, spending trillions of dollars, but did not achieve any real results, but prolonged the war indefinitely.

So for the United States, it is necessary to have a long-standing and not so strong adversary.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

So after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in the weakest years of Russia, the United States did not completely dismember Russia, but left him alone.

Russia's previous move to be seemingly strong and surrounded by nuclear bombs is actually more like a child with a knife in the eyes of Americans, which makes people laugh.

But why can't the United States laugh now, but is still in a hurry to end up in person?

That's because he has his real opponent, and with the two sides evenly matched, Russia may be the weight that will pry the balance of victory.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

In terms of the scale of the existing military equipment of the United States, even if the obsolete arsenal is taken out and reused after simple repairs, it will be able to attack Russia in all directions.

So at this moment of life and death, how should Russia respond in the face of NATO's fierce eye?

3. Lift the scales of victory

There is no direct war between the two sides, but there are more than 10,000 sanctions imposed by NATO countries on Russia's economy.

Today, Russia is almost the only country in the world that has completely separated itself from the West and has become independent.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

As you can see today, Putin's latest public statement that the World Bank has determined that Russia has become the world's de facto fourth economic power by calculating the purchasing power of money.

NATO did not expect that Russia would become stronger and stronger, but it would not be able to survive the more it fought, and now this move can be regarded as a failure.

As mentioned earlier, there is still a big gap between Russia's military power and that of the West, especially in terms of advanced weapons.

So how should Russia solve this dilemma?

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

First of all, Russia has never stopped the research and development of advanced weapons and equipment in the past few years, and even in the face of a bad economy, it still retains a relatively advanced army.

Taking the fifth-generation fighter as an example, after the emergence of the fifth-generation fighter, the existing air combat pattern has been changed, and relying on limited equipment, countries with fifth-generation aircraft can fight an asymmetrical battle.

For example, in the past, the American F22 once played a record of more than 1:100.

After 2010, the United States made every effort to develop a new F35 fighter, which is even stronger than the F22.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

So Russia developed the Su-57 accordingly.

According to the video, this fighter has participated in the fighting on the Russian-Ukrainian front, and the actual combat results are good.

In other words, in the first round of attacks, the Su-57 can completely not fall behind.

In addition, in response to the attack of Western fifth-generation aircraft, Russia, like China, has developed a corresponding tactic, that is, to specialize in early warning aircraft.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

Without AWACS aircraft, no matter how advanced the aircraft is, it will be equivalent to becoming blind, and it will only be slaughtered by others.

Although it is a battle between Russia and the West on the surface, behind the scenes, China's intervention is indispensable.

China is a full-fledged strategic partner in the future, similar in nature to a quasi-ally.

In addition, China needs cheap Russian oil and gas to supply the country, so the two sides have long become highly interdependent politically and economically, and Chinese intervention is inevitable.

But it is not so natural to want to compete for China's aid.

No one wants to support an Adou who can't be supported, and if Russia wants to really get China's support, it must also need to show its strength on the battlefield.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

Now Russia is very poorly equipped, but if the two sides are fully engaged and Russia can not fall behind, it will show that it has the value of being copied by China.

Today, China's advanced fighter jets and various types of advanced equipment have surpassed those of the United States in an all-round way.

Moreover, China is the world's largest industrial power, as long as Russia can survive the first round of strikes, China will be able to fill the equipment in the shortest possible time.

As an advanced fighter that has changed the pattern of war, China's J-20, as a national heavy weapon, naturally cannot be easily exported.

But now that the domestic J-35 has matured, Russia will likely become the first overseas user of the J-35.

500,000 troops deployed? With 20,000 armored vehicles and 900 fifth-generation aircraft: the war is a decisive battle

In addition, drones are known as a weapon to change the pattern of modern warfare, and presumably once it receives China's support, Russia will immediately have an inexhaustible fleet of drones.

At that time, the operational concepts from the new era will give the greatest shock to Western countries.


Today's world pattern is very similar to the Three Kingdoms period, the West is like Cao Wei, it seems to be strong, strong in the outside and capable in the middle, while Russia is similar to Shu Han, with few troops, but all elite soldiers and strong generals.

Now being tough on the outside world is just like Zhuge Liang's concept of attacking first, exchanging the smallest price for the greatest result.

However, Russia's size is ultimately doomed to not be able to complete a protracted war, and the future of Russia still seems to be shrouded in mystery.


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